Category: Civic Education

National Unity. Pry 6 First Term CIVIC EDUCATION Week 6

Subject : CIVIC EDUCATION   Class :Basic 6 TOPIC: National Unity Term : First Term Week : Week  6 Previous Knowledge : The pupils have the previous knowledge of  co-operation  Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to define national unity say the benefits of national unity mention

CO-OPERATION . Pry 6 First Term Week 5

Subject : CIVIC EDUCATION   Class :Basic 6 TOPIC: CO-OPERATION Term : First Term Week : Week  5 Previous Knowledge : The pupils have the previous knowledge of  Values that promote peace Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to define co-operation say the benefits of co-operation mention

Values that promote peace in Nigeria. Pry 6 Week 4

Subject : CIVIC EDUCATION   Class :Basic 6 TOPIC: Values that promote peace Term : First Term Week : Week 4 Previous Knowledge : The pupils have the previous knowledge of Reasons for giving national honors Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to define peace mention values


PRIMARY 6 CIVIC EDUCATIONS 1ST TERM   SCHEME OF WORK   PRIMARY 6 CIVIC EDUCATION FIRST  TERM WEEKS TOPICS WEEK 1. National Honors Awards Reasons for giving national honors   WEEK 2. (A). Examples and Categories on Nigerian National honours Awards (B). Examples of selfless service (C). Outstanding National Award Recipient   WEEK 3. Valuing


  CITIZENSHIP AND NATIONALIZATION   Subject :  Civic education Term : Second Term Week: Week 3 Class : Basic 6 / Grade 6 / Primary 6   Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND IDENTITY   in their previous lesson   Topic : CITIZENSHIP AND NATIONALIZATION Behavioural objectives : At


      Class :Primary 6      Subject : Civic Education      Topic : COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS    Content   The commonwealth of Nations is made up of independent states or countries which were formerly in the British Empire.   The commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary organisation and it has no written

Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

  Primary 6 Civic Education Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) CONTENT ECOWAS was founded in lagos on the 28th of May, 19 75 to promote free trade movement among members state. The headquarters of ECOWAS is at ABUJA Member counties of ECOWAS West African States Member states: West African States Member states: BENIN
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