Category: Social Studies Primary 5

Communication and Transportation

  Class: Basic 5   Subject: Social Studies   Topic: Revision ( Communication and transportation)   1. ______________ is the movement of people, goods and services from one place to another.   2. Mention the means of transportation.   3. The sending of information from one person to another is known as _________________________.   4.

What is desalination?

  Class: Basic 5 Subject: Social Studies Topic: Tests Instructions: Read and answer the following questions correctly. 1. Buildings with two floors are called ________________. (a) Bungalows (b) Duplexes (c) Skyscrapers 2. What is desalination? 3. The first railway line in Nigeria was from ___________ to _____________. 4. Mention the two major forms of land

Revision (Physical development and Personal hygiene)

  Class: Basic 5 Subject: Social Studies Topic: Revision (Physical development and Personal hygiene) Instruction: Read the questions and answer them correctly. ___________ is the period when a child’s body undergoes dramatic sexual development. (a) Adolescence (b) Puberty (c) growth Two factors that can hinder physical growth and development are __________ and ____________. List three

Moral Education and Civil Societies in Nigeria

  Class: Basic 5   Subject: Civic Education   Topic: Moral Education and Civil Societies.   Moral education is a training which shows us the right and just way to lead our lives. The right values of life such as tolerance, hard work, obedience, honesty, unity of purpose in conduct, love, etc.   Preaching the


    Class: Basic 5   Subject: Social Studies   Topic: Pollution   Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances into the environment. These substances are called contaminants.   Contaminants can cause instability, disorder and harm to the ecosystem.   The ecosystem refers to the way living organisms interact with their physical environment.   There


FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 20 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME:………… … Instruction: Choose the correct answer from the options lettered a – d. 1.)The Sister of either your father or mother is your ___________. (a) sister (b) aunt (c) in-law (d) cousin 2.)A group of people related by marriage or adoption is ____________ (a)


SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2019     CLASS: PRIMARY 5     SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… . (1.)   _______ are the people who are committed to promoting and safeguarding the right of all individuals (a) human activities (b) human right activist (c) human right activities (d) human activists (2.)   Which of the following acronyms does not

Write Short Notes On The Objectives Of Social Studies

Meaning: Social Studies is the study of man and his environment. Man’s environment may be social or physical environment. Social studies is designed in such a way that students will gain basic understanding of certain skills, abilities, and attitudes that will make them become active citizens of the society. “Social Science is the study of
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