Islamic Religious Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9 Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 9 Age: 9 years Topic: Suratul Inshira (Q:94:1-8) Sub-topic: A) Recitation Sub-topic: B) Meaning Sub-topic: C) Reason for Revelation Sub-topic: D) Uses Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson,
Subject: French Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 1 Age: 9 years Topic: Pourquoi Apprendre le Français Sub-topic: L’importance de la langue française et les pays francophones voisins Duration: 1 hour Behavioural Objectives: Identify the French-speaking countries neighboring Nigeria and their capitals. Relate the French language to various professions. Explain the importance of learning
Subject: French Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 2 Age: 9 years Topic: Les Salutations Sub-topic: Saluer et Répondre aux Salutations Duration: 1 hour Behavioural Objectives: Greet others in French. Respond to greetings appropriately. Use different greetings for different times of the day. Keywords: Bonjour (Good morning) Salut (Hi) Bonsoir (Good evening) Ça va?
Subject: French Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 3 Age: 9 years Topic: Les Salutations Sub-topic: Saluer et Prendre Congé Duration: 1 hour Behavioural Objectives: Greet others in French. Respond to greetings appropriately. Use expressions to say goodbye in French. Keywords: Au revoir (Goodbye) À tout à l’heure (See you later) À bientôt (See
Subject: French Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 4 Age: 9 years Topic: Se Présenter Sub-topic: Manière de le Dire Duration: 1 hour Behavioural Objectives: Introduce themselves by stating their name, surname, nationality, and address. State the languages they speak. Keywords: Je m’appelle (My name is) Mon nom est (My last name is) Mon
Subject: French Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 5 Age: 9 years Topic: Se Présenter Sub-topic: Manière de le Dire Duration: 1 hour Behavioural Objectives: State their full name, surname, first name, and address. Mention the languages they speak. Keywords: Je m’appelle (My name is) Mon nom est (My last name is) Mon prénom
Subject: French Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 7 Age: 9 years Topic: Réciter l’Alphabet Français Sub-topic: Les Lettres de l’Alphabet, Les Voyelles et les Consonnes Duration: 1 hour Behavioural Objectives: Recite the French alphabet. Identify the letters of the alphabet. Differentiate between consonants and vowels. Keywords: Alphabet Voyelles (Vowels) Consonnes (Consonants) Set Induction:
Subject: French Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 8 Age: 9 years Topic: Demander et Donner des Informations sur Soi Sub-topic: Nom, Âge, Adresse, Nationalité Duration: 1 hour Behavioural Objectives: Ask questions about personal identity (name, age, address, nationality). Respond to questions about personal identity (name, age, address, nationality). Complete a personal information form.
Subject: French Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 9 Age: 9 years Topic: Demander et Donner des Informations sur Soi Sub-topic: Nom, Âge, Adresse, Nationalité Duration: 1 hour Behavioural Objectives: Ask questions about personal identity (name, age, address, nationality). Respond to questions about personal identity (name, age, address, nationality). Complete a personal information form.
Subject: French Class: Primary 4 Term: First Term Week: 10 Age: 9 years Topic: Parler de la Famille Sub-topic: Les Membres de la Famille Duration: 1 hour Behavioural Objectives: Identify and name family members in French. Describe family relationships using French vocabulary. Use simple sentences to talk about their family. Keywords: Mère (Mother) Père (Father)