English Grammar

Fill in the correct form of adjectives from the following option.

  CLASS:: Primary 3   SUBJECT:: English– Language .   TOPIC:: Assessment Test. Fill in the correct form of adjectives from the following option. Questions… (1) That boy  speaks  _________ English that we do.  (a)better (b)good (c)well (d)best (2)He has  a _______ cat (white,, man, woman)  (3)Today is the______ day of the whole week (a)fine

English Composition. TOPIC Food.

  SUBJECT:: English– Composition. TOPIC:::Food.     Content Fill in the gaps with the correct words below….   dangerous, safe, stomach,poisoning* fall ill,,hands,food cooking,,bacteria,* pot,processing* growth.   (1)Food can become bad at any stage during it’s_________or __________   (2)Million of people__ as a result of eating unsafe food.   (3)Food poisoning is a  ________illness.  

Wh-Questions and Responses

  CLASS:: Primary 3 SUBJECT:: English-Grammar. TOPIC:’Wh-Questions and Responses.   Content::   Wh-question are words that begin with “wh” and are used to ask questions. They are÷÷÷ what,why,whom,who whose,where,which, how.   Examples of questions and responses are÷÷÷     Questions÷ (1)What is in the box? Response÷ There is a cat in the box.   (2)

The reward of honesty

  CLASS:::: Primary 3 SUBJECT:: English -Comprehension TOPIC::: Ajibola , the honest boy.   Content:::::   Ajibola was an orphan. He was in JSS 1 when his two parents died in a road accident. He had nobody to take care of him except an old uncle, who fed,housed,and clothed him and also paid his school


    English Grammar.   Conjunction Conjunctions are words that join single words or sentences.   Examples : and, as, when, but before, because, since If, so, unless etc.   1. Peter *and* Mary are friends   2. I was eating *when* she came in.   3. She said *that* she lost her ring.  

Letter Writing Primary 5

  English Language. Topic : Letter Writing. Class : Primary 5 When writing observe all your punctuation marks. You use capital letters to start sentences and name of proper nouns. Full stops (.) at the end of a sentence. Comma (,) that separates words or phrases..   Letter Writing   Letter writing is a means


SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2020 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Comprehension A Terrible Rainstorm A rainstorm wreaked havoc on Ilugun community one day. On that day, the Sun was hot. There was heat. People sat under the big trees for air. The green leaves had turned brown. The soil burned like an oven. Everybody

Primary 3 Second Term Examinations MY BEST FOOD

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Answer all questions Every Nigerian ______ pays some amount of money as tax to the government of the country (a) goat (b) friend (c) citizen (d) student Citizens of a country work together for the success of their ________ (a) family (b) country (c) street

Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies

Class 3 Scheme Of Work Second Term English Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies Scheme Of Work Second Term Class 3 /Primary 3/Basic 3 English Grammar 1. Oral Comprehension Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies Week 1 2. Use of capital letter, punctuation marks in sentences Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English