Civic Education First Term Examination Primary 3 Part A Objectives 1. Civic education teaches us to be __________ citizens. a) Good b) Happy c) Funny d) Blue 2. Our rights and _________ make us responsible citizens. a) Duties b) Bananas c) Clouds d) Tigers 3. The police help to maintain ________ in our community. a)
Civic Education Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9 Subject: Civic Education Class: Primary 3 Term: First Term Week: 9 Age: 8 years Topic: Benefits of Democracy Sub-topic: Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Association Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Pupils should be able to: Explain the benefits of democracy in society. Discuss and
WEEK1& 2 Topic: National Consciousness Subtopic: National identity Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Define national identify List some of the elements national identify Resources & materials: Scheme of work. 9 years curriculum Pupils textbook Online resources INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: poster Picture Map National symbols
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION CLASS: PRIMARY 3 OBJECTIVES 1) is a person or group of persons chosen to carry out a particular role or function on behalf of the people. (a)Messenger (b)Constituted authority (c)King 2) Obas, Emirs and Ezes are examples of (a)Political
Primary 3 Third Term Scheme of work Civic Education Civic Education Week 1 Nigerian National Symbols Week 2 How To Demonstrate Respect for National Symbols Week 3 The Nigerian National Flag and The Coat of Arms Week 4 Respect for constituted authority. Week 5 Differences between National Symbols
Primary 3 Second Term Scheme of work Civic Education Primary 3 Civic Education Second Term Lesson Notes And Lesson Plans With Scheme of Work Week 1 The Nigerian National symbols Nigerian National Symbols Civic Education Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Week 2 The constitution and the mace The Nigerian Constitution and The Mace Week
Weekly Brief: Civic Education Primary 3 First Term Week 1: Meaning of Civic Education Topic: Introduction to Civic Education Key Points: Understanding the concept of civic education and its importance in society. Pupils discussed why civic education is necessary for becoming responsible citizens. Week 2: Components of Civic Education Topic: Elements of Civic Education Key
CIVIC STUDIES Instruction – Answer all the questions in section A 1. The mace is a symbol of______________(a) weakness (b) peace (c) authority (d) prayer 2. The white colour on the national flag stands for _____________ (a)disharmony (b) violence (c) peace (d) beauty 3. The agency in charge of voter’s card
2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME: Underline the correct option 1. Rights are _______________ we enjoy as citizens of a society. (a) benefits (b) qualities (c) assistance 2. The ______________ is the place where a child learns to interact with other people. (a)
Civic Education Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7 Subject: Civic Education Class: Primary 3 Term: First Term Week: 7 Age: 8 years Topic: Mid-Term Assessment Sub-topic: Assessment of Knowledge on Civic Education Topics Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: Pupils should be able to: Recall and apply knowledge of civic education topics covered in