Category: Civic Education

Third Term Examinations Primary 3 Civic Education

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION                                 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 OBJECTIVES  1)        is a person or group of persons chosen to carry out a particular role or function on behalf of the people. (a)Messenger  (b)Constituted authority  (c)King  2)    Obas, Emirs and Ezes are examples of         (a)Political

2nd Term Summative Test Grade 3 Civic Studies

CIVIC STUDIES   Instruction – Answer all the questions in section A   1. The mace is a symbol of______________(a) weakness (b) peace (c) authority (d) prayer   2. The white colour on the national flag stands for _____________ (a)disharmony (b) violence (c) peace (d) beauty   3. The agency in charge of voter’s card

Civic Education 2nd Term Examination Primary 3

2ND TERM EXAMINATION 2012 CLASS: PRIMARY 3   SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION   NAME:     Underline the correct option     1. Rights are _______________ we enjoy as citizens of a society. (a) benefits (b) qualities (c) assistance   2. The ______________ is the place where a child learns to interact with other people. (a)


EDU DELIGHT TUTORS (NURSERY & PRIMARY) ONLINE RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS AND LEARNERS THIRD TERM EDT EXAMINATION EDT 017 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Answer all questions 1.) The aspect of education that helps us to know the activities of the government and right of citizens is known as ____ (a) civil war (b)

Modern Day Means of Communication.

  CLASS:: Primary 3   SUBJECT:: Social-Studies.   TOPIC:: Modern Day Means of Communication. Content The world has come a long way in developing communication technology. Nowadays most of the methods of communication are fast and powered by electricity. Tools of modern day means of communication. (1)Radio (2)Television (3) The internet (4)Billboard (5(Newspaper (6)Magazine Advantages

Civic education help us to understand our government

  SUBJECT:: Civic – Education   Disobeying rules and regulations brings   A. reward B. promotion C. punishment   Civic education help us to understand our government A. True B false C. May be   We put waste paper into the ……   A. Locker B. Corner of the class C. Waste bin   Harmful
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