Primary 2

Home Economics Primary 2 Second Term Examination

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2025 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS TIME: 1 HOUR NAME:………………………………………………………… GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS This examination is designed to test your knowledge of Home Economics. Read each question carefully before answering. Answer all questions as instructed. Do not cheat or talk to other students during the exam. Stay calm,

Social Studies Primary 2 Second Term Examination

  SECOND TERM EXAMINATION  CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME:………………………………………………………………………………… SECTION A: OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (20 Marks) Choose the correct answer from the options provided. 1.) A ____ is a person from a country other than our country. (a) foreigner (b) journey (c) school 2.) A place where we buy and sell goods is _______.

Second Term Examination Questions Primary 2 French

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: FRENCH NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… SECTION A: MATCHING WORDS (10 MARKS) Match the words in Column A with their correct meanings in Column B. A (French Words) B (English Meanings) Une chambre (a) Sitting room Une salle à manger (b) Kitchen Un salon (c) Toilet Une cuisine (d) Bedroom Une toilette

Second Term Examination History Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Second Term Examination Instructions For Teachers Ensure all students are seated properly and have their exam materials. Read the instructions clearly to the students. Remind students to write clearly and neatly in their answer sheets. Make sure no student is allowed to look at another student’s work during the examination. Monitor the students to avoid

Heroes in Ancient Lagos History Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Subject: History Class: Primary 2 Term: Second Term Week: 10 Age: 7-8 years Topic: Heroes in Lagos State Sub-topic: Notable Heroes and Their Achievements Duration: 45 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Identify at least three notable heroes from Lagos State. Describe one achievement or quality of

Mid Term Test History Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Subject: History Class: Primary 2 Term: Second Term Week: 7 Topic: Second Term Mid Term Test (Based on all previous topics) Duration: 60 minutes Entry Behaviour: Students should be prepared to demonstrate their understanding of the topics covered in the second term. Key Words: Mid term test, history, topics, geography, topography, major cities, towns, Lagos