Category: History of Education (PDE 701)

Carefully assess the areas in which the 1969 Curriculum Conference impacted on the development of education in Nigeria

The impact of the 1969 Curriculum Conference on the development of education in Nigeria: “1969 Curriculum Conference in Nigeria” “Impact of Curriculum Conference on Nigerian Education” “Development of Education in Nigeria after 1969 Conference” “Assessment of Curriculum Conference’s Influence on Nigerian Education” “Changes in Nigerian Education System from 1969 Conference”   The 1969 Curriculum Conference

Threats impeding the development of education in Nigeria.

Critically examine any five (5) threats impeding the development of education in Nigeria. The major threats impeding the development of education in Nigeria are; A. The National Policy on education: Educationists over the years have pointed that the current National Policy on education was conceived and hatched at a time when the country’s economy was

Identify and expantiate on any five (5) main areas of education that were identified as crucial by the 1969 National Curriculum Conference.

Science and Mathematics Education: The conference recognized the importance of a strong foundation in science and mathematics. These subjects were seen as essential for fostering critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a deeper understanding of the natural world. Emphasis was placed on inquiry-based learning and practical applications of scientific principles. Language Education: Language education was highlighted

There were many factors that helped to serve the basis for Nigeria’s educational policies as recommended by the commission on colonial education policies in Africa. Discuss any five (5) of them

There were many factors that helped to serve the basis for Nigeria’s educational policies as recommended by the commission on colonial education policies in Africa. Discuss any five (5) of them   [mediator_tech] Economic Development: The commission emphasized the need for education to contribute to economic development. They believed that education should prepare students with

Make a good presentation on five (5) of the provisions of the ordinance which laid down the principles that became the foundation of the education laws in Nigeria

Make a good presentation on five (5) of the provisions of the ordinance which laid down the principles that became the foundation of the education laws in Nigeria         Compulsory and Free Primary Education: The ordinance emphasized the importance of providing compulsory and free primary education for all children, ensuring that access

Discuss the five (5) formal steps in teaching as advocated by Johann Friedrich Herbert in (1906).

Johann Friedrich Herbart, a prominent educational theorist, introduced a pedagogical approach that emphasized a systematic and structured process for teaching. In 1906, he laid out five formal steps, often referred to as the “Herbartian Five-Step Method,” which aimed to facilitate effective instruction and student engagement. These steps were designed to guide teachers in organizing lessons


        THE NATURE OF ROMAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM BEFORE THE ADVENT OF THE GREEKS.             Before the Greeks began to influence Roman education, the early Roman educational system was primarily informal and practical. Education was imparted within the family and focused on teaching essential life skills such as

Teacher’s Roles in Education

PDE 703 Revision Questions 4 b) Describe the roles of a professional teacher in detail. (20 marks) (Was asked ONLY in YEAR 2016 Q4b) The roles of a professional teacher are to PDE703 Pg 9: i. Translate scheme of work to a lesson plan and further develop the lesson plan into a lesson note. ii.
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