DATE: FRIDAY, 1ST MAY, 2020. CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDY TOPIC: THE PRINTER The printer is an output device used to print paper documents. The printed documents are called hardcopy while the documents in our device are soft copy. They are used to print out pictures, text etc which could be in
Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Social norms Topic: Types of fruits. There are different types of fruits which are Pawpaw Mango Oranges Banana Tomatoes Waterlemon Apple Mention four(4) Types of fruits that you know 1. ________________
DATE: Wednesday, 29th April, 2020. CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: English Language. TOPIC: Punctuation(Capital Letters) Punctuation are the marks placed between sentences to give it meaning. It consist of capital letters, full stop, comma, question mark, colon, semi colon, quotation mark, parenthesis, etc. Capital letter is used to begin the name of a particular person, place,
Date: Wednesday, 29th April, 2020. Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Reading Readiness. Topic: Sentence Formation. 1 . It is a Cat. It is a Hen. It is a Cap. It is a Mat. It is a Cup. Home work Use “It is a ” to complete these words as a sentence. 1) Fan 2) key 3)
Subject : Basic Science and Technology Class : Basic 4 Term : Third Term Basic Science and Technology Basic 4 Third Term 016 Basic Science and Technology Basic 4 Third Term 017 Basic Science and Technology Basic 4 Third Term 018
Subject: Verbal Reasoning Topic: Synonyms (words similar in meaning) Choose a word that have the same meaning from the list words given in the bracket as the word in capital letter: 1.) ILL = _________________ ( health, fever, sick, dirty) 2.) NEAR = _______________ ( speed, far, distance, close) 3.) OLD = ________________ ( aged,
CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: Agricultural Science TOPIC: Meaning, Importance and Composition of a Balanced Diet. CONTENT: A balanced diet is a food eating man and animals which contains all the classes of food in their right proportion. A balanced diet should contain various nutrients which perform different functions in the body. Importance of balance diet
NAME:……………..…………………………………..………… CLASS:………….….……………… SECOND TERM E – LEARNING NOTES JS 3 (BASIC 9) SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION SCHEME OF WORK WEEK: TOPIC: Protection of the Rule of law(a) Meaning of the rule of law. (b)The Rule of law e.g. equity before the law, all laws must be obeyed by all citizens, etc. (c) Protection of the rule
CLASS: Basic 3 SUBJECT: Social Studies TOPIC: Road Accident CONTENT: Road accident is an unexpected event on the road which causes great damage or loss of lives. Accidents can hurt or injure us for a long time. Different accidents can lead to scrapes and scratches or broken bones but a
Subject : Basic Science and Technology Class : Basic 4 Term : Third Term Week : 2nd week Topic : Usefulness and Importance of Technology in our day to day activities Previous knowledge : The pupils have the taught the use of end products of technology like blender, washing machine, pressing iron, speakers etc