Category: English Studies


ENGLISH STUDIES FIRST TERM JSS 3 WEEKLY LESSON NOTES     FIRST TERM E- LEARNING NOTE CLASS: JSS3 (BASIC 9)                                             SUBJECT: ENGLISH STUDIES   SCHEME OF WORK WEEK           TOPIC   Speech Work–Long and Short Vowel Contrasts /i: – i/; /a: – æ/ and /ɔ: – ɒ/. (NOSEC, page 1)Vocabulary Development: Adjectives of Colour

Words Expressing ‘Moral Value’

Subject: ENGLISH STUDIES Term: First Term Week: Week 9 Class: JSS 3 / BASIC 9 Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of Expressing Obligation and Necessity that was taught in their previous lesson Topic: Speech Work – Consonant Contrast /p – f/; /Ʒ – ʃ/; /t – q/; /l – r/; /s – q/; /ʃ

Expressing Obligation and Necessity

Subject: ENGLISH STUDIES Term: First Term Week: Week 8 Class: JSS 3 / BASIC 9 Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of Order of Adjectives that was taught in their previous lesson Topic: Speech Work – Consonant Contrast /p – f/; /Ʒ – ʃ/; /t – q/; /l – r/; /s – q/; /ʃ –

Order of Adjectives

Subject: ENGLISH STUDIES Term: First Term Week: Week 6 Class: JSS 3 / BASIC 9 Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of Expressing Intension and Permission (using intend, aim + to infinitive; can, could, may, might, mind that was taught in their previous lesson Topic: Speech Work Consonants Contrasts/s – z/;/d – ð/; /ʃ –

Expressing Willingness/Unwillingness (using modal verb + adverbial).

Subject: ENGLISH STUDIES Term: First Term Week: Week 4 Class: JSS 3 / BASIC 9 Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of Describing Emotions (likes and dislikes) that was taught in their previous lesson Topic: Speech Work – Contrast Consonants: /aƱ/; /ƏƱ/; /iƏ/; /eƏ/ and /ƱƏ/(NOSEC, page 32)   Vocabulary Development: Antonyms (Exercise: Antonyms 2

Describing Emotions (likes and dislikes)

Subject: ENGLISH STUDIES Term: First Term Week: Week 3 Class: JSS 3 / BASIC 9 Previous lesson: Pupils have previous knowledge of Modifiers- adjectives and verbs- to do with sense of smell that was taught in their previous lesson Topic: Speech Work Diphthongs /ei/; /ai/; /ɔi/; /ƏƱ/(NOSEC, page 22); Vocabulary Development Antonyms (Words nearly opposite

Adjectives of Colour and Sound

WEEK 1 Speech Work–Long and Short vowel contrasts /I:/and /i/; /a:/ / and Comprehension/Vocabulary Vocabulary Development: Adjectives of Colour and Sound NOSEC Book 3 Page 4. Structure: conjunction and preposition ;ReadingComprehension:‘The More You Look’ (NOSEC Book 3, pages 8 – 10); Structure: Prepositions (NOSEC, page 104); Composition: Narrative Essay (Writing an outline of an Essay)
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