Lesson Plan Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: JSS 1 Term: First Term Week: 1 Age: 11–12 years Topic: Review of First Term’s Examination Questions Sub-topic: Understanding and correcting mistakes in the previous examination Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Identify the areas where they made
1st Term Examination CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE BASIC 2 Name:…………………………… Section A Objective: Answer all questions Emmanuel means ____________ (a)Christ (b)God with us (c)heaven Prophet __________ foretold the birth of the saviours (a)Elijah (b)Peter (c)Isaiah __________ is the Saviour (a)Joseph (b)Joshua (c)Jesus Christ A __________ is a saviour or liberator of a group of people
CRS ____ was regarded as Supreme Being (a) god (b) gods (c) God The world ‘Alpha’ means ______ (a) beginning (b) ending (c)beginning and end God is Omniscience because ____ (a) He possesses all power (b) He is present everywhere (c) He knows everything According to Edo, God is called ________(a) Abas (b)Osanobwa (c)Ubangiji
THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE CLASS: JSS 1 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Call to Freedom Political Freedom for the Israelites Deborah and Barak Eminent Nigerians Obtained Freedom for Their People Other Eminent Nigerians: Human Right Society Call to Repentance: Paul, David Call to Repentance: John the Baptist, The Prodigal Son
Christian Religious Studies JSS 1 First Term Weekly Topics Week 1: Introduction to Christian Religious Studies The Importance of Studying Christian Religious Studies Understanding and Correcting Examination Mistakes Christian Religious Studies JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Week 2: Call To Service Understanding the Call to Service Christian Religious Studies JSS 1 First