Islamic Knowledge Check and Term Readiness Islamic Religious Studies Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Lesson Plan for Islamic Religious Studies – Primary 6 (First Term, Week 1)

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Class: Primary 6
Term: First Term
Week: 1
Age: 10 years
Topic: Readiness Test / Revision
Sub-topic: Revision of Previous Topics and Introduction to New Concepts
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Recall previous knowledge from last term.
  2. Identify key lessons learned from previous topics.
  3. Answer questions related to Islamic teachings covered earlier.
  4. Prepare for the new term with confidence.


  • Revision
  • Readiness
  • Knowledge
  • Islamic Teachings
  • Preparation

Set Induction

The teacher asks the pupils about their holiday and how they spent their time. This will lead into revising topics discussed in the previous term.

Entry Behaviour

Pupils have basic knowledge of the Islamic teachings from the previous term, including prayers, morals, and key events in Islamic history.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Chalkboard
  • Marker
  • Textbooks on Islamic Studies
  • Writing materials (notebooks, pens)

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Pupils will build on the lessons learned last term, such as the significance of prayers and good character in Islam.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Listening skills
  • Communication

Learning Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Islamic Studies textbooks

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Primary 6 Islamic Religious Studies Textbook

Instructional Materials

  • Chalkboard and chalk
  • Flashcards with key Islamic concepts
  • Handouts with past term topics

Content (Explanation of Topic)

  1. Revision: Reviewing the key lessons from last term helps pupils remember important facts and ideas.
  2. Key Topics:
    • The Five Pillars of Islam.
    • The importance of prayers (Salah).
    • The life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
    • Good behavior in Islam.
  3. Examples:
    • What is Shahada (Testimony of Faith)?
    • How many times do Muslims pray in a day?
    • What is the importance of Zakat (Charity)?
    • When was Prophet Muhammad born?
    • What are examples of good behavior taught in Islam?

Evaluation (15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options)

  1. Muslims pray __ times a day.
    a) 2 b) 5 c) 3 d) 6
  2. The first pillar of Islam is __.
    a) Zakat b) Hajj c) Shahada d) Fasting
  3. The Prophet of Islam is __.
    a) Jesus b) Moses c) Muhammad d) Ibrahim
  4. The Quran was revealed to __.
    a) Moses b) Ibrahim c) Muhammad d) Noah
  5. Zakat means __.
    a) Fasting b) Charity c) Testimony d) Pilgrimage
  6. Muslims fast during the month of __.
    a) Rajab b) Ramadan c) Shawwal d) Safar
  7. __ is the act of giving charity to the needy.
    a) Salah b) Zakat c) Hajj d) Shahada
  8. The Islamic prayer that is performed at noon is called __.
    a) Fajr b) Dhuhr c) Asr d) Maghrib
  9. __ is the pilgrimage to Mecca.
    a) Zakat b) Fasting c) Hajj d) Shahada
  10. The holy book of Islam is the __.
    a) Bible b) Torah c) Quran d) Zabur
  11. Muslims perform Hajj in the month of __.
    a) Muharram b) Dhu al-Hijjah c) Ramadan d) Shawwal
  12. The Quran was revealed over __ years.
    a) 10 b) 23 c) 15 d) 40
  13. __ is the prayer performed before sunrise.
    a) Maghrib b) Isha c) Fajr d) Dhuhr
  14. The __ pillar of Islam is fasting.
    a) First b) Second c) Third d) Fourth
  15. The Islamic term for charity is __.
    a) Hajj b) Zakat c) Salah d) Shahada

Class Activity Discussion (15 FAQs with Answers)

  1. What is Shahada?
    Shahada is the declaration of faith in Islam.
  2. How many prayers do Muslims perform daily?
    Five prayers.
  3. Who is the last Prophet in Islam?
    Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
  4. What is the significance of Zakat?
    Zakat is charity given to help the needy.
  5. When do Muslims fast?
    During the month of Ramadan.
  6. What is the Quran?
    The holy book of Islam.
  7. What is the fifth pillar of Islam?
    Hajj (pilgrimage).
  8. Who received the Quran?
    Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
  9. What is the importance of Salah?
    It is the daily prayer that connects Muslims with Allah.
  10. What is Fajr prayer?
    The prayer performed before sunrise.
  11. What is the second pillar of Islam?
    Salah (prayer).
  12. What is Hajj?
    The pilgrimage to Mecca.
  13. Why do Muslims give Zakat?
    To help the less fortunate.
  14. What is Ramadan?
    The month of fasting.
  15. What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
    Shahada, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj.


  • Step 1: The teacher revises the last term’s topics such as the Five Pillars of Islam and the importance of good character.
  • Step 2: The teacher introduces the new term by conducting a readiness test.
  • Step 3: The teacher allows pupils to share their answers, correcting them as needed.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Guide pupils through the revision of past topics.
  • Administer the readiness test.
  • Provide corrections and explanations where needed.

Learners’ Activities

  • Participate in revision.
  • Answer the readiness test questions.
  • Share their responses during class discussions.

Assessment (10 Short Answer Questions)

  1. What is the first pillar of Islam?
  2. How many times do Muslims pray each day?
  3. Who is the last Prophet in Islam?
  4. What is Zakat?
  5. What is the Quran?
  6. When do Muslims fast?
  7. What is the importance of Hajj?
  8. Name the prayer before sunrise.
  9. How many pillars of Islam are there?
  10. What is Shahada?


The teacher will go around to mark the pupils’ work and offer guidance where necessary.

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