Week 7 Mid-Term Assessment: Evaluate Your Understanding Spellings English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Week 7 Mid-Term Assessment and Break

Subject: Spellings
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 7
Age: 10 years
Topic: Mid-Term Assessment
Duration: 90 minutes
Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the assessment, learners should be able to:

  1. Demonstrate their understanding of the spellings and meanings of words learned throughout the term.
  2. Apply their knowledge through objective, theory, and true/false questions.

Keywords: Assessment, Objective Questions, Short Answer Questions, True or False

Assessment Breakdown:

Part A: Objective Questions

  • 30 fill-in-the-blank questions with options a, b, c, or d.

Part B: Theory Questions

  • 20 short answer questions related to the topics covered.

Part C: True or False Questions

  • 10 statements for True or False answers.

Part A: Objective Questions

  1. The act of damaging property is called ________.
    a) sanctuary
    b) prejudice
    c) vandalism
    d) rebellion
  2. A ________ is a place of safety for animals.
    a) spectacle
    b) sanctuary
    c) species
    d) sausage
  3. The word “supreme” means ________.
    a) highest
    b) least
    c) smallest
    d) lowest
  4. A ________ is a person who is unfairly blamed.
    a) scapegoat
    b) prejudice
    c) rebellion
    d) spectacle
  5. ________ refers to a group of organisms that can breed together.
    a) Supreme
    b) Sanctuary
    c) Species
    d) Rainforest
  6. The ________ is known for its high level of rainfall and dense trees.
    a) spectacle
    b) sausage
    c) rainforest
    d) rebellion
  7. ________ refers to preconceived opinions that are not based on facts.
    a) Scapegoat
    b) Prejudice
    c) Supreme
    d) Species
  8. Glasses used to improve vision are called ________.
    a) spectacles
    b) sanctuary
    c) rebellion
    d) sausage
  9. A ________ involves resisting an established authority.
    a) prejudice
    b) spectacle
    c) rebellion
    d) species
  10. ________ refers to a cylindrical piece of seasoned meat.
    a) Vandalism
    b) Sausage
    c) Rainforest
    d) Supreme
  11. The act of deliberately destroying property is ________.
    a) sanctuary
    b) vandalism
    c) prejudice
    d) rebellion
  12. A ________ is used to protect wildlife.
    a) species
    b) spectacle
    c) sanctuary
    d) sausage
  13. The highest authority in a legal system is the ________.
    a) rebellion
    b) prejudice
    c) supreme court
    d) species
  14. The ________ of people or animals is important for studying biodiversity.
    a) spectacle
    b) species
    c) rebellion
    d) sanctuary
  15. ________ means to resist or challenge authority.
    a) Vandalism
    b) Prejudice
    c) Rebellion
    d) Sausage
  16. ________ are used to help people see better.
    a) Spectacles
    b) Scapegoat
    c) Supreme
    d) Sausage
  17. ________ is a large forest area with high rainfall.
    a) Sanctuary
    b) Sausage
    c) Rainforest
    d) Scapegoat
  18. ________ is a person or thing blamed for others’ mistakes.
    a) Species
    b) Rebellion
    c) Scapegoat
    d) Prejudice
  19. The concept of “fickle” describes something that is ________.
    a) constant
    b) changing frequently
    c) predictable
    d) stable
  20. To be “jubilant” means to be ________.
    a) happy
    b) angry
    c) sad
    d) confused
  21. The ________ is a protected area for wildlife.
    a) rainforest
    b) sausage
    c) spectacle
    d) sanctuary
  22. A ________ is a type of meat often eaten for breakfast.
    a) sausage
    b) rebellion
    c) prejudice
    d) species
  23. ________ is an act of violence or resistance.
    a) Scapegoat
    b) Rebellion
    c) Supreme
    d) Vandalism
  24. The ________ is a place where animals are kept safe.
    a) species
    b) spectacle
    c) sanctuary
    d) prejudice
  25. The word “fickle” describes something that is ________.
    a) changing frequently
    b) constant
    c) predictable
    d) stable
  26. The term “jubilant” means ________.
    a) happy
    b) sad
    c) angry
    d) confused
  27. The ________ describes a protected area for endangered animals.
    a) spectacle
    b) sanctuary
    c) rebellion
    d) sausage
  28. A ________ is a piece of clothing used to protect the eyes.
    a) spectacle
    b) sausage
    c) species
    d) sanctuary
  29. ________ is an unfair opinion or judgment.
    a) Scapegoat
    b) Prejudice
    c) Supreme
    d) Rebellion
  30. The word “vandalism” refers to ________.
    a) a protected area
    b) destroying property
    c) a group of organisms
    d) a cylindrical piece of meat

Part B: Theory Questions

  1. Define “vandalism” and give an example.
  2. What does “sausage” refer to, and where might you find it?
  3. Explain the term “sanctuary” and its purpose.
  4. What is a “scapegoat,” and why is this concept important in social contexts?
  5. Describe “prejudice” and its effects on individuals and communities.
  6. Define “rainforest” and explain why it is crucial for the environment.
  7. What does “rebellion” mean, and provide an example of a historical rebellion.
  8. Explain the use of “spectacles” and why they are important.
  9. What is meant by “supreme” in a legal context?
  10. Define “species” and explain its significance in biology.
  11. Describe the meaning of “trial” and its role in the judicial system.
  12. What does “tramway” refer to, and where is it commonly used?
  13. Explain “aircraft” and list three types of aircraft.
  14. What is a “balloon,” and how does it work?
  15. Define “barrow” and provide examples of its use.
  16. What is a “truck,” and what are its common uses?
  17. Explain “delivery” in the context of logistics.
  18. Describe “diesel truck” and its advantages.
  19. Define “elevator” and explain its function in buildings.
  20. What is the meaning of “dormitory,” and where might you find one?

Part C: True or False Questions

  1. True or False: Vandalism is the act of creating art on public property.
  2. True or False: A sanctuary is a place where animals are kept safe.
  3. True or False: Prejudice is a fair and unbiased opinion about others.
  4. True or False: A rebellion is an act of resistance against authority.
  5. True or False: Spectacles are used to enhance vision.
  6. True or False: Sausage is a type of vegetable.
  7. True or False: The term “supreme” refers to the lowest level of authority.
  8. True or False: Species refers to a group of organisms capable of interbreeding.
  9. True or False: A rainforest is characterized by low annual rainfall.
  10. True or False: The word “fickle” describes something that is stable and unchanging.

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