Week 12 Revision: Comprehensive Review of This Term’s Topics Spellings English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Week 12: Revision of All Topics Covered

Subject: Spellings
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 12
Age: 10 years
Topic: Revision of All Topics
Duration: 90 minutes
Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the revision, learners should be able to:

  1. Review and understand the topics covered throughout the term.
  2. Demonstrate their knowledge through various types of questions.

Keywords: Revision, FAQ, Objective Questions, Theory Questions, True or False

Part A: Review and Revision

FAQs with Answers

  1. What is “vandalism”?
    Answer: Vandalism is the act of deliberately damaging property.
  2. How do you use “sanctuary” in a sentence?
    Answer: The wildlife sanctuary helps protect endangered animals.
  3. What does “supreme” mean?
    Answer: Supreme means the highest in rank or authority.
  4. What is a “scapegoat”?
    Answer: A scapegoat is someone unfairly blamed for problems.
  5. What is a “species”?
    Answer: A species is a group of living organisms that can breed with each other.
  6. How is “rainforest” used?
    Answer: A rainforest is a dense forest with heavy rainfall, home to many plants and animals.
  7. Define “prejudice”.
    Answer: Prejudice is a negative opinion about someone without knowing them well.
  8. What does “rebellion” mean?
    Answer: Rebellion is a fight against authority or control.
  9. What are “spectacles”?
    Answer: Spectacles are glasses used to help people see better.
  10. What is “sausage”?
    Answer: Sausage is a type of food made from seasoned meat, often eaten for breakfast.
  11. How is “fallacy” used in a sentence?
    Answer: A fallacy is a mistaken belief or idea.
  12. Define “infirmary”.
    Answer: An infirmary is a place where sick or injured people are cared for.
  13. What is “dormitory”?
    Answer: A dormitory is a room or building where students sleep at school.
  14. What does “baloon” refer to?
    Answer: A balloon is a flexible bag filled with air or gas that floats.
  15. How do you use “trampoline”?
    Answer: A trampoline is a device for jumping high, used for fun or exercise.

Part B: Objective Questions

  1. The act of deliberately damaging property is called ________.
    a) vandalism
    b) prejudice
    c) sanctuary
    d) rebellion
  2. A place where animals are protected is called a ________.
    a) species
    b) sausage
    c) sanctuary
    d) spectacle
  3. The highest authority in a system is ________.
    a) supreme
    b) rainforests
    c) rebellion
    d) spectacles
  4. A ________ is someone who is unfairly blamed for problems.
    a) scapegoat
    b) prejudice
    c) rebellion
    d) species
  5. The term “species” refers to ________.
    a) a group of organisms that can breed
    b) a protected area
    c) a type of food
    d) a pair of glasses
  6. A ________ is a dense forest with high rainfall.
    a) spectacle
    b) sanctuary
    c) rainforest
    d) sausage
  7. ________ is an unfair opinion about someone.
    a) Prejudice
    b) Rebellion
    c) Spectacle
    d) Scapegoat
  8. Glasses used to help vision are called ________.
    a) spectacles
    b) sanctuary
    c) sausage
    d) species
  9. A ________ involves resisting an authority.
    a) rebellion
    b) prejudice
    c) sanctuary
    d) species
  10. ________ is a type of meat, often eaten for breakfast.
    a) sausage
    b) spectacle
    c) rainforest
    d) supreme
  11. A ________ is a room where students sleep in a school.
    a) dormitory
    b) infirmary
    c) balloon
    d) apparatus
  12. The ________ is used to fill with air or gas and can float.
    a) balloon
    b) truck
    c) spectacle
    d) ramp
  13. An ________ is a place where sick people are treated.
    a) infirmary
    b) dormitory
    c) balloon
    d) truck
  14. A ________ helps you jump high and is used for fun.
    a) trampoline
    b) truck
    c) elevator
    d) balloon
  15. A ________ is a type of transport that moves goods.
    a) truck
    b) balloon
    c) spectacle
    d) dormitory

Part C: Theory Questions

  1. What is vandalism, and how can it be prevented?
  2. Describe what a sanctuary is and why it is important for wildlife.
  3. Explain the term supreme and give an example of its use.
  4. Who is a scapegoat, and why is this concept important?
  5. Define species and explain its significance in nature.
  6. What is a rainforest, and what makes it unique?
  7. What does prejudice mean, and how does it affect people?
  8. Describe what spectacles are and their purpose.
  9. Explain rebellion and provide an example of a historical event related to it.
  10. What is a sausage, and how is it typically used?
  11. What is a dormitory, and why do schools have them?
  12. Define an infirmary and its role in a school or hospital.
  13. How does a balloon work, and where might you use one?
  14. What is a truck, and what are its main functions?
  15. Describe what a trampoline is and how it is used.

Part D: True or False Questions

  1. True or False: Vandalism involves creating art on public property.
  2. True or False: A sanctuary is a place where endangered species are protected.
  3. True or False: Supreme refers to the lowest level of authority.
  4. True or False: A scapegoat is someone who is unfairly blamed.
  5. True or False: Spectacles are used for enhancing vision.
  6. True or False: A sausage is a type of vegetable.
  7. True or False: Rebellion means resisting authority.
  8. True or False: A species is a group of organisms that can interbreed.
  9. True or False: A rainforest is a dry, desert-like environment.
  10. True or False: The term “fickle” describes something that is changing frequently.

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