Week 13 Exam: Comprehensive Review of First Term Topics Spellings English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 13

Week 13 Examination Instructions

Instructions for Teachers:

  1. Preparation:
    • Ensure that the exam environment is quiet and free from distractions.
    • Prepare the examination papers and ensure there are enough copies for each student.
  2. During the Exam:
    • Clearly explain the rules and expectations to students before the exam begins.
    • Monitor students closely to prevent any form of cheating or malpractice.
    • Provide assistance only if a student asks for clarification about the questions.
  3. After the Exam:
    • Collect all exam papers promptly and ensure that no papers are missing.
    • Check for any signs of malpractice and address them according to the school policy.
  4. Exam Malpractice:
    • Ensure that students are aware that cheating or any form of dishonesty will lead to strict penalties.
    • Prohibit students from using unauthorized materials or communicating with others during the exam.

Instructions for Students:

  1. Before the Exam:
    • Read all instructions carefully.
    • Ensure you have all necessary materials, such as pens and erasers.
  2. During the Exam:
    • Read each question carefully before answering.
    • For Objective Questions, choose the correct option (a, b, c, or d) and fill in the blank space.
    • For Theory Questions, write clear and brief answers.
    • For True or False Questions, circle either “True” or “False” based on the statement.
  3. Conduct:
    • Do not talk or communicate with other students.
    • Do not look at other students’ papers.
    • Do not use any unauthorized materials or electronic devices.
  4. If You Have Questions:
    • Raise your hand if you need clarification on any question.

Part A: Objective Questions

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct option (a, b, c, or d) based on the topics covered this term.

  1. The act of damaging property on purpose is called ________.
    a) vandalism
    b) prejudice
    c) sanctuary
    d) rebellion
  2. A place where wild animals are protected is a ________.
    a) species
    b) sausage
    c) sanctuary
    d) spectacle
  3. The highest level of authority is ________.
    a) supreme
    b) rainforest
    c) rebellion
    d) spectacles
  4. A person who is unfairly blamed is called a ________.
    a) scapegoat
    b) prejudice
    c) rebellion
    d) species
  5. A ________ is a type of dense forest with heavy rain.
    a) spectacle
    b) sanctuary
    c) rainforest
    d) sausage
  6. ________ refers to an unfair opinion about someone.
    a) Prejudice
    b) Rebellion
    c) Sanctuary
    d) Species
  7. Glasses used for seeing better are called ________.
    a) spectacles
    b) sanctuary
    c) sausage
    d) species
  8. A ________ is a fight against authority or control.
    a) rebellion
    b) prejudice
    c) sanctuary
    d) species
  9. A ________ is a type of meat, often eaten for breakfast.
    a) sausage
    b) spectacle
    c) rainforest
    d) supreme
  10. A ________ is a room where students sleep at school.
    a) dormitory
    b) infirmary
    c) balloon
    d) apparatus
  11. A ________ helps you jump high and is used for fun.
    a) trampoline
    b) truck
    c) elevator
    d) balloon
  12. An ________ is a place where sick people are treated.
    a) infirmary
    b) dormitory
    c) balloon
    d) truck
  13. The ________ is used to fill with air or gas and can float.
    a) balloon
    b) truck
    c) spectacle
    d) ramp
  14. A ________ is a type of transport that moves goods.
    a) truck
    b) balloon
    c) spectacle
    d) dormitory
  15. An ________ is a room where students sleep.
    a) dormitory
    b) truck
    c) balloon
    d) elevator
  16. A ________ is used to carry goods or people and is usually large.
    a) truck
    b) balloon
    c) spectacle
    d) dormitory
  17. A ________ is a device that helps you see better if you have vision problems.
    a) spectacles
    b) balloon
    c) truck
    d) elevator
  18. ________ refers to the highest or most important level of something.
    a) Supreme
    b) Prejudice
    c) Rebellion
    d) Species
  19. A ________ is a group of animals or plants that can reproduce together.
    a) species
    b) sanctuary
    c) rebellion
    d) spectacle
  20. A ________ is used for medical care and treatment in a hospital.
    a) infirmary
    b) truck
    c) balloon
    d) dormitory
  21. A ________ is a place where animals are kept safe and healthy.
    a) sanctuary
    b) species
    c) spectacle
    d) sausage
  22. A ________ is used to store and manage information.
    a) data
    b) spectacle
    c) sausage
    d) balloon
  23. A ________ is a place where you go to have fun and jump high.
    a) trampoline
    b) truck
    c) elevator
    d) balloon
  24. A ________ is a person who is blamed for something they did not do.
    a) scapegoat
    b) prejudice
    c) rebellion
    d) species
  25. A ________ is used to lift people or goods between floors in a building.
    a) elevator
    b) balloon
    c) truck
    d) spectacle
  26. The ________ refers to an unfair attitude or behavior towards someone.
    a) prejudice
    b) sanctuary
    c) rebellion
    d) species
  27. A ________ is a type of glass container for liquids.
    a) bottle
    b) balloon
    c) truck
    d) spectacle
  28. A ________ is an animal or plant group that shares common characteristics.
    a) species
    b) sanctuary
    c) spectacle
    d) truck
  29. An ________ is used for transporting goods or people and is often large.
    a) truck
    b) balloon
    c) spectacle
    d) dormitory
  30. A ________ is a place where sick people receive care and treatment.
    a) infirmary
    b) balloon
    c) truck
    d) dormitory

Part B: Theory Questions

Instructions: Write clear and brief answers to the following questions based on the topics covered this term.

  1. What is vandalism, and why is it harmful?
  2. Describe a sanctuary and its importance.
  3. Explain the meaning of supreme and give an example of its use.
  4. Who is a scapegoat, and why is it important to avoid scapegoating?
  5. Define species and explain its significance in nature.
  6. What is a rainforest, and why is it unique?
  7. What does prejudice mean, and how does it impact people?
  8. What are spectacles, and why are they important?
  9. Explain rebellion and give an example of a historical rebellion.
  10. What is a sausage, and how is it typically used?
  11. Describe a dormitory and its purpose in a school.
  12. What is an infirmary, and what role does it play in a hospital or school?
  13. How does a balloon work, and where might you use one?
  14. What is a truck, and what are its primary uses?
  15. Explain the function of a trampoline and its uses.
  16. What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?
  17. Describe how a sanctuary helps protect wildlife.
  18. What are the characteristics of a species?
  19. How does a truck benefit businesses and transport?
  20. What role do spectacles play in helping people see?
  21. What is a rebellion, and how can it affect a society?
  22. Explain why a dormitory is important for students who live at school.
  23. Describe how prejudice can be reduced in society.
  24. What are the benefits of using a balloon in different activities?
  25. How can an infirmary be improved to better serve patients?
  26. What are the key features of a rainforest ecosystem?
  27. Describe how a trampoline can be used for physical exercise.
  28. What does it mean to be a scapegoat, and how can it be prevented?
  29. How do spectacles help people with vision problems?
  30. What is the purpose of a truck in logistics and transport?

Part C: True or False Questions

Instructions: Circle “True” or “False” for each statement based on the topics covered this term.

  1. True or False: Vandalism is an act of creating art on public property.
  2. True or False: A sanctuary helps protect endangered animals.
  3. True or False: Supreme refers to the lowest level of authority.
  4. True or False: A scapegoat is someone who is fairly blamed for problems.
  5. True or False: Spectacles are used to enhance vision.
  6. True or False: A sausage is a type of vegetable.
  7. True or False: Rebellion means resisting authority.
  8. True or False: A species is a group of organisms that can interbreed.
  9. True or False: A rainforest is a dry, desert-like environment.
  10. True or False: An infirmary is a place where sick people are treated.
  11. True or False: A trampoline is used for jumping high and having fun.
  12. True or False: Prejudice is a positive opinion about someone.
  13. True or False: A truck is used to transport goods.
  14. True or False: A balloon is used for floating in the air.
  15. True or False: A dormitory is a place where students sleep.
  16. True or False: A species can refer to a type of plant or animal.
  17. True or False: Spectacles are not used for vision correction.
  18. True or False: A sanctuary is meant for protecting endangered species.
  19. True or False: A rebellion is a form of cooperation with authority.
  20. True or False: A sausage is a food item made from meat.
  21. True or False: An infirmary is a type of vehicle.
  22. True or False: A trampoline is used for bouncing.
  23. True or False: A dormitory is where students go for medical care.
  24. True or False: Prejudice is an unfair attitude towards a group of people.
  25. True or False: A truck is used for carrying passengers.
  26. True or False: Spectacles are a type of outdoor equipment.
  27. True or False: A balloon can be used in celebrations.
  28. True or False: A sanctuary is a place for playing sports.
  29. True or False: A rebellion always results in positive change.
  30. True or False: A sausage is a type of bread.

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