Revision: Review and Continuous Assessment Christian Religious Studies Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Revision: Review and Continuous Assessment

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Primary 1
Term: First Term
Week: 10
Age: 6 years

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. God created the ______ in six days. a) house
    b) earth
    c) car
    d) toy
  2. The first man and woman created by God were ______ and Eve. a) Abel
    b) Noah
    c) Adam
    d) John
  3. The angel who visited Mary was named ______. a) Michael
    b) Raphael
    c) Gabriel
    d) Uriel
  4. Jesus was born in a ______. a) palace
    b) stable
    c) boat
    d) temple
  5. Christmas is celebrated to remember the ______ of Jesus. a) death
    b) birth
    c) baptism
    d) miracles
  6. The Wise Men followed a ______ to find Jesus. a) bird
    b) cloud
    c) star
    d) rainbow
  7. One of the gifts given to Jesus by the Wise Men was ______. a) silver
    b) diamonds
    c) gold
    d) pearls
  8. God is our ______ who loves and cares for us. a) teacher
    b) neighbor
    c) father
    d) friend
  9. We become children of God through ______ in Jesus. a) work
    b) play
    c) faith
    d) reading
  10. A father’s responsibility is to ______ the family. a) ignore
    b) forget
    c) protect
    d) scare
  11. God provides us with ______. a) games
    b) needs
    c) wants
    d) hobbies
  12. Children should ______ their parents. a) disobey
    b) respect
    c) fight
    d) argue
  13. God created man from ______. a) water
    b) air
    c) dust
    d) fire
  14. We pray to ______ with God. a) play
    b) talk
    c) fight
    d) sing
  15. The Bible calls us children of God in ______. a) Genesis 2:7
    b) Exodus 1:1
    c) Leviticus 2:2
    d) Numbers 3:3

Theory Questions

  1. Explain how God is our Father.
    • God created us, loves us, and cares for us like a father cares for his children.
  2. List three things God created.
    • Examples: stars, moon, water.
  3. What are the responsibilities of a father to his children?
    • Provide for the family, protect the family, teach and guide the children, show love and care.
  4. Mention two ways we can appreciate God.
    • By saying thank you in prayers and singing songs of praise.
  5. Why do we celebrate Christmas?
    • To remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
  6. List the three gifts given to Jesus by the Wise Men.
    • Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh.
  7. What must we do as children of God?
    • Obey God’s commandments, pray regularly, show love and kindness to others.
  8. List three things God does for us as His children.
    • Provides for our needs, protects us from harm, guides and teaches us.
  9. State two Bible verses that refer to God as our Father.
    • Genesis 2:7, John 1:12.
  10. Why is it important to obey God’s commandments?
    • It helps us live a good life and stay close to God.


  • Captivating Title: “Review and Continuous Assessment for Primary 1: Christian Religious Studies”
  • Focus Keyphrase: Continuous Assessment for Primary 1
  • SEO Title: “Primary 1 Christian Religious Studies: Review and Continuous Assessment”
  • Slug: primary-1-continuous-assessment-christian-religious-studies
  • Meta Description: “A comprehensive review and continuous assessment for Primary 1 students in Christian Religious Studies. Includes 15 fill-in-the-blank questions and 10 theory questions on key topics.”

This revision and continuous assessment cover the key topics taught during the term, helping pupils consolidate their understanding and prepare for exams.

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