Islamic Religious Studies Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes

Here’s a weekly list of topics covered throughout the term in Islamic Religious Studies for Primary 1, along with brief descriptions of each topic:

Weekly Topics Covered

Week 1: Who is Allah? 

Week 2: Learning the Arabic Alphabets 

Week 3: Mastering the Arabic Consonants 

Week 4: Süratul Fatihah (Introduction) 

Week 5: Süratul Fatihah (The concluding Verses) 

Week 6: The Articles of Faith 

Week 7: First Term Review Mid Term Test 

Week 8: Attributes of Allah 

Week 9: The Last Prophet 

Week 10: Prophets of Allah Mentioned in the Qur’an 

Week 11: Attributes of Allah

Week 12: Review and Revision

Week 13: First Term Examination 


This weekly breakdown provides a structured overview of the topics covered in Islamic Religious Studies for Primary 1, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of foundational concepts in Islam. Each topic is designed to build upon the previous week’s learning, culminating in a thorough review before assessments

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