Table Manners Basic Science and Technology Kindergarten Age 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Lesson Plan for Kindergarten

Subject: Basic Science and Technology
Class: Kindergarten
Term: First Term
Week: 9
Age: 4-5 years
Topic: Food
Sub-topic: Table Manners
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define table manners.
  2. Discuss examples of etiquette before eating and while eating.
  3. Discuss possible reasons for practicing table manners.

Key Words

  • Table manners
  • Etiquette
  • Napkin
  • Polite

Set Induction

Start with a simple rhyme or song about good manners to capture the pupils’ attention.

Entry Behaviour

Pupils may have basic knowledge of eating habits and simple table manners from home.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Picture charts of children practicing table manners
  • Video clips showing good table manners
  • Handwashing station
  • Spoons and napkins

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

Discuss with pupils the importance of being polite and respectful at the table, relating to their experiences at home.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Personal development
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Communication and collaboration

Learning Materials

  • Audio-Visual Resources
  • Picture charts and video clips

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work

Instructional Materials

  • Charts
  • Video clips on table manners
  • Handwashing station
  • Spoons and napkins


Definition of Table Manners:

  1. Table Manners: The polite behaviors we practice when eating.

Examples of Etiquette Before Eating:

  1. Wash Hands: Clean hands before eating.
  2. Set the Table: Arrange plates, spoons, and napkins properly.
  3. Wait: Wait for everyone to be served before starting to eat.

Examples of Etiquette While Eating:

  1. Use a Napkin: Use a napkin to clean your mouth and hands.
  2. Hold Spoons Properly: Hold utensils correctly.
  3. Sit Still: Sit quietly and avoid making noise.
  4. Say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’: Politely ask for food and express gratitude.

Reasons for Practicing Table Manners:

  1. Respect: Show respect to others at the table.
  2. Cleanliness: Maintain cleanliness while eating.
  3. Health: Avoid spreading germs.
  4. Politeness: Create a pleasant dining environment.

Objective Questions

  1. We wash our ______ before eating. a) Hands
    b) Feet
    c) Clothes
    d) Books
  2. It is good to use a ______ to clean your mouth while eating. a) Napkin
    b) Paper
    c) Spoon
    d) Cloth
  3. We say ______ when asking for food. a) Please
    b) Now
    c) Hurry
    d) Go
  4. Sitting quietly at the table shows ______. a) Respect
    b) Fun
    c) Tiredness
    d) Anger
  5. Before eating, we should set the ______. a) Table
    b) Room
    c) Bed
    d) Chair
  6. Table manners help us stay ______. a) Clean
    b) Tired
    c) Loud
    d) Hungry
  7. We should use ______ to eat our food. a) Spoons
    b) Hands
    c) Feet
    d) Paper
  8. Saying ‘thank you’ shows we are ______. a) Polite
    b) Rude
    c) Quiet
    d) Angry
  9. Waiting for everyone to be served before eating shows ______. a) Patience
    b) Hurry
    c) Sleep
    d) Play
  10. We should hold our utensils ______. a) Properly
    b) Wrongly
    c) Tightly
    d) Loosely

Class Activity Discussion:

  1. What are table manners?
    • Polite behaviors we practice when eating.
  2. Why should we wash our hands before eating?
    • To stay clean and avoid spreading germs.
  3. What should we use to clean our mouth while eating?
    • A napkin.
  4. How should we sit at the table?
    • Sit quietly and avoid making noise.
  5. What should we say when asking for food?
    • Please.
  6. Why is it important to wait for everyone to be served before eating?
    • It shows respect and patience.
  7. How can table manners help us stay healthy?
    • By avoiding the spread of germs.
  8. What does saying ‘thank you’ show?
    • Politeness and gratitude.
  9. Why is setting the table important?
    • It prepares us for eating and shows good organization.
  10. How should we hold our utensils?
    • Properly, to eat neatly and comfortably.


Step 1: Revising the Previous Topic

  • The teacher revises the previous topic: “Food.”

Step 2: Introducing the New Topic

  • The teacher introduces the topic of table manners using picture charts and video clips.

Step 3: Pupils’ Contributions

  • The teacher allows the pupils to discuss what they know about table manners and practice hand washing.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Show picture charts and video clips of children practicing table manners.
  • Explain the meaning and importance of table manners.
  • Guide pupils in identifying good table manners.
  • Demonstrate correct table manners using spoons and napkins.

Learners’ Activities

  • Discuss the meaning of table manners as a class.
  • Watch a video clip of a child practicing table manners.
  • Sing songs on table manners.
  • Practice correct table manners in pairs.


  • Pupils answer fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Pupils demonstrate correct table manners in pairs.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What should you do before eating?
  2. Why is it important to wash hands before eating?
  3. What should you use to clean your mouth while eating?
  4. How should you ask for food at the table?
  5. Why should you wait for everyone to be served before eating?
  6. What does sitting quietly at the table show?
  7. Why should we say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’?
  8. How do table manners help us stay clean?
  9. What is the first step in practicing table manners?
  10. Why is it important to practice good table manners?


  • The teacher goes around to observe and provide feedback as pupils practice correct table manners. The teacher ensures pupils understand the importance of table manners and can demonstrate them correctly.

More Useful Links:

Learning Table Manners: Fun and Easy Ways for Kids