Drama and Theatre Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Drama and Theatre for Primary 5

Lagos State Primary 5 Cultural and Creative Arts Lesson Plan: Week 6

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Class: Primary 5

Term: Third Term

Week: 6

Topic: Drama and Theatre

Sub-topic: Understanding Drama and its Uses in Society

Duration: 40 Minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define drama.
  2. Explain the uses of drama in society.
  3. Differentiate between drama and theatre.

Key Words:

  • Drama
  • Theatre
  • Script
  • Performance
  • Actors

Entry Behaviour:

Pupils have previous knowledge of basic storytelling and acting.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Scripts or excerpts from plays
  • Props and costumes
  • Visual aids (charts or pictures of theatre performances)

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Pupils have learned about storytelling and basic acting in previous lessons.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Communication
  • Collaboration

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Primary 5 Cultural and Creative Arts Textbook

Instructional Materials:

  • Scripts
  • Props and costumes
  • Visual aids


Definition of Drama:
Drama is a form of storytelling where people act out stories using dialogue and actions.

Uses of Drama in Society:

  1. Entertainment: Provides fun and enjoyment.
  2. Education: Teaches lessons and shares knowledge.
  3. Social Awareness: Highlights social issues and encourages change.
  4. Therapy: Helps people express feelings and heal emotionally.
  5. Cultural Preservation: Keeps traditions and cultures alive.

Difference Between Drama and Theatre:

  • Drama: The written text of a play, focusing on the story and script.
  • Theatre: The performance of the drama, involving actors, sets, and an audience.

Understanding Drama

1. What is Drama?

  • Drama is a form of storytelling where people act out stories. 🎭
  • It uses dialogue and actions to show emotions and events.

Uses of Drama in Society

1. Entertainment:

  • Drama provides fun and enjoyment. 🥳
    • Example: Watching plays and movies.

2. Education:

  • Drama teaches lessons and shares knowledge. 📚
    • Example: School plays about history or science.

3. Social Awareness:

  • Drama can highlight social issues and encourage change. 🌍
    • Example: Plays about the environment or equality.

4. Therapy:

  • Drama helps people express feelings and heal emotionally. ❤️
    • Example: Drama therapy sessions.

5. Cultural Preservation:

  • Drama keeps traditions and cultures alive. 🌟
    • Example: Traditional African storytelling and plays.

Difference Between Drama and Theatre

1. Drama:

  • Focuses on the script and story. 📖
  • It is the written text of a play.
  • Example: Reading a play in a book.

2. Theatre:

  • The actual performance of the drama. 🎭
  • Involves actors, sets, costumes, and an audience.
  • Example: Watching a play in a theatre.


Drama and theatre play important roles in society by providing entertainment, education, and cultural preservation. While drama refers to the written story, theatre is the live performance of that story.

Rhythmic Pattern Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Drama and Theatre

  1. Drama is a form of storytelling where people ______ out stories. a) write
    b) act
    c) read
    d) sing
  2. Drama uses ______ and actions to show emotions and events. a) songs
    b) dances
    c) dialogues
    d) paintings
  3. One use of drama in society is for ______. a) farming
    b) entertainment
    c) cooking
    d) shopping
  4. Drama can teach lessons and share ______. a) food
    b) clothes
    c) knowledge
    d) toys
  5. Plays about social issues can help create ______. a) change
    b) noise
    c) confusion
    d) games
  6. Drama therapy helps people express their ______. a) money
    b) feelings
    c) wishes
    d) hobbies
  7. Drama keeps traditions and ______ alive. a) games
    b) buildings
    c) cultures
    d) animals
  8. The written text of a play is called ______. a) theatre
    b) music
    c) drama
    d) dance
  9. The actual performance of a drama is called ______. a) reading
    b) theatre
    c) painting
    d) writing
  10. Drama focuses on the script and ______. a) story
    b) audience
    c) stage
    d) lights
  11. Theatre involves actors, sets, costumes, and an ______. a) animal
    b) audience
    c) airplane
    d) artist
  12. Watching a play in a theatre is an example of ______. a) drama
    b) painting
    c) theatre
    d) writing
  13. Reading a play in a book is an example of ______. a) drama
    b) theatre
    c) dancing
    d) singing
  14. One use of drama in schools is for ______. a) eating
    b) education
    c) running
    d) swimming
  15. Traditional African storytelling is a way of preserving ______. a) water
    b) air
    c) culture
    d) soil


Step 1: Revising the Previous Topic

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Review the basic concepts of storytelling and acting.
  • Ask pupils to share examples of stories they have acted out.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Pupils discuss their previous experiences with storytelling and acting.

Step 2: Introducing the New Topic

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Define drama and explain its uses in society.
  • Differentiate between drama and theatre with examples.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen to the explanations and ask questions for clarity.

Step 3: Pupils’ Contributions

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Encourage pupils to share their understanding of drama and theatre.
  • Correct any misunderstandings and provide additional examples.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Pupils share their thoughts and examples of drama and theatre.
  • Ask questions to deepen their understanding.

Step 4: Practical Activity

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Organize pupils into groups to act out short scenes from a script.
  • Provide props and costumes for their performances.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Pupils work in groups to rehearse and perform their scenes.


1. What is drama?

Drama is a form of storytelling where people act out stories using dialogue and actions.

2. How is drama different from other forms of storytelling?

Drama is performed by actors on stage, while other forms like novels are read.

3. What is the main purpose of drama?

The main purpose is to entertain and educate the audience.

4. How does drama help in education?

Drama teaches lessons and helps people understand different subjects better.

5. What is one way drama helps society?

Drama can highlight social issues and encourage positive changes.

6. How can drama be used in therapy?

Drama helps people express their feelings and heal emotionally.

7. What role does drama play in preserving culture?

Drama keeps traditions and cultural stories alive for future generations.

8. What is the written text of a play called?

The written text of a play is called the drama or script.

9. What is theatre?

Theatre is the performance of a drama in front of an audience.

10. How is theatre different from drama?

Drama refers to the written story, while theatre is the actual performance.

11. What do actors do in theatre?

Actors perform the roles in the play, bringing the characters to life.

12. What elements are involved in a theatre performance?

A theatre performance involves actors, sets, costumes, and an audience.

13. Can you give an example of a traditional use of drama?

Traditional African storytelling is a form of drama that preserves cultural tales.

14. How does watching a play differ from reading a play?

Watching a play involves seeing the performance, while reading a play involves imagining the scenes.

15. Why is it important for students to learn about drama?

Learning about drama helps students understand storytelling, express themselves, and appreciate different cultures.

Fabric Decoration By Tie and Dye Methods Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is drama?
  2. What is one use of drama in society?
  3. How does drama help in education?
  4. How can drama be used in therapy?
  5. What role does drama play in preserving culture?
  6. What is the written text of a play called?
  7. What is theatre?
  8. How is theatre different from drama?
  9. What do actors do in theatre?
  10. Can you give an example of a traditional use of drama?


Teacher’s Activities:

  • Go around to check and mark pupils’ work.
  • Provide feedback and corrections as needed.
  • Summarize the key points of the lesson.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Pupils display their performances.
  • Pupils listen to feedback and ask final questions.


  • Pupils should write a short story and create a simple script for it.

This lesson plan engages pupils in understanding drama and theatre through interactive activities and encourages their creativity and critical thinking.