Mid Term Test Home Economics Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Examination Malpractices Is Evil. Do not get involved

Home Economics Lesson Plan: Week 7

Subject: Home Economics
Class: Primary 5
Term: Third Term
Week: 7
Topic: Third Term Mid Term Test Home Economics Primary 5
Sub-topic: Mid Term Test

Answer the following questions

Part A


  1. ___ is the amount of hours in a day we can use to do different things.
    • a) Money
    • b) Time
    • c) Energy
    • d) Skills
  2. We use ___ to buy food and clothes.
    • a) Knowledge
    • b) Tools
    • c) Money
    • d) Energy
  3. ___ are special abilities we can use to help our family.
    • a) Skills and Talents
    • b) Tools
    • c) Time
    • d) Knowledge
  4. Our ___ helps us clean the house and play games.
    • a) Energy
    • b) Tools
    • c) Money
    • d) Knowledge
  5. Reading books increases our ___.
    • a) Energy
    • b) Money
    • c) Knowledge
    • d) Time
  6. ___ can be used to cook food and fix things.
    • a) Skills
    • b) Tools and Equipment
    • c) Knowledge
    • d) Time
  7. ___ help us by working, cooking, and cleaning.
    • a) Time
    • b) Family Members
    • c) Tools
    • d) Money
  8. ___ is important for doing homework and learning.
    • a) Money
    • b) Time
    • c) Energy
    • d) Knowledge
  9. Using our resources wisely makes our life more ___.
    • a) Comfortable
    • b) Expensive
    • c) Difficult
    • d) Boring
  10. Family members working together can make us feel ___.
    • a) Lonely
    • b) Angry
    • c) Loved
    • d) Bored
  11. Keeping items clean means we should ___ them regularly.
    • a) Break
    • b) Wash
    • c) Hide
    • d) Ignore
  12. We should store toys in a ___ after playing.
    • a) Bag
    • b) Box
    • c) Sink
    • d) Closet
  13. To handle belongings with care, we should use them ___.
    • a) Gently
    • b) Roughly
    • c) Quickly
    • d) Carelessly
  14. If something is torn, we should ___ it immediately.
    • a) Throw
    • b) Ignore
    • c) Repair
    • d) Lose
  15. An organized study desk helps us find things ___.
    • a) Slowly
    • b) Easily
    • c) Hardly
    • d) Never
  16. Labeling our items means writing our ___ on them.
    • a) Age
    • b) Name
    • c) Address
    • d) School
  17. Using items for their purpose means not using a pencil to ___ things.
    • a) Write
    • b) Draw
    • c) Poke
    • d) Sketch
  18. Caring for belongings saves ___ because we don’t buy new ones often.
    • a) Time
    • b) Money
    • c) Effort
    • d) Space
  19. Well-kept items last ___.
    • a) Longer
    • b) Shorter
    • c) Never
    • d) Rarely
  20. Organized items are less likely to get ___.
    • a) Dirty
    • b) Broken
    • c) Lost
    • d) Wet
  21. It’s important to wash hands before handling food to prevent __________.
    • a) dirt
    • b) bacteria
    • c) water
    • d) dust
  22. Keeping cooking utensils and countertops clean helps to avoid __________.
    • a) dirt
    • b) germs
    • c) water
    • d) bugs
  23. Separating raw meats from other foods helps prevent __________.
    • a) cooking
    • b) contamination
    • c) cleaning
    • d) freezing
  24. Cooking food to the right temperature helps kill __________.
    • a) bacteria
    • b) vegetables
    • c) fruits
    • d) insects
  25. Storing food in the refrigerator helps prevent __________.
    • a) freezing
    • b) spoilage
    • c) cooking
    • d) cleaning
  26. It’s important to check __________ dates on food packages.
    • a) production
    • b) expiration
    • c) cooking
    • d) washing
  27. Using separate utensils for raw and cooked foods helps avoid __________.
    • a) cleaning
    • b) contamination
    • c) cooking
    • d) freezing
  28. Washing fruits and vegetables before eating helps remove __________.
    • a) dirt
    • b) bacteria
    • c) water
    • d) bugs
  29. Thawing frozen food in the refrigerator or microwave helps avoid __________ growth.
    • a) bacterial
    • b) vegetable
    • c) fruit
    • d) insect
  30. Serving food on clean plates helps maintain __________.
    • a) cleanliness
    • b) organization
    • c) freezing
    • d) spoilage


Meaning, Reasons, and Methods of Cooking Home Economics Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Part B

Theory Questions:

  1. What is a resource?
  2. Name two personal resources.
  3. Name two family resources.
  4. How can you use time as a resource?
  5. Why is money important as a resource?
  6. What does it mean to care for personal belongings?
  7. Why should we keep our items clean?
  8. How should we store our belongings?
  9. Why is it important to handle items with care?
  10. What should we do if something is broken?
  11. What is food safety?
  12. Why is food safety important?
  13. Name three food safety rules.
  14. What should you do before handling food?
  15. How do you keep the kitchen clean?

Food Contamination Home Economics Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 5


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