Nigerian Nationalists and Independence Movement: Primary 5 History Questions

  1. What is the meaning of nationalism?
  2. Explain the meaning of nationalist.
  3. Write out one characteristic of a Nationalist.
  4. Give one reason that led to the growth of Nigeria Nationalism.
  5. List any one foremost Nigerian Nationalist.
  6. Where was Nnamdi Azikwe born?
  7. Where was Herbert Marculay born?
  8. What political party did Chief Obafemi Awolowo found?
  9. What profession did Micheal Okpara have before becoming a farmer?
  10. What profession did Obafemi Awolowo have before becoming a politician?
  11. What profession did Alvan Ikoku have before becoming an educationist?
  12. What region was Mallam Aminu Kano from?
  13. What was Alvan Ikoku’s role at the University of Nigeria Nsukka?
  14. Who was the first Prime Minister of Independent Nigeria?
  15. Who was the first Prime Minister of Independent Nigeria?

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What is the meaning of nationalism?
    • Nationalism is love and loyalty for one’s country. It means feeling proud of your country and wanting it to do well.
  2. Explain the meaning of nationalist.
    • A nationalist is someone who loves their country very much and works hard to make it better.
  3. Write out one characteristic of a Nationalist.
    • A nationalist is patriotic and cares deeply about their country’s well-being.
  4. Give one reason that led to the growth of Nigerian nationalism.
    • The desire for independence from British colonial rule led to the growth of Nigerian nationalism. Nigerians wanted to govern themselves and make their own decisions.
  5. List any one foremost Nigerian Nationalist.
    • One foremost Nigerian nationalist is Nnamdi Azikwe.
  6. Where was Nnamdi Azikwe born?
    • Nnamdi Azikwe was born in Zungeru, Northern Nigeria in 1904.
  7. Where was Herbert Macaulay born?
    • Herbert Macaulay was born in Lagos, present-day Nigeria, in 1909.
  8. What political party did Chief Obafemi Awolowo found?
    • Chief Obafemi Awolowo founded the political party known as the Action Group (AG).
  9. What profession did Michael Okpara have before becoming a farmer?
    • Michael Okpara was a medical doctor before becoming a farmer.
  10. What profession did Obafemi Awolowo have before becoming a politician?
    • Obafemi Awolowo was a lawyer before becoming a politician.
  11. What profession did Alvan Ikoku have before becoming an educationist?
    • Alvan Ikoku was a civil servant before becoming an educationist.
  12. What region was Mallam Aminu Kano from?
    • Mallam Aminu Kano was from Northern Nigeria.
  13. What was Alvan Ikoku’s role at the University of Nigeria Nsukka?
    • Alvan Ikoku was the first Registrar of the University of Nigeria Nsukka.
  14. Who was the first Prime Minister of Independent Nigeria?
    • The first Prime Minister of Independent Nigeria was Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa.
  15. Who was the first Prime Minister of Independent Nigeria?
    • Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa was a Northerner and the first Prime Minister of Independent Nigeria.

  1. Nationalism is the love and loyalty for one’s ______________. a) city
    b) country
    c) school
    d) friend
  2. A nationalist is someone who loves their country and works hard to make it ______________. a) worse
    b) better
    c) smaller
    d) colder
  3. A characteristic of a nationalist is being ______________ for their country. a) sad
    b) patriotic
    c) angry
    d) sleepy
  4. One reason that led to the growth of Nigerian nationalism was the desire for ______________ from British rule. a) friendship
    b) independence
    c) slavery
    d) punishment
  5. One foremost Nigerian nationalist is ______________. a) Nelson Mandela
    b) Nnamdi Azikwe
    c) Barack Obama
    d) Queen Elizabeth
  6. Nnamdi Azikwe was born in ______________, Northern Nigeria in 1904. a) Lagos
    b) Zungeru
    c) Abuja
    d) Port Harcourt
  7. Herbert Macaulay was born in ______________, present-day Ogun State in 1909. a) Lagos
    b) Kano
    c) Abeokuta
    d) Ibadan
  8. Chief Obafemi Awolowo founded a political party known as ______________. a) PDP
    b) APC
    c) Action Group (AG)
    d) Labour Party
  9. Micheal Okpara was a ______________ and later a farmer. a) teacher
    b) doctor
    c) lawyer
    d) engineer
  10. Obafemi Awolowo was a ______________ and later became a politician. a) farmer
    b) lawyer
    c) doctor
    d) teacher
  11. Alvan Ikoku was a ______________ and later became an educationist. a) farmer
    b) civil servant
    c) doctor
    d) engineer
  12. Mallam Aminu Kano was a prominent ______________ from Northern Nigeria. a) politician
    b) doctor
    c) teacher
    d) engineer
  13. ______________ was a Northerner and the first Prime Minister of Independent Nigeria. a) Nnamdi Azikwe
    b) Herbert Macaulay
    c) Obafemi Awolowo
    d) Abubakar Tafawa Balewa
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