Jesus Teachings on Christians as the Salt of the Earth Christian Religious Studies Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Subject: Christian Religious Studies
Class: Primary 3
Term: Second Term
Week: 9
Topic: Christians as the Salt of the World
Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should recall the previous lesson about Jesus’ teachings as the salt of the earth and share what they learned.

Key Words: Christian, salt, world, role, flavor, preserve, goodness

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  • Explain the metaphor of Christians as the salt of the world.
  • Understand the importance of Christians spreading love and kindness in society.

Embedded Core Skills: Reading, comprehension, critical thinking

Learning Materials: Whiteboard, markers, pictures of salt, Bible, Christian Religious Studies Textbook Book 3

Reference Books: Lagos State Scheme of Work for Christian Religious Studies, The Holy Bible (related verses), Christian Religious Studies Textbook Book 3


Understanding Jesus’ Teachings as the Salt of the Earth:

  1. Jesus’ Teaching as the Salt of the Earth:
    • Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13).
    • This means that Christians have a special role in making the world a better place.
  2. Reasons Why Christians are Salt of the Earth:
    • Just like salt enhances the flavor of food, Christians bring joy, kindness, and goodness to others. 🌍
    • Salt also preserves food from spoiling, and Christians help preserve peace, harmony, and righteousness in society. 🕊️
    • If salt loses its flavor, it’s no longer useful, and if Christians lose their kindness and love, they can’t make a positive impact in the world. ❌

By following Jesus’ teachings and spreading love and kindness, Christians act as the salt of the earth, making the world a better place for everyone.


  1. What did Jesus mean when he said, “You are the salt of the earth”?
    • Jesus meant that Christians have a special role in making the world better.
  2. Why did Jesus compare Christians to salt?
    • Jesus compared Christians to salt to show their importance in bringing goodness and preserving peace.
  3. How do Christians act as the salt of the earth?
    • Christians act as the salt of the earth by spreading joy, kindness, and goodness to others.
  4. What happens if salt loses its flavor?
    • If salt loses its flavor, it’s no longer useful, just like if Christians lose their kindness, they can’t help others.
  5. Why is it important for Christians to spread love and kindness?
    • It’s important because it makes the world a happier and better place for everyone.
  6. What does salt do to food?
    • Salt enhances the flavor of food and preserves it from spoiling.
  7. How can Christians help preserve peace and harmony in society?
    • Christians can help by being kind, forgiving, and treating others with respect.
  8. Can Christians make a positive impact in the world?
    • Yes, Christians can make a positive impact by spreading love and kindness wherever they go.
  9. What happens if Christians don’t act like salt?
    • If Christians don’t act like salt, they can’t make a positive difference in the world.
  10. What can we learn from Jesus’ teachings about being the salt of the earth?
    • We can learn to be kind, helpful, and caring towards others, just like salt enhances and preserves food.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Jesus said, “You are the ________ of the earth.”
    • a) sugar
    • b) salt
    • c) pepper
    • d) water
  2. Christians have a special role in making the world ________.
    • a) smaller
    • b) better
    • c) darker
    • d) colder
  3. Christians bring joy, kindness, and ________ to others.
    • a) anger
    • b) sadness
    • c) goodness
    • d) fear
  4. Salt enhances the ________ of food.
    • a) color
    • b) flavor
    • c) size
    • d) shape
  5. Christians help preserve peace, harmony, and ________ in society.
    • a) darkness
    • b) goodness
    • c) sadness
    • d) anger
  6. If salt loses its flavor, it’s no longer ________.
    • a) useful
    • b) tasty
    • c) colorful
    • d) sweet
  7. Christians act as the salt of the earth by spreading love and ________.
    • a) anger
    • b) sadness
    • c) kindness
    • d) fear
  8. Salt preserves food from ________.
    • a) growing
    • b) spoiling
    • c) shrinking
    • d) changing
  9. It’s important for Christians to spread ________ and kindness.
    • a) darkness
    • b) anger
    • c) love
    • d) fear
  10. Christians can make a positive ________ in the world.
    • a) impact
    • b) change
    • c) difference
    • d) effect
  11. Christians can help preserve ________ and righteousness in society.
    • a) anger
    • b) peace
    • c) darkness
    • d) sadness
  12. Jesus wants Christians to spread joy, kindness, and ________.
    • a) darkness
    • b) anger
    • c) goodness
    • d) fear
  13. If Christians don’t act like salt, they can’t make a positive ________ in the world.
    • a) impact
    • b) change
    • c) difference
    • d) effect
  14. Christians have a special role in bringing ________ to the world.
    • a) darkness
    • b) goodness
    • c) sadness
    • d) anger
  15. Christians are compared to salt to show their importance in bringing ________.
    • a) darkness
    • b) goodness
    • c) sadness
    • d) anger

Presentation :

Step 1: Revision

Step 2: Introduction of New Topic

  • The teacher introduces the new topic, “Importance of Christians as the Salt of the World,” explaining the significance of Christians spreading love and kindness.

Step 3: Teacher’s Activities

  • The teacher explains the metaphor of Christians as the salt of the world, emphasizing their role in making society better.
  • Reading relevant Bible verses (Matthew 5:13, Mark 9:50) to reinforce the lesson.
  • Discussing examples of how Christians can spread love and kindness in their communities.

Learners Activities

  • Students listen attentively and participate in discussions about the importance of Christians as the salt of the world.
  • They read the Bible verses together and discuss their meanings.
  • Students share their ideas on how they can be like salt by showing love and kindness to others.


  • The teacher assesses students’ understanding through class discussions and questioning.
  • Students’ participation and engagement during the lesson are observed.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What does Jesus compare Christians to?
  2. What is the role of Christians as the salt of the world?
  3. Why is it important for Christians to spread love and kindness?
  4. How can Christians make a positive impact in society?
  5. What happens if Christians lose their kindness?
  6. What does salt symbolize?
  7. How can Christians preserve peace and harmony?
  8. Can you give an example of how Christians can spread goodness?
  9. What is the significance of Christians as the salt of the world?
  10. How can we apply the concept of Christians as the salt of the world in our daily lives?


  • The teacher goes round to mark students’ participation and understanding of the topic.
  • Students are encouraged to remember their role as Christians in spreading love and kindness in society.
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