How to Take Care of Your Hair | Hair Care Tips for Kids | Home Economics Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Subject: Home Economics
Class: Primary 3
Term: Second Term
Week: Week 2
Topic: Care of the Hair, Types of Hair, Articles for Cleaning the Hair, and Types of Hair Infections
Sub-topic: Understanding how to care for our hair, identifying different types of hair, knowing articles used for cleaning hair, and recognizing common hair infections
Duration: 45 minutes
Entry Behaviour: Students should be able to name basic hygiene practices and identify different body parts.
Key Words: Hair care, types of hair, cleaning articles, hair infections.
Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Explain how to care for their hair.
  2. Identify at least three types of hair.
  3. List articles used for cleaning hair.
  4. Describe three common hair infections.
    Embedded Core Skills: Observation, classification, communication.
    Learning Materials:
  • Chalkboard/Whiteboard
  • Markers/Chalk
  • Pictures of different hair types and hair cleaning articles
  • Shampoo bottle
  • Comb
  • Towel
  • Reference books: Lagos State Scheme of Work, Computer Studies Textbook Book 3


Care of the Hair:

  1. Comb your hair gently every day to keep it neat and free from tangles.
  2. Wash your hair regularly with mild shampoo and water to keep it clean.
  3. Avoid using too much heat from hairdryers or straighteners, as it can damage your hair.
  4. Eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables to make your hair strong and shiny.

Types of Hair:

  1. Straight hair: Hair that grows straight without any curls. Example: Sarah has straight hair that she can easily brush.
  2. Curly hair: Hair that forms curls or waves. Example: Jamal’s curly hair bounces when he walks.
  3. Wavy hair: Hair that is neither straight nor curly, but somewhere in between. Example: Emily’s wavy hair looks beautiful when she lets it air dry.

Articles for Cleaning the Hair:

  1. Shampoo: A special liquid soap used to clean hair.
  2. Comb: A tool with teeth used to untangle and style hair.
  3. Towel: A soft cloth used to dry wet hair gently.
  4. Hairbrush: A tool with bristles used to smooth and style hair.

Types of Hair Infections:

  1. Dandruff: Small, white flakes that appear on the scalp and hair. Example: Jenny has dandruff, so she uses special shampoo to treat it.
  2. Lice: Tiny insects that live on the scalp and lay eggs in the hair. Example: Timmy got lice from sharing hats with his friends.
  3. Ringworm: A fungal infection that causes red, itchy patches on the scalp. Example: Maya’s ringworm cleared up after she used antifungal cream.

Class Discussion

  1. What is hair care? Hair care means taking good care of your hair by washing it, combing it gently, and eating healthy foods.
  2. What are the types of hair? There are three types of hair: straight, curly, and wavy. Straight hair is smooth, curly hair forms curls, and wavy hair is in-between.
  3. How do we clean our hair? We clean our hair by using shampoo and water, then gently drying it with a towel.
  4. What do we use to comb our hair? We use a comb with teeth to untangle and style our hair.
  5. What are some articles for cleaning hair? Articles for cleaning hair include shampoo, comb, towel, and hairbrush.
  6. What is dandruff? Dandruff is when small, white flakes appear on the scalp and hair.
  7. How do we get rid of lice? We can get rid of lice by using special shampoo and combing our hair with a fine-toothed comb.
  8. What is ringworm? Ringworm is a fungal infection that causes red, itchy patches on the scalp.
  9. How can we prevent hair infections? We can prevent hair infections by keeping our hair clean, avoiding sharing hats, and using special treatments if needed.
  10. Why is it important to take care of our hair? It’s important to take care of our hair so it stays healthy, looks nice, and doesn’t get infected.

Classwork :

  1. What do we use to comb our hair? a) Toothbrush b) Comb c) Spoon d) Fork
  2. Which type of hair forms curls? a) Straight hair b) Curly hair c) Wavy hair d) Bald hair
  3. How do we clean our hair? a) With soap and water b) With shampoo and water c) With toothpaste and water d) With juice and water
  4. What is the article used for drying wet hair? a) Towel b) Tissue c) Pillow d) Blanket
  5. What are small, white flakes that appear on the scalp and hair? a) Dust b) Dandruff c) Sand d) Glitter
  6. What insect lives on the scalp and lays eggs in the hair? a) Butterfly b) Ant c) Lice d) Spider
  7. What is a fungal infection that causes itchy patches on the scalp? a) Mosquito bite b) Ringworm c) Bee sting d) Ant bite
  8. Which food helps make hair strong and shiny? a) Candy b) Vegetables c) Chips d) Ice cream
  9. What tool is used to untangle and style hair? a) Hammer b) Brush c) Comb d) Pencil
  10. What do we use to clean our hair? a) Milk b) Water c) Shampoo d) Soda
  11. Which type of hair is neither straight nor curly? a) Straight hair b) Curly hair c) Wavy hair d) Frizzy hair
  12. What insect causes itching on the scalp? a) Lice b) Spider c) Butterfly d) Beetle
  13. What tool has bristles and is used to smooth and style hair? a) Toothbrush b) Comb c) Hairbrush d) Spoon
  14. What is used to treat dandruff? a) Water b) Shampoo c) Toothpaste d) Juice
  15. Why is it important to take care of our hair? a) Because it’s fun b) Because it can get dirty c) Because it can get infected d) Because it doesn’t matter

Presentation :
  1. Revision:
    • The teacher revises the previous topic, which was personal hygiene, by asking questions like “What do we do to keep our bodies clean?” and “Why is it important to wash our hands regularly?”
  2. Introduction of New Topic:
    • The teacher introduces the new topic by showing pictures of different hair types and asking students to identify them. Then, the teacher explains that today’s lesson is about caring for our hair, the different types of hair, articles used for cleaning hair, and common hair infections.
  3. Teacher’s Activities:
    • The teacher explains the importance of washing and combing hair regularly.
    • The teacher shows examples of straight, curly, and wavy hair and explains the differences.
    • The teacher displays pictures of shampoo, comb, towel, and hairbrush, and explains their uses in cleaning hair.
    • The teacher describes dandruff, lice, and ringworm as common hair infections.
  4. Learners Activities:
    • Students listen attentively and participate in discussions.
    • Students observe the pictures and identify the different hair types and cleaning articles.
    • Students ask questions if they don’t understand.


  • The teacher assesses students’ understanding by asking questions during the lesson.
  • The teacher observes students’ participation and engagement.
  • The teacher evaluates students’ ability to identify hair types and cleaning articles.

 Evaluation :

  1. What is the importance of washing our hair regularly?
  2. Name three types of hair.
  3. What do we use to clean our hair?
  4. Describe dandruff.
  5. How do we get rid of lice?
  6. List two articles used for cleaning hair.
  7. What causes ringworm?
  8. Why is it important to take care of our hair?
  9. How do we prevent hair infections?
  10. Can you name one type of hair infection?


  • The teacher goes round to mark students’ understanding and addresses any misconceptions.
  • The teacher emphasizes the importance of practicing good hair care habits and staying healthy.
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