Cleaning the Bedroom: Materials and Steps Home Economics Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Subject: Home Economics
Class: Primary 3
Term: Second Term
Week: Week 8
Topic: Cleaning the Bedroom: Materials and Steps
Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be able to identify basic cleaning tools and understand the importance of keeping the bedroom clean.

Key Words: Cleaning, bedroom, materials, steps, hygiene.

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. List the materials needed for cleaning the bedroom.
  2. Explain the practical steps involved in cleaning the bedroom.
  3. Demonstrate basic skills for cleaning the bedroom.

Embedded Core Skills: Observation, communication, hygiene practices.

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures showing cleaning materials and steps.
  • Examples of broom, vacuum cleaner, microfiber cloth, mop.
  • Reference books: Lagos State Scheme of Work, Computer Studies Textbook Book 3.


Reasons for Cleaning the Bedroom:

  1. To Remove Dirt: Cleaning the bedroom helps remove dirt and dust that accumulates over time. 🧹
    • Example: Sweeping the floor removes dirt and dust bunnies.
  2. To Keep It Neat: A clean bedroom looks tidy and organized, making it easier to find things. 🛏️
    • Example: Making the bed and arranging pillows makes the bedroom look neat.
  3. To Prevent Allergies: Regular cleaning reduces allergens like dust mites and pet dander, which can cause allergies. 🤧
    • Example: Wiping surfaces and vacuuming reduces dust and allergens in the air.
  4. To Improve Sleep: A clean and fresh bedroom environment can help improve sleep quality. 💤
    • Example: Laundering bedding regularly ensures a comfortable sleep environment.
  5. To Create a Pleasant Atmosphere: Cleaning makes the bedroom feel inviting and comfortable. 🌟
    • Example: Adding a fresh scent with air freshener or clean sheets creates a pleasant atmosphere.

Materials Needed for Cleaning the Bedroom:

  1. Broom and Dustpan: For sweeping and collecting dirt and dust. 🧹
  2. Vacuum Cleaner: For cleaning carpets, rugs, and upholstery. 🧼
  3. Microfiber Cloth: For dusting surfaces like furniture and shelves. 🧽
  4. All-purpose Cleaner: For wiping surfaces like countertops and bedside tables. 🧴
  5. Window Cleaner: For cleaning windows, mirrors, and glass surfaces. 🪟
  6. Mop and Bucket: For cleaning hard floors like wood or tile. 🧼
  7. Laundry Basket: For collecting dirty clothes and linens for washing. 🧺
  8. Air Freshener: For adding a pleasant scent to the room after cleaning. 🌸
  9. Trash Bags: For disposing of trash and clutter. 🗑️
  10. Gloves: For protecting hands while cleaning. 🧤


Class Activity

  1. Why do we need to clean our bedroom?
    • We need to clean our bedroom to remove dirt, keep it neat, and prevent allergies.
  2. What tools do we use to clean the bedroom?
    • We use tools like broom, vacuum cleaner, microfiber cloth, and mop.
  3. How does cleaning the bedroom help us sleep better?
    • Cleaning the bedroom creates a pleasant atmosphere and removes allergens, helping us sleep better.
  4. What should we use to wipe surfaces in the bedroom?
    • We should use an all-purpose cleaner and a microfiber cloth to wipe surfaces.
  5. Why is it important to use gloves when cleaning?
    • It’s important to use gloves to protect our hands from chemicals and dirt.
  6. What do we do with dirty clothes in the bedroom?
    • We put dirty clothes in a laundry basket to wash them later.
  7. How often should we clean our bedroom?
    • We should clean our bedroom regularly, at least once a week.
  8. What do we use to clean the floor in the bedroom?
    • We use a broom and mop to sweep and mop the floor.
  9. Why do we need to use an air freshener after cleaning?
    • We use an air freshener to add a pleasant scent to the room after cleaning.
  10. What do we do with trash in the bedroom?
    • We use trash bags to dispose of trash and clutter.

Evaluation :

  1. What do we need to clean our bedroom? a) Broom and vacuum cleaner b) Toys and books c) Food and drinks d) Pencils and erasers
  2. Why do we need to clean our bedroom? a) To make it messy b) To remove dirt and dust c) To play games d) To make it smell bad
  3. What tool do we use to sweep the floor? a) Broom b) Hammer c) Spoon d) Fork
  4. How often should we clean our bedroom? a) Once a year b) Once a month c) At least once a week d) Never
  5. Why do we use gloves when cleaning? a) To protect our hands b) To protect our feet c) To protect our eyes d) To protect our ears
  6. What should we use to wipe surfaces in the bedroom? a) Microfiber cloth and all-purpose cleaner b) Towel and water c) Socks and shoes d) Pillow and blanket
  7. Where do we put dirty clothes in the bedroom? a) In a laundry basket b) In a trash can c) On the bed d) On the floor
  8. What should we use to clean the floor in the bedroom? a) Broom and mop b) Vacuum cleaner and sponge c) Hammer and nails d) Plate and cup
  9. How does cleaning the bedroom help us sleep better? a) By creating a pleasant atmosphere b) By making it messy c) By adding more toys d) By making it smell bad
  10. Why do we use an air freshener after cleaning? a) To add a pleasant scent b) To make it smell worse c) To add more dust d) To make it dirty
  11. What do we need to wipe surfaces in the bedroom? a) Microfiber cloth b) Towel c) Socks d) Shoes
  12. What should we use to mop the floor? a) Mop and bucket b) Broom and dustpan c) Vacuum cleaner d) Hammer and nails
  13. How often should we wash our bed sheets? a) Once a year b) Once a week c) Once a month d) Never
  14. What should we do with trash in the bedroom? a) Use trash bags to dispose of it b) Leave it on the floor c) Put it on the bed d) Eat it
  15. What tool do we use to collect dirt and dust? a) Broom and dustpan b) Vacuum cleaner c) Hammer and nails d) Plate and cup
  1. Revision:
  2. Introduction of New Topic:
    • The teacher introduces the new topic by showing pictures of cleaning materials and steps.
    • The teacher explains that today’s lesson is about cleaning the bedroom and the materials and steps involved.
  3. Teacher’s Activities:
    • The teacher lists the materials needed for cleaning the bedroom, such as broom, vacuum cleaner, microfiber cloth, and mop.
    • The teacher explains each step of cleaning the bedroom, including sweeping, dusting, wiping, mopping, and organizing.
    • The teacher demonstrates practical steps for cleaning the bedroom using visual aids.
  4. Learners Activities:
    • Students participate in discussions about the materials needed and steps involved in cleaning the bedroom.
    • Students practice sweeping, dusting, wiping, and organizing items in the bedroom.
    • Students demonstrate cleaning the bedroom using appropriate tools and techniques.


  • The teacher assesses students’ understanding by asking questions during the lesson.
  • The teacher observes students’ participation and engagement.
  • The teacher evaluates students’ ability to demonstrate basic skills for cleaning the bedroom.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are three materials needed for cleaning the bedroom?
  2. Why is it important to clean our bedroom regularly?
  3. What tool do we use to sweep the floor in the bedroom?
  4. How do we wipe surfaces in the bedroom?
  5. Why do we use gloves when cleaning?
  6. Where do we put dirty clothes in the bedroom?
  7. How often should we clean our bedroom?
  8. What do we use to mop the floor in the bedroom?
  9. How does cleaning the bedroom help us stay healthy?
  10. What should we do with trash in the bedroom?


  • The teacher goes round to mark students’ understanding and address any misconceptions.
  • The teacher emphasizes the importance of practicing good hygiene habits and keeping the bedroom clean for health and comfort.

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