Understanding Prayer: Hindrances, Requests, and Answers Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 3




Lesson Plan Presentation

  • Subject: Christian Religious Studies
  • Class: Primary 2
  • Term: Second Term
  • Week: 3
  • Topic: Understanding Prayer: Hindrances, Requests, and Answers
  • Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour:

  • Quick review: Ask students to recall what they learned about prayer hindrances in the previous lesson.

Key Words:

  • Prayer, Hindrances, Requests, Answers.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, students should be able to list 10 things that can hinder prayers.
  • Students should identify 10 things they can ask God in prayer.
  • Students should understand 10 ways God can answer their prayers.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Verbal communication (expressing prayer requests)
  • Memory recall (recalling hindrances and answers to prayers)

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures depicting prayer situations.
  • Simple illustrations of hindrances, prayer requests, and answers.


10 Things that Can Hinder Our Prayers:

  1. Angry Hearts 😡
    • Example: When we’re angry, it can make it hard for our prayers to reach God.
  2. Unkind Words 🗣️
    • Example: Speaking unkindly to others can be a barrier to our prayers.
  3. Being Selfish 🤲
    • Example: Asking for things only for ourselves without thinking of others.
  4. Ignoring Others’ Feelings 😔
    • Example: Ignoring how others feel can block our prayers.
  5. Not Forgiving 🚫
    • Example: Holding onto grudges stops our prayers from being heard.
  6. Being Dishonest 🤥
    • Example: Being dishonest hinders our connection with God in prayer.
  7. Forgetting to Say “Thank You” 🙏
    • Example: Forgetting gratitude can be a hindrance in our prayers.
  8. Lack of Faith 🌱
    • Example: Doubting that God can answer our prayers can hinder them.
  9. Ignoring God’s Rules 📜
    • Example: Not following God’s rules can create a barrier in our prayers.
  10. Not Listening to Others 🤔
    • Example: Ignoring the needs and feelings of others can hinder our prayers.

10 Things We Can Ask God in Prayer:

  1. Help with School 📚
  2. Good Health 🌿
  3. Love for Family ❤️
  4. Safety for Friends 🤝
  5. Guidance in Decisions 🗺️
  6. Happiness for Everyone 😃
  7. Forgiveness for Mistakes ✨
  8. Peace in the World 🌍
  9. Strength in Tough Times 💪
  10. Thanksgiving for Blessings 🙌

10 Ways God Can Answer Our Prayers:

  1. Yes 🙏
  2. Wait ⏳
  3. No 🚫
  4. Through Others 🤝
  5. In Different Ways 🔄
  6. With Guidance 🗺️
  7. Through Hard Work 🛠️
  8. With Love ❤️
  9. By Teaching Us 📚
  10. Through Surprises 


  1. Ignoring others’ feelings can __________ our prayers. a) Help
    b) Enhance
    c) Block
    d) Encourage
  2. Asking only for ourselves without thinking of others is being __________ in prayer. a) Generous
    b) Selfish
    c) Kind
    d) Thoughtful
  3. Holding onto grudges can __________ our prayers. a) Strengthen
    b) Unblock
    c) Hinder
    d) Support
  4. Doubting that God can answer our prayers shows a lack of __________. a) Gratitude
    b) Faith
    c) Humility
    d) Generosity
  5. Not following God’s rules can create a __________ in our prayers. a) Bridge
    b) Connection
    c) Barrier
    d) Support
  6. Forgetting to say “thank you” can be a __________ in our prayers. a) Help
    b) Blessing
    c) Gratitude
    d) Hindrance
  7. Ignoring the needs and feelings of others can __________ our prayers. a) Strengthen
    b) Enhance
    c) Unblock
    d) Hinder
  8. Asking for help with school is something we can request from God in __________. a) Play
    b) Prayer
    c) Work
    d) Study
  9. Seeking guidance in decisions is a __________ we can ask God in prayer. a) Support
    b) Request
    c) Prayer
    d) Pleasure
  10. God can answer our prayers with a __________ when it’s not the right time. a) Yes
    b) Wait
    c) No
    d) Maybe
  11. Expressing love for family is something we can ask God for in __________. a) Prayer
    b) Play
    c) Work
    d) School
  12. Safety for friends is a __________ we can seek from God in prayer. a) Joy
    b) Pleasure
    c) Blessing
    d) Request
  13. God can answer our prayers by guiding us __________ different ways. a) In
    b) Through
    c) With
    d) Within
  14. Forgiveness for mistakes is something we can ask from God in __________. a) Play
    b) Work
    c) Study
    d) Prayer
  15. God can answer our prayers with __________ surprises. a) Ordinary
    b) Common
    c) Expected
    d) Unexpected
  1. Presentation (Step 1):
  2. Introduction (Step 2):
    • Introduce the new topics: 10 Things that Can Hinder Our Prayers, 10 Things We Can Ask God in Prayer, and 10 Ways God Can Answer Our Prayers.
  3. Teacher’s Activities (Step 3):
    • List Hindrances: Write down 10 common hindrances to prayers on the board.
    • Explore Requests: Discuss with students 10 things they can ask God in prayer.
    • Explain Answers: Explain 10 ways God can answer their prayers.
  4. Learners’ Activities:
    • Discussion: Encourage students to share their thoughts on hindrances, requests, and answers to prayers.
    • Drawing Activity: Ask students to draw a picture representing one thing they would like to ask God.
  5. Assessment:
    • Group Activity: Have students work in groups to create a short skit depicting a prayer situation.
    • Questions: Ask simple questions about hindrances, prayer requests, and answers.


  1. What is the topic of today’s lesson?
  2. Name one thing that can hinder our prayers.
  3. Mention a prayer request you can ask God for.
  4. How can God answer our prayers?
  5. Can you recall a hindrance to prayer mentioned in the previous lesson?
  6. Share one thing you would like to ask God in prayer.
  7. How many ways did we discuss that God can answer prayers?
  8. What does “hindrance” mean in the context of prayer?
  9. Give an example of something you can thank God for in prayer.
  10. Why is it important to understand how God answers our prayers?


  • Teacher’s Activity: Go around the class to assess understanding and correct any misconceptions.
  • Feedback: Provide positive reinforcement and encourage students to share their drawings.
  • Homework: Ask students to share with their families what they learned about prayer hindrances, requests, and answers.
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