Brief history of Prophet Isa (AS) Islamic Religious Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 10


Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Class: Primary 2
Term: Second Term
Week: 10
Topic: History of Prophet Isa (AS) – Birth, Mission, Not the Son of Allah, Miracles
Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students are expected to recall previous lessons about Prophet Yusuf (AS) and basic concepts of miracles.

Key Words:

  • Prophet Isa
  • Miraculous Birth
  • Mission
  • Not Son of Allah
  • Not Crucified
  • Healing Miracles

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Narrate key aspects of Prophet Isa’s history.
  2. Understand the miraculous nature of Isa’s birth.
  3. Recognize Isa’s mission and clarify the concept of not being the son of Allah.
  4. Appreciate the importance of Isa not being crucified.
  5. Identify some of the healing miracles performed by Isa with Allah’s permission.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Understanding

Learning Materials:

  • Visual aids (pictures of Prophet Isa, his miracles)
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Storybook on Prophet Isa
  • Small rewards/stickers for participation


Brief history of Prophet Isa (AS)

Prophet Isa (AS), known as Jesus in English, is an important figure in Islamic history. His story is mentioned in the Quran, particularly in Surah Maryam. Here’s a brief overview:

Prophet Isa was born to Maryam (Mary), a righteous and pious woman, without a father. His birth is considered a miraculous event by Muslims. Isa grew up in a caring and God-fearing environment.

As he matured, Isa was chosen by Allah to be a messenger to the Children of Israel. He performed various miracles, such as healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, and even bringing the dead back to life—all with Allah’s permission.

Despite his miracles, some rejected Isa’s message, leading to opposition and conspiracies against him. Allah, however, protected Isa and raised him to the heavens before his enemies could harm him.

Muslims believe that Isa will return in the future as part of the events leading to the Day of Judgment. His life and teachings emphasize love, compassion, and devotion to Allah.

  1. Prophet Isa (AS) is also known as: a) Ibrahim b) Jesus c) Yusuf d) Moses
  2. Isa’s mother’s name is: a) Fatimah b) Aisha c) Maryam d) Khadijah
  3. Isa’s birth is considered a: a) Natural event b) Miraculous event c) Ordinary event d) Coincidental event
  4. Prophet Isa was chosen by Allah to be a: a) Builder b) Healer c) Farmer d) Soldier
  5. Isa performed miracles with: a) His own power b) Magic c) Allah’s permission d) Nature’s forces
  6. Which of the following is NOT a miracle performed by Isa? a) Healing the sick b) Giving sight to the blind c) Flying in the sky d) Bringing the dead back to life
  7. Isa faced opposition and conspiracies due to: a) His miracles b) His kindness c) His wealth d) His family
  8. Allah protected Isa by: a) Sending angels b) Hiding him in a cave c) Raising him to the heavens d) Providing a powerful army
  9. Isa’s message emphasized: a) Hatred and revenge b) Love and compassion c) Greed and envy d) Ignoring others
  10. Isa’s enemies wanted to harm him, but Allah: a) Sent lightning to protect him b) Turned them into animals c) Raised him to the heavens d) Made him invisible
  11. Muslims believe that Isa will return: a) Never b) In the past c) In the future d) Only in dreams
  12. Isa’s life and teachings emphasize devotion to: a) Wealth b) Power c) Allah d) Nature
  13. Prophet Isa’s story is mentioned in which Surah of the Quran? a) Surah Al-Fatihah b) Surah Al-Baqarah c) Surah Maryam d) Surah An-Nisa
  14. Isa’s miracles demonstrated Allah’s: a) Limitations b) Independence c) Weakness d) Unreliability
  15. Isa’s return is associated with events leading to: a) Eid celebration b) The Day of Judgment c) A new prophet’s arrival d) The end of the world

Simplified Content for grade 2 pupils 

Hello, little friends! 🌈 Today, let’s talk about Prophet Isa (AS), also known as Jesus. 🌟 He was born in a special way without a dad – a miracle from Allah! 🍼✨

Isa’s mission was to tell people about Allah’s love and goodness, and he wasn’t the son of Allah. 🤲 He didn’t get crucified; instead, Allah took him to the heavens to keep him safe. 🌌

Isa had super cool powers from Allah – he could heal the sick and even bring people back to life! 🏥💖 These miracles showed everyone that Allah is super powerful! 🌟✨

  1. Prophet Isa (AS) is also known as: a) Moses b) Jesus c) Yusuf d) Ibrahim
  2. Isa’s birth was a miracle because he didn’t have a: a) Mother b) Family c) Father d) Brother
  3. Prophet Isa’s mission was to tell people about: a) Cars b) Allah’s love and goodness c) Toys d) Famous people
  4. Isa emphasized that he wasn’t the: a) Brother of Allah b) Son of Allah c) Friend of Allah d) Father of Allah
  5. Prophet Isa didn’t get: a) Married b) Crucified c) Rich d) Lost
  6. Instead of being crucified, Allah: a) Took him to the moon b) Raised him to the heavens c) Hid him in a cave d) Made him invisible
  7. Isa’s miracles included: a) Flying in the sky b) Healing the sick c) Turning invisible d) Making it rain
  8. Healing the sick and bringing people back to life were Isa’s miracles with: a) His own power b) Magic c) Allah’s permission d) Nature’s forces
  9. Prophet Isa’s mission was to teach about Allah’s: a) Anger b) Love and goodness c) Sadness d) Strict rules
  10. Isa’s birth without a father shows Allah’s: a) Weakness b) Power c) Ignorance d) Forgetfulness
  11. Prophet Isa’s mission was to tell people that Allah is: a) Unkind b) Strict c) Merciful and loving d) Angry
  12. Isa’s miraculous birth is mentioned in the Surah: a) Surah Al-Fatihah b) Surah Al-Baqarah c) Surah Maryam d) Surah An-Nisa
  13. Prophet Isa was known for: a) Hiding from people b) Being a powerful king c) His kindness and miracles d) His love for animals
  14. Isa’s mission teaches us that we should: a) Ignore others b) Be strict with ourselves c) Love and be kind to others d) Be angry with everyone
  15. One of Isa’s miracles was: a) Turning water into gold b) Healing the sick c) Flying without wings d) Changing day into night


  1. Revision (5 mins):
  2. Introduction of New Topic (5 mins):
    • Introduce the topic: Prophet Isa’s miraculous birth, mission, and healing miracles.
  3. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Use visual aids to narrate key events in Prophet Isa’s life.
    • Explain the miraculous nature of Isa’s birth and his mission.
    • Emphasize that Isa is not the son of Allah and wasn’t crucified.
  4. Learners Activities:
    • Listen actively to the story of Prophet Isa.
    • Engage in a class discussion about the importance of Isa’s mission and miracles.
  5. Assessment (5 mins):
    • Ask questions to assess students’ understanding of key concepts.
    • Encourage students to share what they find most interesting about Prophet Isa’s story.
  6.  Evaluation :
    1. Who is Prophet Isa?
    2. How was Isa’s birth different from others?
    3. What was Isa’s mission?
    4. Was Isa the son of Allah? (Yes/No)
    5. Why wasn’t Isa crucified?
    6. Name one healing miracle performed by Isa.
    7. What does ‘miraculous’ mean?
    8. Why is Isa’s mission important?
    9. What lesson can we learn from Isa not being crucified?
    10. How do Isa’s miracles show Allah’s power?
  7. Conclusion (5 mins):
    • Summarize key points of the lesson.
    • Provide positive feedback and distribute small rewards/stickers for participation.

The teacher goes around to mark and provide feedback on any written or drawing activities related to the lesson

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