Surah An Nas [114 Verses 4 – 6] – Transliteration, Translation, and list the uses of the surah to Muslims Primary 1 Islamic Religious Studies

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies

Class: Primary 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 5

Topic: Surah An Nas [114 Verses 1 – 3] – Transliteration, Translation, and Uses

Sub-topic: Understanding Surah An Nas

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Greet the students warmly and ask if they remember the last Surah learned. Encourage them to share any thoughts or experiences related to prayers.

Key Words:

  • Surah An Nas
  • Transliteration
  • Translation
  • Protection
  • Refuge
  • Tawhid
  • Arabic

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Recite Surah An Nas with proper transliteration.
  2. Understand the English translation of Surah An Nas.
  3. List and discuss the uses of Surah An Nas for Muslims.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Memorization

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Flashcards with Surah An Nas verses
  • Visual aids with Arabic script
  • English translation handouts
  • Praying mats



Surah An-Nas (Chapter 114): Transliteration, Translation, and Uses

1. Transliteration (Writing in English letters):

  • Example: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

2. Translation (Meaning in English):

  • Example: “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.”

3. Verses 1 – 3:

  • Example: “Say, ‘I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, the Sovereign of mankind, the God of mankind.'”

4. Uses of Surah An-Nas for Muslims:

  • Protection from Evil:
    • Example: Recite before sleeping for Allah’s protection.
    • 🛡️
  • Seeking Refuge:
    • Example: To seek refuge from negative thoughts or harm.
    • 🙏
  • Daily Recitation:
    • Example: Muslims recite it in daily prayers.
    • 🤲
  • Cleansing the Heart:
    • Example: Helps purify the heart from ill feelings.
    • 💖
  • Teaching Tawhid (Oneness of Allah):
    • Example: Emphasizes Allah’s sovereignty and lordship.
    • ☝️
  • Learning Arabic:
    • Example: Helps in learning basic Arabic for prayers.
    • 📚

Remember to say “Masha Allah” when you understand!

  1. Surah An-Nas is the _____ chapter of the Quran.
    • a) First
    • b) Last
    • c) Middle
    • d) Tenth
  2. The opening phrase “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” means “In the name of _____.”
    • a) Parents
    • b) Allah
    • c) Friends
    • d) Teachers
  3. The verse “Say, ‘I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind'” is in Surah An-Nas, verse _____.
    • a) 3
    • b) 1
    • c) 2
    • d) 4
  4. Muslims recite Surah An-Nas for protection, especially _____ sleeping.
    • a) After
    • b) Before
    • c) During
    • d) Never
  5. The word used to express seeking protection from harm in Surah An-Nas is _____.
    • a) Love
    • b) Fear
    • c) Refuge
    • d) Joy
  6. Surah An-Nas helps in purifying the heart from _____ feelings.
    • a) Positive
    • b) Negative
    • c) Funny
    • d) Confused
  7. Muslims recite Surah An-Nas in their _____ prayers.
    • a) Weekly
    • b) Daily
    • c) Monthly
    • d) Yearly
  8. The verse “Say, ‘I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind'” teaches us to seek refuge from _____ thoughts.
    • a) Good
    • b) Bad
    • c) Funny
    • d) Silly
  9. Surah An-Nas emphasizes the _____ of Allah.
    • a) Absence
    • b) Oneness
    • c) Multiplicity
    • d) Confusion
  10. Muslims say “Masha Allah” to express understanding and _____.
    • a) Surprise
    • b) Disappointment
    • c) Approval
    • d) Anger
  11. Reciting Surah An-Nas helps in learning basic _____ for prayers.
    • a) Mathematics
    • b) English
    • c) Arabic
    • d) Science
  12. The God of mankind mentioned in Surah An-Nas is _____.
    • a) Many gods
    • b) Human beings
    • c) Angels
    • d) Allah
  13. Surah An-Nas is the _____ chapter for seeking Allah’s protection.
    • a) Third
    • b) Second
    • c) First
    • d) Last
  14. Muslims recite Surah An-Nas to cleanse their hearts from _____ feelings.
    • a) Happy
    • b) Sad
    • c) Angry
    • d) Proud
  15. Surah An-Nas helps in understanding the concept of _____ in Islam.
    • a) Equality
    • b) Leadership
    • c) Kindness
    • d) Oneness


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, emphasizing the importance of remembering and practicing the Surahs they have learned so far.

Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, Surah An Nas, explaining its significance in daily prayers and the connection with seeking Allah’s protection.

Step 3: Teacher’s Activities:

  • Display the Arabic script and transliteration of Surah An Nas on the board.
  • Discuss the English translation and meanings of the verses.
  • Engage students in a group recitation of the Surah.
  • Share real-life examples of when Muslims recite Surah An Nas.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanation.
  • Practice reciting Surah An Nas individually and in groups.
  • Ask questions to clarify any doubts.
  • Share personal experiences related to seeking protection through prayers.

Assessment: Observation during recitation, participation in discussions, and responses to questions.

Evaluation :

  1. What is the new Surah we are learning today?
  2. Can you recite the first verse of Surah An Nas?
  3. What does “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” mean?
  4. When do Muslims recite Surah An Nas for protection?
  5. Why is it important to understand the translation of Surah An Nas?
  6. List three uses of Surah An Nas for Muslims.
  7. What core skill are we practicing when we recite Surah An Nas?
  8. Why do Muslims say “Masha Allah” after learning something?
  9. How does Surah An Nas teach the concept of Tawhid?
  10. Can you name one activity where you can use Surah An Nas for protection?

Conclusion: The teacher goes around to assess individual understanding, provide feedback, and mark the lesson as concluded. Encourage students to practice reciting Surah An Nas at home for better retention

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