Sense of Belonging Primary 1 Cultural and Creative Arts


Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Class: Primary 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 9

Topic: Sense of Belonging

Sub-topic: Define sense of belonging, outline personal belongings, explain importance, discuss achieving sense of belonging

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Ask students about their favorite toys and why they like them.

Key Words: Belonging, Personal belongings, Importance, Achieve

Behavioral Objectives:

  • Students should understand the meaning of “sense of belonging.”
  • Students should be able to identify personal belongings.
  • Students should recognize the importance of personal belongings.
  • Students should discuss ways to achieve a sense of belonging.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Social Interaction

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Pictures of personal belongings
  • Storybook about friendship



Sense of Belonging for Grade 1 Pupils:

  1. Define Sense of Belonging:
    • Sense of belonging means feeling like you are a part of a group or a place.
    • Example: Being part of your school class or having friends to play with.
  2. Items that Can Be Personal Belongings:
    • Toys, like a teddy bear or a favorite game.
    • Clothes, such as your school uniform or a special T-shirt.
    • School bag, where you keep your books and crayons.
  3. Importance of Personal Belongings:
    • They make us feel comfortable and happy.
    • Example: Your favorite toy can be a friend when you’re alone.
  4. How to Achieve Sense of Belonging:
    • Share with friends and classmates.
    • Listen and talk to others.
    • Be kind and helpful.
    • Example: Help a friend pick up their fallen crayons.

Remember, a sense of belonging is like having friends and things that make you feel happy and connected!


1. A sense of belonging means feeling like you are __________ of a group or a place.
– a) Inside
– b) Alone
– c) Outside
– d) Under

2. Personal belongings can include your favorite __________.
– a) Vegetables
– b) Toys
– c) Animals
– d) Rocks

3. Your school bag is a type of __________ belonging.
– a) Family
– b) Personal
– c) School
– d) Public

4. Wearing your school uniform gives you a sense of __________.
– a) Flying
– b) Swimming
– c) Belonging
– d) Sleeping

5. Importance of personal belongings is making us feel __________ and __________.
– a) Angry, Sad
– b) Happy, Connected
– c) Tired, Bored
– d) Cold, Hot

6. Your favorite toy can be like a __________ when you’re alone.
– a) Friend
– b) Stranger
– c) Enemy
– d) Teacher

7. Sharing with friends and classmates helps in achieving a sense of __________.
– a) Flying
– b) Belonging
– c) Swimming
– d) Hiding

8. Listening and talking to others are ways to make us feel __________.
– a) Bored
– b) Unhappy
– c) Frustrated
– d) Connected

9. Being kind and helpful is important for creating a sense of __________.
– a) Loneliness
– b) Confusion
– c) Belonging
– d) Isolation

10. Helping a friend pick up fallen crayons is an example of being __________.
– a) Unkind
– b) Friendly
– c) Angry
– d) Selfish

11. Personal belongings make us feel __________ and __________ in our space.
– a) Scared, Lost
– b) Comfortable, Happy
– c) Annoyed, Angry
– d) Confused, Sad

12. Your sense of belonging is like having friends and things that make you feel __________.
– a) Upset
– b) Excited
– c) Happy
– d) Sleepy

13. Feeling part of your school class is an example of a sense of __________.
– a) Belonging
– b) Running
– c) Hiding
– d) Disliking

14. Personal belongings are things that belong to __________.
– a) Strangers
– b) Friends
– c) Enemies
– d) You

15. A sense of belonging is about feeling connected and happy with the people and __________ around you.
– a) Animals
– b) Objects
– c) Things
– d) Places



  1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Teacher revises the previous topic (e.g., Colors and Shapes) briefly.
  2. New Topic Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Teacher introduces “Sense of Belonging” using relatable examples like being part of a family or a class.
  3. Teacher’s Activities (15 minutes):
    • Defines sense of belonging using simple language.
    • Outlines personal belongings (e.g., toys, clothes, school bag).
    • Explains the importance of personal belongings for comfort and happiness.
    • Discusses ways to achieve a sense of belonging (sharing, being kind).
  4. Learners Activities (10 minutes):
    • Students participate in a class discussion about their personal belongings.
    • Students share stories about their favorite toys or belongings.
    • Group activity: Draw and discuss what makes them feel a sense of belonging.
  5. Assessment (5 minutes):
    • Informal observation of students’ participation and engagement.
    • Q&A session to check understanding.
  6. Evaluation:
    1. What is the meaning of “sense of belonging”?
    2. Name one personal belonging.
    3. Why are personal belongings important?
    4. How can sharing help achieve a sense of belonging?
    5. Give an example of a personal belonging you wear.
    6. Discuss the importance of personal belongings with a friend.
    7. What can you do to make others feel a sense of belonging?
    8. Draw and label two personal belongings.
    9. Share a story about a time when you felt a sense of belonging.
    10. Why is it essential to be kind to others?


  • The teacher goes around to mark and provide feedback on students’ drawings and responses. Reinforce the importance of kindness and sharing for a harmonious sense of belonging.
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