Energy Physics SS Class


Subject: Physics
Topic: Energy
Definition: Energy is the capacity of a body to do work.

Types of Energy
1. Kinetic Energy
2. Potential Energy

Kinetic Energy
Definition: Kinetic Energy is the energy acquired by a body due to its motion.

Formula :
K.E= ½mv²
m- mass
v- velocity

K.E–> product of half of the mass of the body and the square of it’s velocity.
A car of mass 20kg is accelerated at the rate of 4m/s². The kinetic energy of the car after 5 seconds is what?

Velocity of the car after 5 seconds = x
How did we get V = at ?

Acceleration = change in velocity ÷ time (÷ stands for divided by)

Velocity = Acceleration x time (× stands for multiplied by)

Velocity = 4m/s² x 5 seconds
Velocity = 20m/s

Kinetic Energy = ½mv²
K.E = 4,000J


  1. Kinetic energy is calculated using the formula K.E = 1/2 * mass * ____.

– a) Acceleration
– b) Velocity
– c) Height
– d) Temperature

  1. Potential energy depends on an object’s ____.

– a) Speed
– b) Mass
– c) Temperature
– d) Color

  1. The formula for potential energy is P.E = mass * g * ____.

– a) Acceleration
– b) Height
– c) Velocity
– d) Density

  1. The unit of energy is ____.

– a) Newton
– b) Joule
– c) Kilogram
– d) Watt

  1. The kinetic energy of an object depends on both its mass and ____.

– a) Acceleration
– b) Velocity
– c) Weight
– d) Volume

  1. Potential energy is often associated with an object’s ____ in a gravitational field.

– a) Speed
– b) Mass
– c) Position
– d) Color

  1. The formula K.E = 1/2 * mass * velocity^2 is applicable to objects in ____.

– a) Rest
– b) Motion
– c) Free fall
– d) Vacuum

  1. The potential energy of an object at ground level is usually considered to be ____.

– a) Zero
– b) Maximum
– c) Negative
– d) Infinite

  1. The formula P.E = mgh involves the acceleration due to ____.

– a) Light
– b) Sound
– c) Gravity
– d) Magnetism

  1. If the mass of an object doubles, its kinetic energy will ____.

– a) Halve
– b) Double
– c) Remain the same
– d) Quadruple

  1. An increase in an object’s height results in a ____ in its potential energy.

– a) Decrease
– b) Increase
– c) No change
– d) Oscillation

  1. The velocity of an object is a measure of its ____.

– a) Speed
– b) Acceleration
– c) Direction
– d) Momentum

  1. The unit of mass used in the kinetic energy formula is ____.

– a) Gram
– b) Kilogram
– c) Pound
– d) Newton

  1. The formula P.E = mgh is applicable when considering ____ energy.

– a) Kinetic
– b) Potential
– c) Thermal
– d) Electrical

  1. The square of an object’s velocity is a crucial factor in determining its ____.

– a) Mass
– b) Kinetic energy
– c) Potential energy
– d) Acceleration

Basic Science Concepts and Energy Transfer – JS 1 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions


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