Revision and Recap of First Term Cultural and Creative Arts Concepts Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Lesson Plan Presentation: Revision in Cultural and Creative Arts

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Week: 11

Topic: Revision

Sub-topic: Recap of First Term Cultural and Creative Arts Concepts

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students are expected to recall basic elements of drawing, colors, and traditional art forms.

Key Words:

  • Drawing
  • Colors
  • Traditional art
  • Creativity
  • Expression
  • Craftsmanship
  • Imagination
  • Cultural heritage
  • Performing arts
  • Visual arts

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Recall and define key Cultural and Creative Arts terms.
  2. Demonstrate basic drawing techniques and color mixing.
  3. Appreciate the importance of cultural heritage in art.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Fine motor skills
  • Creativity and imagination
  • Appreciation of cultural diversity
  • Expressive art skills

Learning Materials:

  • Drawing papers
  • Colored pencils and crayons
  • Visual aids (images of traditional art)
  • Craft materials (optional)
  • Cultural artifacts (optional)


  1. Recap of key Cultural and Creative Arts terms.
  2. Practical session on basic drawing techniques and color mixing.
  3. Discussion on the importance of cultural heritage in art.

Recap of Key Cultural and Creative Arts Terms:

  1. Drawing: Creating pictures or images using lines, shapes, and colors on a surface.
  2. Colors: Different hues that can be combined to create a spectrum of shades.
  3. Traditional Art: Art forms passed down through generations, representing the cultural heritage of a community or society.
  4. Creativity: The ability to think and express ideas in an original and imaginative way.
  5. Expression: Conveying thoughts, feelings, or ideas through various art forms.
  6. Craftsmanship: The skill and quality of workmanship in creating artistic pieces.
  7. Imagination: The ability to form new ideas and images in the mind.
  8. Cultural Heritage: The legacy of cultural traditions, customs, and artistic expressions passed down from previous generations.
  9. Performing Arts: Art forms that involve live performances, such as dance, drama, and music.
  10. Visual Arts: Art forms that create visual or physical objects, including drawing, painting, and sculpture.

Practical Session on Basic Drawing Techniques and Color Mixing:

  1. Lines: Practice drawing various types of lines – straight, curved, zigzag.
  2. Shapes: Create basic shapes like circles, squares, and triangles.
  3. Shading: Experiment with light and dark shading techniques to add depth.
  4. Color Mixing: Combine primary colors (red, blue, yellow) to create secondary colors (orange, green, purple).

Discussion on the Importance of Cultural Heritage in Art:

  1. Preservation of Identity: Cultural heritage in art helps communities preserve their unique identity and traditions.
  2. Connection to the Past: Traditional art forms connect us to the artistic practices of our ancestors, creating a link to our history.
  3. Celebration of Diversity: Cultural heritage in art showcases the diversity of human expression and creativity across different communities.
  4. Inspiration for Contemporary Art: Modern artists often draw inspiration from traditional art forms, blending the old with the new.
  5. Promotion of Understanding: Exposure to various cultural heritages fosters understanding and appreciation among different communities.
  6. Reflection of Values: Art often reflects the values, beliefs, and social structures of a particular culture.
  7. Community Bonding: Artistic traditions bring communities together, fostering a sense of belonging and shared identity.

Understanding these terms and engaging in practical sessions encourages creativity and an appreciation for the rich tapestry of cultural heritage in art.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Drawing involves creating pictures using lines, shapes, and __________.
    • a. Numbers
    • b. Colors
    • c. Sounds
    • d. Textures
  2. Colors are different hues that can be combined to create a spectrum of __________.
    • a. Shapes
    • b. Sizes
    • c. Shades
    • d. Patterns
  3. Traditional art forms represent the cultural heritage of a __________.
    • a. City
    • b. Community
    • c. Country
    • d. Continent
  4. Creativity is the ability to express ideas in an original and __________ way.
    • a. Simple
    • b. Imitative
    • c. Imaginative
    • d. Repetitive
  5. Imagination is the ability to form new ideas and images in the __________.
    • a. Mirror
    • b. Mind
    • c. Garden
    • d. Ocean
  6. Performing arts involve live performances like dance, drama, and __________.
    • a. Cooking
    • b. Reading
    • c. Music
    • d. Building
  7. Craftsmanship is the skill and quality of workmanship in creating __________ pieces.
    • a. Artistic
    • b. Technical
    • c. Everyday
    • d. Colorful
  8. Visual arts create visual or physical objects, including drawing, painting, and __________.
    • a. Sculpture
    • b. Writing
    • c. Singing
    • d. Dancing
  9. Practical sessions in drawing include practicing various types of lines and basic __________.
    • a. Sounds
    • b. Movements
    • c. Shapes
    • d. Stories
  10. In color mixing, combining primary colors (red, blue, yellow) creates __________ colors.
    • a. Secondary
    • b. Tertiary
    • c. Primary
    • d. Neutral
  11. Cultural heritage in art helps communities preserve their unique identity and __________.
    • a. Change
    • b. Traditions
    • c. Language
    • d. Customs
  12. Traditional art forms connect us to the artistic practices of our __________.
    • a. Parents
    • b. Ancestors
    • c. Siblings
    • d. Friends
  13. Artistic traditions bring communities together, fostering a sense of __________ and shared identity.
    • a. Isolation
    • b. Belonging
    • c. Disconnection
    • d. Separation
  14. Modern artists often draw inspiration from traditional art forms, blending the __________ with the new.
    • a. Old
    • b. Fresh
    • c. Creative
    • d. Colorful
  15. Understanding cultural heritage in art promotes __________ and appreciation among different communities.
    • a. Competition
    • b. Understanding
    • c. Disapproval
    • d. Ignorance



Step 1:

  • Begin with a quick review of Cultural and Creative Arts terms.
  • Display visual aids of different art forms to spark interest and discussion.

Step 2:

  • Demonstrate basic drawing techniques, such as lines, shapes, and shading.
  • Engage students in a hands-on activity, encouraging creativity in drawing and mixing colors.

Step 3:

  • Discuss the significance of cultural heritage in art.
  • Showcase traditional art forms from various cultures, highlighting their uniqueness.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate the review of terms and concepts.
  • Provide guidance during the drawing and color mixing activity.
  • Share information about cultural art forms.

Learners Activities:

  • Participate in discussions about cultural heritage.
  • Engage in the practical drawing and coloring session.
  • Ask questions and share their drawings with the class.


  • Observation of students’ participation and creativity.
  • Review of drawn artworks and color combinations.
  • Brief questioning about cultural art forms.

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the main topic of today’s lesson?
  2. Name two key terms in Cultural and Creative Arts.
  3. Demonstrate a basic drawing technique you learned.
  4. How do you mix colors to create new shades?
  5. Why is cultural heritage important in art?
  6. Draw an object using at least three different colors.
  7. Name a traditional art form from a culture different from ours.
  8. What is the significance of expressing creativity through art?
  9. How does drawing help in expressing ideas and feelings?
  10. What have you enjoyed the most about today’s Cultural and Creative Arts session?

Conclusion on the Topic: In today’s revision, we’ve explored the world of art, from basic drawing techniques to the richness of cultural heritage. Remember, each stroke of your pencil or choice of color is a unique expression of yourself. Keep exploring and expressing your creativity!

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