Processing of Harvested crops eg grinding, milling, etc Agricultural Science Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Subject: Agricultural Science

Class: Primary 5

Week: 10

Term: First Term

Topic: Processing of Harvested Crops (e.g., grinding, milling, etc.)

Duration: 45 minutes

Learning Objectives:

  • By the end of this lesson, students should be able to explain the process of turning harvested crops into usable food.
  • Students should understand the importance of processing crops for consumption.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Practical skills
  • Communication skills

Learning Materials:

  • Samples of harvested crops (rice, maize, etc.)
  • Pictures of processing steps
  • A grinding or milling demonstration (if available)
  • Whiteboard and markers

Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  • Describe the steps involved in processing harvested crops.
  • Show appreciation for the work involved in food processing.

Key Vocabulary Words:

  • Processing
  • Grinding
  • Milling
  • Cleaning
  • Drying
  • Sifting
  • Storage
  • Transportation


Methods of Processing Harvested Food Crops 

  1. Cleaning Crops:
    • Before processing, we clean crops to remove dirt and stones.
    • Clean crops are safer to eat and process.
  2. Drying Crops:
    • Some crops, like grains, need to be dried under the sun.
    • Drying helps to preserve crops and prevent mold.
  3. Grinding Crops:
    • Grains like maize and millet are ground into flour.
    • Flour is used to make foods like bread and porridge.
  4. Milling Crops:
    • Some crops, such as rice, need milling.
    • Milling removes the outer husk to get the edible part.
  5. Sifting Flour:
    • After grinding, we sift flour to remove lumps and impurities.
    • Sifted flour is smooth and better for cooking.
  6. Storing Processed Crops:
    • We store processed crops in a clean, dry place.
    • Proper storage keeps them fresh and safe to eat.
  7. Packaging Crops:
    • Processed crops are often put in bags or containers.
    • Packaging helps keep them clean and easy to transport.
  8. Transporting Crops:
    • Processed crops can be taken to markets or stores.
    • Transport ensures people can buy and eat them.

1.Before processing, it’s important to clean crops to remove _______ and stones.**
a) leaves
b) dirt
c) water
d) air

2. Drying crops under the sun helps to _______ them and prevent mold.
a) shrink
b) grow
c) preserve
d) color

3. Grains like maize and millet are often ground into _______.
a) juice
b) flour
c) soil
d) rocks

4. Milling is a process that removes the outer _______ of crops like rice.
a) leaves
b) husk
c) water
d) air

5. After grinding, we sift flour to remove _______ and impurities.
a) lumps
b) sunlight
c) noise
d) friends

6. Proper storage of processed crops keeps them fresh and _______.
a) dirty
b) safe
c) colorful
d) expensive

7. Processed crops are often put in bags or containers for _______.
a) planting
b) eating
c) sleeping
d) talking

8. Transportation of processed crops ensures people can buy and _______ them.
a) eat
b) swim
c) fly
d) sing

9. _______ is the process of removing dirt and stones from crops.
a) Grinding
b) Drying
c) Cleaning
d) Packaging

10. Milling is done to crops like _______ to remove the outer husk.
a) potatoes
b) rice
c) tomatoes
d) apples

11. Sifting flour after grinding helps to remove _______ and impurities.
a) lumps
b) colors
c) friends
d) rain

12. Proper storage of processed crops keeps them fresh and _______ to eat.
a) hot
b) safe
c) loud
d) small

13. _______ is the final step in processing crops for sale.
a) Cleaning
b) Grinding
c) Milling
d) Packaging

14. Transporting processed crops ensures they reach _______ and stores.
a) markets
b) playgrounds
c) hospitals
d) libraries

15. What is the main purpose of cleaning crops before processing?
a) To make them grow faster.
b) To remove dirt and stones.
c) To add flavor to the crops.
d) To change their color.


  1. What does the term “processing of crops” mean?
    • The term “processing of crops” means the series of actions or steps taken to turn harvested crops into usable food or products.
  2. Name three steps involved in processing harvested crops.
    • Three steps in processing harvested crops are cleaning, drying, and grinding or milling.
  3. Why is it important to clean crops before processing?
    • It is important to clean crops before processing to remove dirt, stones, and other impurities that can make the food unsafe or less tasty.
  4. What is the purpose of drying crops in the sun?
    • Drying crops in the sun helps to remove excess moisture, preventing mold and ensuring the crops can be stored for longer periods.
  5. What does grinding crops produce?
    • Grinding crops produces fine particles or powder, which is often used to make flour from grains like maize or wheat.
  6. When do we use milling in food processing?
    • Milling is used in food processing to remove the outer husk or layer from crops like rice, making them ready for cooking.
  7. Why do we sift flour after grinding?
    • We sift flour after grinding to remove lumps and impurities, making the flour smoother and better for cooking.
  8. How should we store processed crops?
    • Processed crops should be stored in a clean, dry place to keep them fresh and safe to eat.
  9. Why is transportation important in getting food to us?
    • Transportation is important because it helps food get from farms and processing centers to markets and stores, making it accessible for people to buy and eat.
  10. What are some challenges in processing crops for food?
    • Challenges in processing crops for food can include the need for proper equipment, the risk of spoilage, and the need for clean and hygienic conditions to ensure food safety.

Presentation: Step 1: Introduction (5 minutes)

  • Start by asking students about their favorite food.
  • Explain that most of the food we love starts with crops and goes through a process to become what we eat.
  • Share the learning objectives.

Step 2: Main Lesson (25 minutes)

  • Discuss the steps in processing crops:
    1. Cleaning to remove dirt and stones.
    2. Drying under the sun to prevent mold.
    3. Grinding grains into flour.
    4. Milling to remove husks (e.g., rice).
    5. Sifting to get smooth flour.
    6. Storing processed crops in a dry place.
    7. Transporting crops to markets and stores.
  • Use pictures and samples of crops to illustrate each step.

Step 3: Interactive Activity (10 minutes)

  • Show a grinding or milling demonstration (if possible).
  • Discuss the importance of clean equipment for processing.
  • Invite students to ask questions.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate class discussions and activities.
  • Provide explanations and real-life examples.
  • Supervise the interactive activity.

Learners Activities:

  • Engage in class discussions.
  • Observe the demonstration.
  • Ask questions to clarify doubts.


  • Observe students’ participation and engagement during the demonstration.
  • Ask questions during the main lesson to check understanding.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What does the term “processing of crops” mean?
  2. Name three steps involved in processing harvested crops.
  3. Why is it important to clean crops before processing?
  4. What is the purpose of drying crops in the sun?
  5. What does grinding crops produce?
  6. When do we use milling in food processing?
  7. Why do we sift flour after grinding?
  8. How should we store processed crops?
  9. Why is transportation important in getting food to us?
  10. What are some challenges in processing crops for food?


  • Summarize the key points discussed in the lesson.
  • Emphasize the importance of food processing in our daily lives.


  • Each student should write a short paragraph describing the role of one step in processing crops for food, e.g., cleaning, grinding, or milling.
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