Post Harvesting Activities, Sorting, grading, and storage Agricultural Science Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Week: Week 5

Date: [Specify the date]

Class: Primary 5

Subject: Agricultural Science

Topic: Post Harvesting Activities: Meaning, Examples, and Importance

Sub-topic: Understanding Sorting, Grading, and Storage

Duration: 45 minutes

Key Vocabulary:

  • Post Harvesting Activities
  • Sorting
  • Grading
  • Storage
  • Preservation
  • Freshness
  • Quality
  • Waste

Set Induction: Begin the lesson by showing two pictures: one of a freshly picked apple and another of a rotten apple. Ask students which apple they would want to eat and why. This leads into a discussion about the importance of keeping harvested food fresh.

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define post harvesting activities and their purpose.
  2. Explain the meaning of sorting, grading, and storage.
  3. Understand why post-harvest activities are essential for food quality and preservation



Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Observation
  • Communication

Reference Materials:

  • Visual aids (pictures of fresh and spoiled fruits)
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Projector (optional)

Instructional Materials:

  • Examples of fresh and spoiled fruits or vegetables
  • Charts explaining sorting, grading, and storage
  • Worksheets

Previous Knowledge: Students should have a basic understanding of farming and the concept of harvesting.


Post Harvesting Activities are the tasks and steps that take place after crops or farm products are harvested. These activities include sorting, grading, cleaning, packing, and storing the harvested produce to ensure its quality and longevity.


Post Harvesting Activities:

  1. Sorting 🧐:
    • It’s like arranging your toys. Farmers separate good crops from bad ones.
    • Example: Picking out ripe tomatoes and leaving the unripe ones.
  2. Grading 📏:
    • Similar to giving grades in school. We classify crops based on quality.
    • Example: Apples are graded as A, B, or C depending on their size and color.
  3. Storage 🏢:
    • Think of storing your favorite toys in a box. Farmers keep crops safe.
    • Example: Putting grains in a cool, dry place to prevent spoiling.

These activities help keep our food fresh and in good condition after harvesting 🌽🍎🍞.


The Importance of Post Harvesting Activities 

The importance of post-harvesting activities in agriculture is significant because they:

  1. Preserve Food Quality: Sorting and grading help separate good-quality produce from damaged or spoiled items, ensuring that only the best reaches the market and our plates.
  2. Reduce Food Loss: Proper storage methods prevent food from spoiling or getting wasted, reducing food loss due to decay or pests.
  3. Prolong Shelf Life: Correct storage methods extend the freshness and shelf life of produce, making it available for a more extended period.
  4. Enhance Market Value: Well-sorted and graded produce fetches higher prices in the market, benefiting farmers and the agricultural economy.
  5. Ensure Food Safety: Proper handling and storage practices minimize the risk of contamination, making food safe for consumption.
  6. Meet Market Standards: Grading helps ensure that farm products meet market requirements, contributing to trade and export opportunities.
  7. Economic Sustainability: Reducing food loss and waste through post-harvest activities enhances the economic sustainability of farming, as more of the harvest is used effectively.
  8. Food Security: By preserving crops for an extended time, post-harvest activities contribute to food security, ensuring a stable food supply.

In summary, post-harvest activities are crucial for maintaining food quality, reducing losses, and ensuring a sustainable and secure food supply.


  1. Post-harvesting activities happen after _____ crops. a) planting b) harvesting c) watering d) weeding
  2. Sorting is like _______ good toys from bad ones. a) separating b) playing c) mixing d) sharing
  3. Grading helps classify crops based on _______. a) size and color b) smell and taste c) shape and sound d) weight and height
  4. _______ keeps crops safe after harvesting. a) Planting b) Sorting c) Storage d) Weeding
  5. What is the purpose of sorting? To separate _______ crops. a) good from bad b) small from big c) green from yellow d) fast from slow
  6. In grading, crops are classified like giving _____ in school. a) gifts b) grades c) goals d) games
  7. Storage helps _____ the shelf life of produce. a) shorten b) discover c) prolong d) sell
  8. What do post-harvest activities do for food quality? They help maintain _____ produce. a) spoiled b) damaged c) good d) small
  9. Why is grading important? It helps crops meet market _____. a) friends b) family c) standards d) pets
  10. Post-harvest activities reduce _____ loss. a) food b) toy c) book d) movie
  11. What does sorting help with? Separating good crops from _____ ones. a) new b) old c) bad d) small
  12. Correct storage methods help _____ food from spoiling. a) save b) waste c) sell d) use
  13. Prolonging the shelf life of produce makes it _____ for a more extended period. a) invisible b) expensive c) available d) funny
  14. What is the main goal of post-harvest activities? To ensure food is safe for _____. a) pets b) planting c) sharing d) consumption
  15. Proper storage methods reduce the risk of _____ and contamination. a) fun b) games c) pests d) music

Presentation: Step 1: Introduction to Post Harvesting Activities

  • Explain that post-harvesting activities are the things farmers do after collecting crops from the field.
  • Discuss why post-harvest activities are important (to keep food fresh and prevent waste).

Step 2: Sorting, Grading, and Storage

  • Define sorting as separating good and bad crops.
  • Define grading as classifying crops based on quality.
  • Explain storage as keeping crops safe after harvesting.
  • Use pictures and examples to illustrate each concept.

Step 3: Importance of Post Harvest Activities

  • Discuss the importance of post-harvest activities in preserving food quality.
  • Emphasize how these activities reduce food waste, prolong shelf life, and ensure food safety.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Present the content using visual aids and examples.
  • Encourage questions and participation.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen, observe, and ask questions.


  • Assess understanding through class discussions and questions.



Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are post-harvesting activities?
  2. Why is sorting important in farming?
  3. Can you explain the purpose of grading?
  4. What is the main goal of storage after harvesting?
  5. Give an example of sorting.
  6. How does grading help us in daily life?
  7. Why is it essential to keep harvested food fresh?
  8. How do post-harvest activities reduce food waste?
  9. What does preservation mean?
  10. What happens when food is not stored correctly?

In conclusion, understanding post-harvesting activities, such as sorting, grading, and storage, is essential in ensuring the freshness and quality of harvested food. These activities play a vital role in reducing food waste, prolonging shelf life, and guaranteeing food safety. By mastering these concepts, students not only appreciate the efforts of farmers but also gain valuable knowledge about preserving food for a sustainable and secure food supply.

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