Harvesting Activities: Steps involved, tools used, and recognizing the right time for harvesting crops Agricultural Science Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Agricultural Science

Topic: Harvesting Activities: Steps involved, tools used, and recognizing the right time for harvesting crops

Duration: 1 hour

Term: First Term

Week: 6

Set Induction:

  • Begin by showing images of ripe crops and various harvesting tools.
  • Ask students if they know what harvesting is and what tools are used.

Entry Behaviour:

  • Encourage students to share their knowledge about harvesting.
  • Discuss whether they have ever seen or helped with harvesting crops.

Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define harvesting and explain its importance.
  2. Identify the steps involved in harvesting crops.
  3. Recognize the appropriate time for harvesting different crops.
  4. List the tools used in harvesting crops.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Observation, critical thinking, communication, and teamwork.

Learning Materials:

  • Images of different crops.
  • Pictures of harvesting tools.
  • Charts showing stages of crop readiness.
  • A video demonstrating harvesting activities.

Teaching Methods:

  • Interactive discussions.
  • Visual aids (images and charts).
  • Video demonstration.





🌾 Step 1: Identification of Crop Maturity

  • 📆 Farmers need to identify the right time to harvest. Crops should be mature and ready for harvesting.
  • 🤔 Think of this step as choosing the perfect moment for a birthday party! 🎉

🌾 Step 2: Gather the Right Tools

  • 🛠️ Farmers need tools such as sickles, knives, or machines for harvesting.
  • 🚜 It’s like getting your toys ready for playtime. 🧰

🌾 Step 3: Cutting the Crops

  • ✂️ Carefully cut the crops at the base without damaging them.
  • 🌾 Imagine you’re giving your plants a stylish haircut! 💇

🌾 Step 4: Collecting the Harvest

  • 🧺 Gather the cut crops into bundles or containers.
  • 🏡 It’s like collecting toys after playing in the park. 🍂

🌾 Step 5: Transportation

  • 🚚 Transport the harvested crops to a central location or storage area.
  • 🌽 Just like taking your toys back to their storage box. 🧴

🌾 Step 6: Threshing (For Some Crops)

  • 🌾 For crops like rice, threshing is needed to separate grains from the rest of the plant.
  • 👏 It’s like taking the seeds out of a pomegranate. 🍚

🌾 Step 7: Cleaning and Sorting

  • 🧹 Clean and remove any dirt or unwanted materials from the harvested crops.
  • 🌟 Think of it as cleaning and organizing your room. ✨

🌾 Step 8: Storage

  • 🏢 Store the harvested crops in a cool, dry place to prevent spoilage.
  • ❄️ Just like keeping your ice cream in the freezer to stay fresh. 🍦

🌾 Step 9: Market or Consumption

  • 🛒 Once everything is ready, the crops can be sold in the market or used for food.
  • 🍔 It’s similar to cooking a delicious meal to enjoy! 😋

Remember, the steps in harvesting crops ensure that the food we eat is fresh and healthy, just like enjoying your favorite snacks! 🥕🍅🍞




  1. The first step in harvesting is to __________ when the crops are ready. a) plant seeds b) identify maturity c) water the plants d) prepare the soil
  2. Farmers need __________ like sickles and knives for harvesting. a) machines b) animals c) tools d) water
  3. Harvesting involves carefully __________ the crops at the base. a) picking b) eating c) cutting d) watering
  4. After cutting, the harvested crops are __________ into bundles or containers. a) thrown away b) gathered c) hidden d) washed
  5. The next step is to __________ the crops to a storage area. a) clean b) transport c) eat d) grow
  6. Threshing is done to separate grains from the rest of the plant, mainly for crops like __________. a) apples b) rice c) potatoes d) carrots
  7. Cleaning and __________ are important to remove dirt and unwanted materials. a) organizing b) storing c) sorting d) planting
  8. Harvested crops are stored in a __________ place to prevent spoilage. a) dry b) wet c) hot d) cold
  9. Once ready, crops can be sold in the market or used for __________. a) decoration b) cooking c) transportation d) hiding
  10. Threshing is necessary to separate the __________ from the plant. a) roots b) leaves c) grains d) water
  11. Clean and sort crops to remove dirt and __________ materials. a) valuable b) unwanted c) precious d) edible
  12. Storing crops in a __________ place helps prevent spoilage. a) hot b) cool c) wet d) sunny
  13. In harvesting, farmers use __________ like sickles and knives. a) animals b) toys c) tools d) vegetables
  14. Once everything is ready, the crops can be sold in the __________. a) classroom b) market c) kitchen d) playground
  15. __________ is the step of cutting the crops at the base. a) Planting b) Harvesting c) Watering d) Growing


  1. Tools for Harvesting:
    • Sickle: 🌾 A curved knife with a sharp edge used to cut crops close to the ground.
    • Scythe: 🌿 A long, curved blade with a handle, suitable for cutting tall grass and grains.
    • Hoe: 🚜 A tool with a flat blade for digging and cutting roots.
    • Pruning Shears: ✂️ Used for harvesting fruits and smaller plants.
    • Combine Harvester: 🚜 A machine that can cut, thresh, and clean the crops all at once.
  2. Recognizing the Right Time:
    • Color Change: 🌱 Observe the color of the crop. For example, when maize kernels change from green to yellow or brown, it’s usually ready for harvest.
    • Maturity: 🌾 Check if the crop has reached its full size. It should no longer be growing.
    • Dryness: ☀️ For some crops like rice or wheat, they should be dry and make a rustling sound when shaken.
    • Test Harvest: 🌽 Try harvesting a small portion to see if the crop is ready. If it’s too hard or not fully developed, it’s not the right time.
  3. Examples:
    • Maize is ready for harvest when the kernels are plump and milky, not soft and doughy.
    • Wheat is ready when the kernels are hard and dry, not soft and moist.
    • Fruits like apples should be ripe and easily detach from the tree when twisted.
  1. Farmers use a tool called a __________ to cut crops close to the ground.
    • a) Hammer
    • b) Sickle
    • c) Shovel
    • d) Pencil
  2. A long, curved blade with a handle used for cutting tall grass and grains is called a __________.
    • a) Sickle
    • b) Brush
    • c) Spoon
    • d) Fork
  3. What tool is suitable for digging and cutting roots?
    • a) Hoe
    • b) Saw
    • c) Ruler
    • d) Chair
  4. __________ are used for harvesting fruits and smaller plants.
    • a) Umbrellas
    • b) Pruning shears
    • c) Plates
    • d) Shoes
  5. The machine that can cut, thresh, and clean crops all at once is a __________.
    • a) Scissors
    • b) Combine harvester
    • c) Backpack
    • d) Teapot
  6. When maize kernels change from green to yellow or brown, they are usually ready for __________.
    • a) Swimming
    • b) Harvest
    • c) School
    • d) Sleep
  7. A crop is ready for harvest when it has reached its full __________.
    • a) Height
    • b) Size
    • c) Weight
    • d) Width
  8. Crops like rice or wheat should be __________ and make a rustling sound when shaken for harvest.
    • a) Wet
    • b) Dry
    • c) Cold
    • d) Warm
  9. Test harvest is done to check if the crop is ready for __________.
    • a) Planting
    • b) Eating
    • c) Harvest
    • d) Watering
  10. When maize kernels are plump and milky, it’s usually the right time for __________.
    • a) Dancing
    • b) Cooking
    • c) Harvest
    • d) Sleeping
  11. Wheat is ready for harvest when the kernels are __________ and dry.
    • a) Soft
    • b) Hard
    • c) Slimy
    • d) Fuzzy
  12. Fruits like apples should be ripe and easily __________ from the tree when twisted.
    • a) Planted
    • b) Painted
    • c) Attached
    • d) Detached
  13. A tool with a flat blade for digging and cutting roots is called a __________.
    • a) Hoe
    • b) Spoon
    • c) Pen
    • d) Shirt
  14. The right time for harvesting ensures __________ quality and a bountiful harvest.
    • a) Good
    • b) Bad
    • c) Terrible
    • d) Average
  15. To harvest crops, farmers use different __________ depending on the type of crop and its readiness.
    • a) Songs
    • b) Tools
    • c) Games
    • d) Computers

Step 1: Introduction to Harvesting (15 minutes)

  • Discuss the meaning and importance of harvesting.
  • Show images of ripe crops and explain that harvesting is crucial for collecting these crops.

Step 2: Steps Involved in Harvesting (20 minutes)

  • Explain the various steps in harvesting: cutting, collecting, and storing.
  • Show images or video clips of each step to help students understand.

Step 3: Recognizing the Right Time for Harvesting (15 minutes)

  • Discuss how the right time for harvesting varies depending on the crop.
  • Show charts illustrating the stages of crop readiness.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Lead discussions and explain concepts.
  • Use visual aids to enhance understanding.
  • Ask questions to engage students.

Learners Activities:

  • Participate in discussions.
  • Observe images and videos.
  • Ask questions for clarification.


  • Ask students to identify and name the tools used in harvesting different crops.
  • Present images of various crops and ask students to state when they should be harvested.


  • Summarize the key points about harvesting activities.
  • Emphasize the importance of harvesting and recognizing the right time for it.
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