Effects of wrong meal planning and eating habits Home Economics Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Home Economics

Topic: Factors Influencing Meal Planning and Effects of Wrong Meal Planning

Duration: 1 hour

Class: Primary 6

Term: First Term

Week: 6

Previous Knowledge: Students have basic knowledge of food groups and nutrition.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To understand the factors that influence meal planning.
  2. To recognize the effects of poor meal planning and eating habits.
  3. To learn how to make healthier meal choices.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Critical thinking
  2. Problem-solving
  3. Decision-making
  4. Communication

Learning Materials:

  1. Whiteboard and markers
  2. Printed images of different foods
  3. Flipchart
  4. Sample budget for meal planning
  5. Meal planning handouts


Factors Influencing Meal Planning:

  1. Nutritional Needs: We plan meals based on what our bodies need to stay healthy. 🥦🥕🍞
  2. Family Size: The number of people in your family affects the amount of food you prepare. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
  3. Budget: How much money you have can determine what ingredients you can buy. 💰
  4. Time: Busy schedules may require quick and easy meals. 🕒

Effects of Wrong Meal Planning:

  1. Nutritional Deficiencies: Poor planning can lead to not getting enough vitamins and minerals. 😟
  2. Food Wastage: Preparing too much or not using food before it goes bad can lead to waste. 🗑️
  3. Health Issues: Wrong meal planning can result in health problems like obesity or malnutrition. 🤒

Factors Influencing Meal Planning:

  1. Food Preferences: Everyone has their favorite foods that influence meal choices. 🍔🍕🥗
  2. Cultural Background: Different cultures have traditional dishes that affect meal planning. 🌍🍛
  3. Season and Weather: Hot or cold weather can influence the type of foods we choose. ☀️❄️

Effects of Wrong Meal Planning and Eating Habits:

  1. Weight Gain: Overeating or unhealthy choices can lead to gaining weight. 🙁
  2. Digestive Problems: Eating the wrong foods can cause tummy troubles. 🤢
  3. Lack of Energy: Poor meal planning can leave you feeling tired and sluggish. 😴

Planning a Meal:

  • For breakfast, you can plan oatmeal with fresh fruit.
  • For lunch, a turkey and vegetable sandwich.
  • For supper/dinner, baked chicken with rice and steamed broccoli.

Sample Menu Card




Oatmeal with Fresh Fruit





Turkey and Vegetable Sandwich





Baked Chicken, Rice, Broccoli




  1. Factors influencing meal planning include ________ needs, family size, and budget. a) Nutritional b) Weather c) Music d) Color
  2. ________ can affect the amount of food you prepare for your family. a) Budget b) The moon c) Your pet d) The news
  3. Wrong meal planning can result in ___________ deficiencies. a) Nutritional b) Movie c) Social d) Artistic
  4. __________ is the money you have available for meal planning. a) Budget b) Weather c) Education d) Hobbies
  5. Busy schedules may require quick and easy _________. a) Meals b) Holidays c) Games d) Hairstyles
  6. Food preferences are influenced by your _______ foods. a) Favorite b) Future c) Strange d) Boiled
  7. Different cultures have traditional _________ that affect meal planning. a) Dishes b) Songs c) Pets d) Clothes
  8. Poor meal planning can result in health issues like ________. a) Obesity b) Dancing c) Travel d) Painting
  9. Overeating or unhealthy choices can lead to __________. a) Weight Gain b) Movie Night c) Shopping d) Gardening
  10. The number of people in your family affects the amount of food you ___________. a) Prepare b) Sing c) Play d) Sleep
  11. Wrong meal planning can lead to food __________. a) Wastage b) Art c) Science d) History
  12. Hot or cold weather can influence the type of foods we choose to eat due to _______. a) Season b) Transportation c) Hairstyles d) Dancing
  13. Poor meal planning can result in digestive ________. a) Problems b) Celebrities c) Computers d) Inventions
  14. Planning oatmeal with fresh fruit for breakfast is an example of ________. a) Meal Planning b) Magic Tricks c) Video Games d) Exercising
  15. A turkey and vegetable sandwich can be a healthy choice for ________. a) Lunch b) Singing c) Movies d) Drawing


Step 1 – Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Begin with a discussion about what students know about meal planning.
  • Define meal planning as the process of deciding in advance what to eat for each meal.
  • Explain that meal planning is influenced by various factors.

Step 2 – Factors Influencing Meal Planning (20 minutes)

  • Discuss factors such as nutritional needs, family size, budget, food preferences, cultural influences, and seasonal availability.
  • Use printed images of different foods to illustrate the role of food preferences.
  • Show a sample budget for meal planning to explain the importance of budget considerations.

Step 3 – Effects of Wrong Meal Planning (15 minutes)

  • Discuss how poor meal planning can lead to nutritional deficiencies, obesity, and health issues.
  • Emphasize the importance of balanced meals and portion control.
  • Share real-life examples of health problems resulting from poor meal planning.

Step 4 – Group Activity (10 minutes)

  • Divide students into groups and provide meal planning handouts.
  • Ask each group to plan a day’s worth of meals considering the factors discussed.
  • Encourage students to make healthier choices in their meal plans.

Step 5 – Presentation and Discussion (5 minutes)

  • Each group presents their meal plans to the class.
  • Discuss the choices made and their reasons.
  • Emphasize the importance of making balanced and healthy meal choices.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate discussions
  • Provide examples and explanations
  • Guide group activities
  • Monitor group presentations

Learners Activities:

  • Participate in discussions
  • Engage in group activities
  • Create meal plans
  • Present their plans


  • Assess students based on their participation in group activities and the quality of their meal plans.
  • Ask questions about factors influencing meal planning and the effects of wrong meal planning.


  • Summarize the key points of the lesson.
  • Emphasize the importance of making informed meal choices for a healthy lifestyle
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