Job Interview Mastery: Uncovering the Nitty-Gritty to Land Your Dream Job Reading Comprehension English Grammar Primary 6 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Third Term Lesson Notes English Grammar Primary 6 Weekly Plan Presentation 

Subject : English Grammar

Class : Primary 6 / Basic 6 / Grade 6

Term :Third Term

Week :Week 5


Topic : 

From Preparation to Success: Decoding the Nitty-Gritty of Job Interviews Reading Comprehension English Grammar Primary 6 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Previous Lesson 

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the purpose and importance of a job interview.
  2. Develop effective communication skills for job interviews.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to make a positive first impression during a job interview.
  4. Acquire knowledge of common interview questions and how to respond to them.
  5. Apply strategies for researching a company before a job interview.
  6. Identify key elements of effective interview responses.
  7. Practice asking insightful questions during a job interview.
  8. Enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills through analyzing behavioral questions.
  9. Develop confidence and self-presentation skills for job interviews.
  10. Reflect on the importance of adequate preparation for job interviews.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Reading comprehension
  2. Writing skills
  3. Oral communication
  4. Critical thinking
  5. Problem-solving
  6. Research skills
  7. Self-presentation
  8. Active listening

Learning Materials:

  1. Passage: “Job Interview: Unveiling the Nitty-Gritty” (provided)
  2. Whiteboard/markers or digital presentation tool
  3. Handouts with comprehension questions
  4. Sample interview questions and behavioral questions
  5. Company research template
  6. Evaluation rubric


Job Interview Essentials: Mastering the Nitty-Gritty for Career Success

Title: Job Interview: Unveiling the Nitty-Gritty


A job interview is a crucial step in the employment process, serving as a means for employers to assess the suitability of prospective candidates for a particular position. It is an opportunity for job seekers to showcase their skills, experience, and qualifications to stand out among other applicants. The interview setting usually involves a face-to-face conversation between the interviewer and the interviewee, although it can also take place over the phone or via video conferencing.


During a job interview, it is essential to make a positive first impression. Dressing appropriately, maintaining good eye contact, and exhibiting confident body language are all vital components of presenting oneself in a professional manner. Moreover, preparation is key to success. Researching the company and the role for which you are applying will enable you to answer questions with confidence and demonstrate genuine interest.

The interview typically begins with an ice-breaking question, allowing the interviewer and the interviewee to establish rapport and create a comfortable atmosphere. As the conversation progresses, the interviewer will delve into a variety of topics, including the applicant’s background, work experience, and skills. It is crucial to provide clear and concise responses, highlighting relevant achievements and demonstrating how they align with the requirements of the job.

Furthermore, job interviews often involve behavioral questions, which aim to assess a candidate’s ability to handle various work-related situations. These questions require applicants to provide specific examples of how they dealt with challenges, demonstrated leadership, or worked collaboratively in the past. It is important to answer these questions truthfully and thoughtfully, providing concrete evidence of your skills and capabilities.

Towards the end of the interview, the interviewer may ask if you have any questions. This is an opportunity for you to showcase your enthusiasm and gain a deeper understanding of the company and the role. Asking insightful questions about the company’s culture, career development opportunities, or the team you will be working with can leave a lasting impression on the interviewer.

In conclusion, job interviews are multifaceted encounters that necessitate adequate preparation, effective communication, and a positive demeanor. By carefully considering your responses, showcasing your skills, and demonstrating your enthusiasm, you can increase your chances of leaving a lasting impression on the interviewer and securing the job of your dreams.

New Words:

1. Suitability (noun) /ˌsuːtəˈbɪləti/ – The quality or condition of being suitable or appropriate.
2. Prospective (adjective) /prəˈspɛktɪv/ – Likely to happen or become in the future.
3. Qualifications (noun) /ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃənz/ – The skills, knowledge, or experience that make someone suitable for a particular job or activity.
4. Rapport (noun) /ræˈpɔːr/ – A close and harmonious relationship in which people understand each other’s feelings or ideas and communicate well.
5. Delve (verb) /dɛlv/ – To search or inquire deeply into something.
6. Conferencing (noun) /ˈkɒnfərənsɪŋ/ – The act or process of holding a meeting or discussion between individuals or groups at different locations using audio or video technology.
7. Relevance (noun) /ˈrɛlɪvəns/ – The quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate to the matter at hand.
8. Thoughtfully (adverb) /ˈθɔːtfəli/ – In a considerate or reflective manner.
9. Multifaceted (adjective) /ˌmʌltɪˈfæsɪtɪd/ – Having many different aspects or elements.

10. Demeanor (noun) /dɪˈmiːnər/ – Outward behavior or conduct; the way in which a person presents themselves.


Comprehension Questions:


1. What is the purpose of a job interview?

2. What are some key factors to consider when making a positive first impression in a job interview?

3. Why is it important to research the company before a job interview?

4. What types of questions might an interviewer ask to assess a candidate’s ability to handle work-related situations?

5. How should a candidate approach behavioral questions during an interview?

6. Why is it essential to provide clear and concise responses during a job interview?

7. What should a candidate do when asked if they have any questions at the end of the interview?

8. How can asking insightful questions leave a lasting impression on the interviewer?

9. What are some essential aspects of effective communication during a job interview?

10. How can adequate preparation increase a candidate’s chances of securing a job?




1. The purpose of a job interview is to assess the suitability of prospective candidates for a particular position.

2. Key factors for making a positive first impression include dressing appropriately, maintaining good eye contact, and exhibiting confident body language.

3. Researching the company before a job interview enables the candidate to answer questions with confidence and demonstrate genuine interest.

4. An interviewer might ask behavioral questions to assess a candidate’s ability to handle challenges, demonstrate leadership, or work collaboratively.

5. Candidates should answer behavioral questions truthfully and thoughtfully, providing specific examples of past experiences that demonstrate relevant skills and capabilities.

6. Providing clear and concise responses during a job interview helps highlight relevant achievements and shows how they align with the requirements of the job.

7. When asked if they have any questions, a candidate should ask insightful questions about the company’s culture, career development opportunities, or the team they will be working with.

8. Asking insightful questions demonstrates enthusiasm and shows a genuine interest in the company and role, leaving a lasting impression on the interviewer.

9. Essential aspects of effective communication during a job interview include clarity, concise responses, and active listening.

10. Adequate preparation increases a candidate’s chances of securing a job by enabling them to carefully consider their responses, showcase their skills, and demonstrate enthusiasm for the role.


Note: The answers to the comprehension questions are inferred from the given passage and may vary based on the interpretation of the reader.


Lesson Plan Presentation


Subject: English Grammar

Topic: Job Interview: The Nitty-Gritty


I. Introduction (5 minutes)

  • Greet the students and introduce the topic of the lesson: “Job Interview: The Nitty-Gritty.”
  • Explain the importance of job interviews in the employment process.

II. Passage Reading and Vocabulary (10 minutes)

  • Distribute the passage, “Job Interview: Unveiling the Nitty-Gritty.”
  • Instruct students to read the passage silently.
  • Ask students to identify and underline ten new words from the passage.
  • Review the new words together as a class, discussing their meaning, word class, and pronunciation.

III. Comprehension Questions (10 minutes)

  • Distribute handouts with comprehension questions based on the passage.
  • Instruct students to answer the questions individually.
  • Discuss the answers as a class, allowing students to provide their reasoning based on the passage.

IV. Discussion and Analysis (15 minutes)

  • Lead a class discussion on the main ideas and supporting ideas presented in the passage.
  • Encourage students to share their insights and opinions on the importance of preparation, effective communication, and self-presentation in job interviews.
  • Use open-ended questions to stimulate critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

V. Teacher’s Activities (10 minutes)

  • Present a list of sample interview questions and behavioral questions.
  • Discuss strategies for answering these questions effectively.
  • Share tips on researching a company before a job interview.
  • Provide guidance on making a positive first impression and demonstrating enthusiasm during an interview.

VI. Learners’ Activities (15 minutes)

  • Divide the class into pairs or small groups.
  • Assign each group a specific interview question or behavioral question.
  • Instruct students to discuss and prepare their responses.
  • Encourage students to use the strategies discussed earlier.

VII. Role-Play and Assessment (20 minutes)

  • Ask each group to perform a role-play of a job interview scenario.
  • Assess students’ performance based on their communication skills, clarity of responses, body language, and overall presentation.
  • Use an evaluation rubric to provide feedback and scores.


VIII. Evaluation Questions (10 minutes)

  1. What is the purpose of a job interview?
  2. How can you make a positive first impression during a job interview?
  3. Why is it important to research a company before a job interview?
  4. What are some common interview questions?
  5. How can you answer behavioral questions effectively?
  6. What strategies can you use to demonstrate enthusiasm during an interview?
  7. Why is it essential to provide clear and concise responses during a job interview?
  8. What are some key elements of effective interview responses?
  9. Why is it important to ask insightful questions during a job interview?
  10. How can adequate preparation increase your chances of securing a job?

IX. Conclusion (5 minutes)

  • Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson.
  • Reinforce the importance of effective communication, preparation, and self-presentation skills for job interviews.
  • Emphasize that practice and continuous improvement are essential for success in the job interview process.

X. Homework Assignment (5 minutes)

  • Assign students the task of researching a company of their choice and preparing a list of questions they would ask during a job interview.
  • Remind them to focus on topics such as company culture, career development opportunities, and the team they would be working with.

XI. Assessment (Ongoing)

  • Continuously assess students’ participation, engagement, and understanding during class discussions, activities, and role-plays.
  • Evaluate the completion and quality of the homework assignment.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the purpose of a job interview?
  2. How can you make a positive first impression during a job interview?
  3. Why is it important to research a company before a job interview?
  4. What are some common interview questions?
  5. How can you answer behavioral questions effectively?
  6. What strategies can you use to demonstrate enthusiasm during an interview?
  7. Why is it essential to provide clear and concise responses during a job interview?
  8. What are some key elements of effective interview responses?
  9. Why is it important to ask insightful questions during a job interview?
  10. How can adequate preparation increase your chances of securing a job?

Note: The answers to the evaluation questions will vary based on the content discussed during the lesson and the comprehension of the students





In addition to ongoing assessment during the lesson, you can use the following methods to evaluate students’ understanding and progress:

1. Role-play Observation: Observe students’ role-plays during the activity and assess their communication skills, clarity of responses, body language, and overall presentation. Provide feedback and scores based on the evaluation rubric.

2. Comprehension Questions: Review the students’ answers to the comprehension questions provided earlier. Assess their understanding of the main ideas and supporting details from the passage.

3. Homework Assignment: Evaluate the quality and depth of students’ research on a company and the questions they have prepared. Assess their ability to identify relevant information and demonstrate critical thinking.

4. Class Participation: Monitor students’ engagement, active participation in discussions, and their ability to contribute thoughtful insights and opinions related to the topic.

5. Oral Presentation: If time permits, ask a few students to share their prepared questions for a job interview with the rest of the class. Evaluate their ability to ask insightful and relevant questions.


In this lesson, we explored the nitty-gritty of job interviews and the skills needed to succeed in them. We discussed the purpose of job interviews, the importance of making a positive first impression, the significance of research, and the strategies for effective communication during interviews. Through various activities, including reading, discussions, role-plays, and preparation of interview questions, students had the opportunity to develop their comprehension, communication, critical thinking, and self-presentation skills.

By mastering the art of job interviews, students are better equipped to face future professional endeavors with confidence and competence. Remember, practice and continuous improvement are key to excelling in job interviews. Keep honing your skills, stay prepared, and showcase your unique abilities to stand out among other candidates.

Always remember, the nitty-gritty of job interviews lies in thorough preparation, effective communication, and presenting your best self to potential employers. With these skills in hand, you are well on your way to success in the professional world.



Websites related to the topic “Job Interview: The Nitty-Gritty”:

  1. Glassdoor ( – Provides insights into company reviews, interview experiences, and salary information to help candidates prepare for job interviews.
  2. Indeed ( – Offers a comprehensive collection of articles, tips, and interview questions to assist job seekers in preparing for interviews

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