SUBJECT:  C.R.K         CLASS:  SS3



  1. The Promise of the Holy Spirit  Acts. 1: 8.
  2. The Coming of the Holy Spirit  Acts 2: 1-13.
  3. Peter’s  sermon.  Acts 2: 14-41
  1. Saul’s conversion Acts 9: 1-19
  2. The reaction of the Jews to Saul’s conversion. Acts 9:20-30
  3. iii The significance of Saul’s conversion.
  1. Peter’s ministry in Lydda and Joppa  Acts 9:32-42
  2. Peter and the Gentile converts.  Acts 10: 1-48, 11: 1-18
  2. Arrest and imprisonment of the Apostles.  Acts 4: 1-31, 5: 17-42
  3. Opposition against Stephen. Acts 6:8-15;  7: 1-10
  1. Saul’s opposition to the Gospel. Acts 9: 1-3
  2. Herod’s opposition to the Gospel.  Acts 12:1-24
  3. How the Church prevailed over opposition
  1.   HIV/AIDS
  1. Meaning of HIV/AIDS
  2. How people can be infected by HIV/AIDS and symptoms.
  3. Prevention of HIV/AIDS
  4. Cure for HIV/AIDS (People who are sick, Jesus cared for them. Jn. 4:46-54; 5:1-8; 9:1-7).
  1.           Revision and Examination.



  • Essential Christian Religious Knowledge for SS1 – 3 By Edmond Ugochukwu
  • Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge for SS 1- 3 By Martins I. Amaechi
  • RSV Bible (Compulsory)





  • The Ascension Acts 1:6-11
  • The Pentecost  Acts 2:1-41
  • The mission of the Church Act 8



The ascension in this context refers to the manner in which Jesus was taken to heaven.

After appearing for forty days, Christ was with apostles in Jerusalem. They asked him about the time that God would restore the Kingdom to Israel. Jesus made them realize that God Himself is the only one who knows the time and the season, not human beings. He told them that they would receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon them, they will be witnesses to him in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost part of the world. When he finished his address, he was taken up to heaven. As they gazed into heaven, two men stood by them in white robes testified saying that this same Jesus who is taken up into heaven will come in the same way as they saw him go into heaven.



  1. It marked the promise of the Holy Spirit which was fulfilled during the Pentecost. The Holy Spirit gives guidance in evangelism.
  2. The way Jesus ascended into heaven is the same way he will return. It opened the eyes of Christians as to the manner of Jesus’ second coming.



Describe the ascension of Jesus to heaven.



The word Pentecost is derived from the Greek  word for “fifty”. It was another name for the Jewish Feast of weeks which took place exactly fifty days from the Passover Feast. The Apostles (120 people) prayed fervently for ten days and waited patiently for the Holy Spirit. When the apostles were praying, there came a sound as of a mighty rushing wind and it filled the whole house. Then, there appeared tongues as of fire which rested on each man’s head and they all began to speak in different tongues as the spirit gave them utterance. That sound attracted a great multitude that were in festive mood.


Significance of the Pentecost

  1. Christians today should help to continue in spreading the gospel to every part of the world.
  2. The Pentecost marked  the beginning of the church.
  3. It brought a special and different power and courage with it which gave the apostles great boldness to preach.
  4. The Pentecost marked the beginning of aggressive evangelism which is still in progress to day.


  1. Give an account of the receipt of the Holy Spirit by the disciples on the day of Pentecost.
  2. What are the significances of Pentecost?



The people that came to Jerusalem as at that time were on pilgrimage. The sound of the Holy Spirit attracted them. Some of them accused the apostles of drunkenness as they heard the apostles speak many languages. Before long, a large crowd had gathered. Peter used that opportunity to preach the gospel of salvation of Christ. He explained to them that what they were experiencing was the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy concerning the coming of the Spirit on all people in the last days.


Peter told them that the same Jesus crucified by the Jews, who rose again, was the person who was then fulfilling the promise of the Holy Spirit which all were experiencing. So many were touched, so much so that they asked Peter what they were to do. Peter replied “Repent and be baptized, everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall received the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children and to all that are afar off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him” (Acts 2:38, 39). Altogether, about 3000 people repented at the Pentecost, were baptized and were added to the Christian community.



The promise of God never fails even today. The power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians makes them to bring multitude to Jesus. The miracle of speaking in tongue symbolizes the universality of the gospel. In conclusion, we need the Holy Spirit to live a successful Christian life.



  1. How many people joined the church after Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost?
  2. How did Peter refute the view and mockery of the people?



  1. Describe the ascension of Jesus to heaven.
  2. Narrate the second account of creation.
  3. List the characteristics of the new life
  4. What role does baptism play in the new life?



Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge for SS 1-3 by Martins I Amaechi, pg 190.



  1. The Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles in form of_____. A. flame B. star C. fire D. lightning
  2. Jesus Christ appeared to his disciples for ___days after his resurrection. A.20 B.30 C.40 D. 50  
  3. There were __________disciples praying and waiting in the upper room before the coming of the Holy Spirit. A.600 B.300 C. 120 D.200
  4. Jesus told his disciples to tarry in___ for the promise of the Father. A. Shiloh B. Jerusalem C. Bethel D. Galilee 
  5. After the sermon of Peter on the day of Pentecost about_____________ people were converted and added to the church. A. 5000 B. 3000 C. 300 D. 400



  1. Narrate the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit.
  2. What is the significance of Pentecost to Christians today? 




Conversion of Paul [Acts 9:1-30]

Saul (Paul) got letters from high priests to Synagogue at Damascus to bring bound to Jerusalem those who professed the name of Christ. Approaching Damascus, a sudden light shown, he fell down and heard a voice: “Saul, why do you persecute me?” “Who art thou, Lord” “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. It is hard to kick against the pricks”. Saul then asked what he is to do? Jesus told him to rise and enter the city, you will be told what to do”.


He rose up blind, was led to Damascus, no sight for three days – neither ate or drank. Ananias, a disciple of Jesus, saw a vision; was told to go to a street called straight, ask for the house of Judas for Saul of Tarsus, lay hands on him to regain his sight. Ananias complained of Saul’s murderous intent towards the followers of Christ. But Christ assured him that he is a chosen instrument of mine. Ananias laid hands on Saul who regained his sight, was filled with the Holy Spirit and baptized.


For several days, Saul was with the disciples at Damascus, proclaimed boldly in the Synagogue that Jesus is the son of God. He met with opposition because the Jews that were opposed to the gospel took counsel to kill him. They watch day and night to kill him. But the disciples were aware of it and let him down by the wall through a basket.


At Jerusalem, he attempted to join the disciples, again, they were afraid of him until Barnabas vouched for his sincerity. There was another plot to kill him in Jerusalem. So he was escorted to the coast and shipped off to Tarsus. This was how the Jews reacted to Saul’s (Paul) conversion from Judaism to Christianity.



Narrate the conversion of Saul to Christianity. 


The conversion of Paul on the way to Damascus brought peace to the saint both in Jerusalem and other places. Paul changed from his devotion to Jewish law to devotion to the preaching of the gospel. He was no more the persecutor of the gospel, but the defender of it. Immediately, after his conversion, he began to preach the gospel to people even in the of Jews in Damascus and other places .He was telling them that Jesus was the son of God and this was against the belief of the Jews.



  1. What is conversion?
  2. State two ways to show the genuineness of Paul’s salvation.



  1. Narrate the conversion of Saul to Christianity.
  2. Discuss God as the controller of the universe.
  3. Describe the uniqueness of man among the creations of God.
  4. Write short notes on   (a) faith (b) Law



Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge for SS 1-3 by Martins I Amaechi, pg 207.



  1. Paul’s Jewish name was [a] Caesar [b] Saul [c] John Paul.
  2. The conversion of Paul resulted to the peace in [a] Tarsus [b] Jerusalem [c] Egypt.
  3. ___ was the occupation of Paul for his sustenance. A. Tailoring B. Carpentry C. Civil-servant D. Tent-making“
  4. After Paul escape death in Damascus, he went to [a] Jerusalem [b] Samaria [c] Gentiles [d] Tarsus.
  5. The Christian brother that opened the eyes of Saul was___. A. Ananias B. Annals C. Joel D. Peter



  1. What was the reaction of the Jew to Paul’s conversion? 
  2. What was the role of Barnabas to Paul’s conversion?





The church at Lydda and Joppa were established by scattered Christians who settled there after they flee from the persecution in Jerusalem. This territory was successfully evangelized by Philip and later visited by Peter to perform the miracles of healing.


Peter came down to Lydda where he found a man named Aeneas who had been bedridden for eight years and was paralysed. Peter said to him, “Aeneas, Jesus Christ heals you; rise and make your bed”. And immediately, he arose. And all the residents of Lydda and Sharon saw him, and they turned to the Lord.


At Joppa, there was a disciple called Tabitha or Dorcas. She was full of good works and acts of charity. She died suddenly and was laid in an upper room. The disciples sent two men down to Joppa to entreat Peter who was residing at Lydda to come without delay. Peter followed them to Joppa, and was taken to the upper room. He put the weeping disciples outside and knelt down and prayed.


Turning to the body he said, “Tabitha, rise” Dorcas opened her eyes and saw Peter, Peter gave her his hands and lifted her up. He presented her alive to the saints. Many believed in the Lord and Peter stayed in Joppa for many days with one Simon, a tanner.


  1. We should obey the great commission like Peter 
  2. With God all things are possible 


  1. Describe the condition of Aeneas before Peter found him at Lydda
  2. Write briefly about Dorcas.



Christian Religious Knowledge for J.S.S. 3 page 25-27



The vision of Cornelius and Peter

There was a man at Caesarea names Cornelius. He was a centurion at the Italian Cohort. He feared God with his entire household, gave alms liberally to the people, and was constant in prayers. He saw a vision of an angel of God assuring him that his prayers and alms had ascended at a memorial before God. Therefore, he should send men to Joppa to look for one Simon who was called Peter, to come; that he, Peter would tell him what to do.


Peter himself had seen a vision where a container with four footed unclean animals was brought down from heaven and he heard a voice saying that he should kill and eat. He refused thrice. The meaning there to being an indication that he would receive a message of invitation from a Gentile, that he should exercise no scruples to heed the divine instructions.



  1. Describe the vision of Cornelius at Caesarea
  2. How did Peter react to the vision he received?
  3. What is the meaning of Peter’s vision?



Peter followed Cornelius’ messengers and arrived at Caesarea. In the house of Cornelius he was received warmly and with humility. Cornelius narrated why he sent for him. Peter now realized and perceived that, “God shows no partially, and that anyone who fears Him is acceptable”. Peter preached the gospel of Jesus Christ to Cornelius’ household bringing out all that Jesus did, how He went about doing good, but whom the Jews hanged and was raised by God, and how they were witnesses to these things.


As Peter was saying these, the Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius and all members of his household; they were all baptized. The Gentiles also received God’s grace. Thus, the church was established in Caesarea. Their race was not a barrier to the coming of the Holy Spirit. This shows that racial segregation or discrimination or apartheid should not be heard of in all Christian communities. Like Peter, we should all be ready to share the message of Christ with others.



Narrate the conversion of Cornelius.



  1. Narrate the healing of Aeneas.
  2. Describe the vision of Peter in Joppa.
  3. Describe the life of Joseph in Portiphar’s house.
  4. Describe the skills of Joseph as governor of Egypt



Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge for SS 1-3 by Martins I Amaechi, pg 210-215.



  1. The following are qualities ascribed to Cornelius except ______.
  1. Devoted to God II. Feared God   III. Prayed constantly to God   IV. Collected alms 

from people. A.I and IV B. IV only C.II and III D. I and II

  1. “Your prayers and your alms have ascended as a memorial before God…” who said this and to who? (a) Peter, Cornelius (b) The tanner, Peter (c) An Angel, Cornelius.
  2. Another name for Dorcas is____. A. Naomi B. Salome C. Jael D. Tabitha.
  3. One of the following did not happen while Peter was preaching to Cornelius and his household. A. He perceived that God shows no partiality, but in every nation, anyone who fears Him is acceptable to Him B. The Holy Spirit fell on them C. They started healing the sick D. the household of Cornelius gathered.
  4. Peter was told not to call unclean what God had cleansed implied that___. A. He should exercise no scruples to heed the divine instruction B. He should exercise some scruples to heed to the divine instruction C. He should obey Mosaic law as a Jew D. He should not enter a Gentile house.



  1. Describe the qualities of Dorcas.
  2. Describe the event that took place in Lydda as a result of Peter visit.





  • The arrest and imprisonment of the apostles Acts 4:1-4; 31, 5:17-42
  • Opposition against Stephen  Acts 6:8-15; 7:1-10


After the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, attempts were made by the apostles to spread from the Jewish religious authorities the Chief Priest and the Sanhedrin. Some of the techniques employed by these people to frustrate the spread of the gospel included arrest, fake trials, imprisonment, persecution and killing.



After Peter and John had healed the lame man at the temple gate, the people gathered in amazement and Peter and John preached to them in the name of Jesus. This teaching annoyed the Priest, the captain of the temple and the Sadducees because the apostles were teaching the people proclaiming Jesus resurrection from the ideas. For this, they arrested them and put them in custody. The following day, Peter and John were brought before the elders, they asked for the source of the power with which they did what they had done. Peter, filled with the Holy spirit defended their action declaring they did all they did as a result of the power in the name of Jesus Christ whom they crucified and whom God raised from the dead the third day and is now seated at the right hand of God. They finally decided to charge the men not so speak in the name of Jesus anymore. But Peter and John asked them whether it was right to obey God or man. They further threatened them and then released them.



Narrate the persecution of the apostles


Effect of the Holy Spirit on the life and ministry of Stephen.

Stephen, full of Holy Spirit and wisdom, was one of the seven ordained disciples for the duty of daily ministration. In the synagogue one day, he met opposition from the Hellenistic Jews who accused him of insulting the temple, that they heard him say Jesus will destroy the temple and will change the custom or law of Moses. He narrated the history of the Patriarchs till their own time. He said the Jews have always rejected those appointed to save them – Joseph, Moses and the Prophets. He said the temple was not ordered by God, the law was not a pre-condition for God’s salvation.


They rose against him, dragged him outside the city and stoned him. But Stephen prayed for those stoning him that their sin might not be held against them. After this he cried aloud that God should receive his spirit, and he fell asleep.



Describe the impact of the Holy Spirit on Stephen.


  1. Describe the impact of the impact the Holy Spirit on the apostles.
  2. Do you agree that Moses was a good nationalist? Why?
  3. What advice did Paul give on the use of individual talents in his epistle?
  4. Identify any two ways of applying your talents.



Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge for SS 1-3 by Martins I Amaechi, pgs 201-203.



  1. The healing of the cripple at the beautiful gate led to the imprisonment of___. A. Paul and Silas B. Paul and Barnabas C. Peter and John D. James and John
  2. Stephen was one of the seven___.  A. priests B. parishioners C. deacons D. elders
  3. Who cautioned the Jewish leaders seriously against opposing the early church. A. Gamaliel B. Herod Aggipa I C. Saul D. Peter
  4. The Jews from Alexandria falsely accused Stephen of ___. A. plotting to over throw the king B. inciting the people not to pay tax C. Blaspheming God and Moses D. Working on the Sabbath
  5. While Peter was in prison, the church and brethren____. A. Scattered all over Samaria B. Prayed for his release C. petitioned the king D. undertook to riot



  1. Describe the persecution of the Church by the Sanhedrin. 
  2. Discuss the impact of the martyrdom of Stephen as regards the gospel.



Saul was a young man, a native of Tarsus. He studied law under Gamaliel, the great teacher. His Roman name was Paul. Saul played a significant role in the persecution of Christians in Jerusalem and beyond. Stephen was killed under his supervision.


After Stephen had been killed, Saul went from house to house to the others in Jerusalem, arresting and dragging apostles out of their homes and taking them to prison. With this, so many believers were killed .


This action made many believers and the rest of the apostles to flee Jerusalem. Saul, in addition went to the High  Priest and demanded a letter of authority permitting him to go to Damascus to arrest the believers. It was on his way that he met Jesus, and thereafter he got converted.


Significance /Lesson to learn

  1. It is very important to note that it was the stiff opposition the early Christians faced that acted as the necessary ingredient in the spread of the gospel.
  2. The boldness and the courage of the Christians then was enhanced by the Holy spirit.
  3. The disciples chose to obey God rather than man. This is a lesson for today’s Christians.
  4. The opposition led to the conversion of the chief opposer, Saul, who later became the greatest evangelist in Christianity.



  1. Who was Saul? What was his role in the opposition against Christianity.
  2. Compare and contrast the opposition of the early church and those of the church today.



King Herod Agrippa 1 persecuted the church. He beheaded James, the brother of John. When he realised that it really pleased the Jews, he took Peter and put him in a prison and to be guarded by heavy security. This happened during the feast of unleavened bread. While Peter was in prison, earnest prayer was made by the Church to God. The very night when Herod was about to bring him out, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, the prison heavily guarded.

An angel of God appeared to him and struck Peter on the side and woke him. He led Peter out of  the prison to the city gate. Peter regained his consciousness and realised that God had sent his angel to set him free from the hand of Herod and the expectation of the Jews. Peter went to the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark. They were still praying to God for the release of Peter when his knock was heard on the door. Rhoda, a young maid, called their attention to the door. Peter met a large number of people praying and recounted his experience in prison.


In the morning, there was great commotion among the soldiers; they could not say what actually happened to Peter. This angered Herod and ordered the guards to be executed. Later, Herod gave a speech in Tyre and Sidon and he was flattered that he has ceased to be human but now God. Suddenly, an angel of God smote him and he was eaten up by worms and died.



Describe the role of Herod Agrippa in the persecution of the church.



  1. Describe the role of the angel in the escape of Peter.
  2. Describe the personality of Herod Agrippa 1.
  3. How can Nigerians learn from David in respect of his submission to the will of God and forgiving spirit.
  4. Discuss the circumstances that led to the death of Abner.



Comprehensive Christian Religious Knowledge for SS1-3 By Martins I. Amaechi Page 203-204



  1. King Herod beheaded___. A.John B. Barak C. Cain D. James
  2. The mother of John Mark is___. A. Salome B. Martha C. Nancy D. Mary
  3. ___ ate up Herod. A. Snakes B. Scorpions C. Worms D. Termites
  4. The young lady that knew that Peter was at the door was___. A. Dinah B. Rhoda C. Mary 
  1. Elisabeth
  1. The number of soldiers bounded with Peter were__. A. 4 B. 2 C. 6 D. 5  



  1. Narrate the persecution of the Church by Herod Agrippa.
  2. Mention ways the Church handle persecution in our present time.  





The Meaning of HIV/AIDS

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was first reported in the Los Angeles city of California in 1980. It was first diagnosed in a gay man (homosexual). AIDS is the most severe form of HIV infections. The virus only lives in human and not in animals, insects, water or air. The virus destroys the body’s immune system and the ability of the body to protect its self from germs. Then, the victim is said to be  immune deficient.



How people are infected with the virus?


  1. Immoral relationships such as having sex with an infected person or unprotected sex.
  2. Blood transfusion: transfusion of infected blood or blood products.
  3. Sharing sharp instruments like syringe, razor blades, clippers, piercing needles etc  with an infected person.
  4. From infected mother to her baby during pregnancy, delivery and other delivery during (breastfeeding).



Mention three ways of contracting the virus.


However, it is discovered that 90 percent of cases of the HIV infection occur through sexual intercourse. It cannot be transmitted through the following: hugging, handshaking, mosquito bites, sharing plates and spoons etc.



  1. Severe weight loss.
  2. Fever lasting for more than one month.
  3. Chronic diarrhoea lasting for  than one month.
  4. Persistent fatigue.
  5. Skin irritation.
  6. Constant cough.
  7. Night sweats.

Many of these symptoms are also signs and symptoms of other illnesses. Hence, the only sure way to determine if a person has the disease is through a blood test.


  1. Have a good knowledge of the disease through reading and teaching by well-informed people.
  2. Abstinence  till marriage is the key.
  3. Avoid prostitution or commercial sex work.
  4. Do not have multiple sex partners. Stick to your spouse.
  5. Walk wisely and do not be a victim of rape. Dress decently.
  6. Have your own hair accessories, for example, combs, hair patting stick, clippers etc.
  7. Treat all private part infection promptly.
  8. Use condom if there are multiple sex partners.



Mention five ways of preventing the HIV/AIDS virus.


The major cure for the disease is TOTAL ABSTINENCE from every form of sexual interactions. Sciencetifically, there is no cure for it yet. Research has been on-going but there is no breakthrough yet. However, Jesus Christ has the power to heal all manner of disease. He healed the son of the noble man when he was at Cana of Galilee (Jn. 4:46-54). He also healed the man at the pool of Bethesda who had been there for thirty-eight years (Jn. 5: 1-8). He opened the eyes of the man born blind (Jn.9:1-7).


These are just few instances of the curative power of Jesus Christ. It shows, therefore, that nothing is too hard for him whenever he is involved. It is better to turn to him in the good and challenging time of life.



  1. Mention three of the healing miracles of Jesus Christ.
  2. State three symptoms of HIV/AIDS in an individual.
  3. Give an account of the division of the kingdom of Israel.  What unwise policies of Solomon led to it?
  4. What were the consequences of Solomon’s and Rehoboam’s unwise decisions?



Civic Education for SSS 1-3 Book 1 Kupolati & Dinehin, pgs 24-32.



  1. The best way to prevent HIV/AIDS is through___. A. total abstinence B. prostitution 
  1. multiple sex partners D.sharing of sharp instruments
  1. The virus was diagnosed in the year__. A. 1977 B. 1980 C. 1978 D. 1979
  2. The virus cannot be transmitted the following except__. A. hugging B. handshaking C. sexual intercourse D. Mosquito bite 
  3. The man at the pool of Bethesda had been there for the past___ years. A. 25 B. 38 C. 40 
  1. 12
  1. Jesus Christ has the power to heal__ diseases. A. all B. some C. few D. Most



  1. Mention two ways of transmitting the virus (HIV/AIDS)
  2. State three preventive measures against the virus.
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