Use of regular and Irregular plurals in speaking and writing Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies Week 9

Class 3 Scheme Of Work Second Term English

Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies

Scheme Of Work

Second Term

Class 3 /Primary 3/Basic 3

English Grammar


Week 9

Topic : Uses of regular and Irregular plurals in speaking and writing


Previous Lesson 

Writing Composition on What I do on Sundays Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Note English Studies Week 8





By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  • Recognize regular and Irregular plural Nouns
  • Apply regular and Irregular plurals to simple sentences
  • Give examples of regular and Irregular plurals and use them in sentences
  • Students will be able to differentiate between regular and irregular plurals.
  • Students will be able to use regular and irregular plurals correctly in spoken and written language.






Learning Activities 

  • Pupils, as a class read a given passage
  • Pupils, in small groups underline each sentence used in the passage
  • Pupils, as individuals, copy the given passage correctly into their exercise books paying attention to spacing between letters and words as they write



Embedded Core Skills

  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Critical thinking and problem solving




  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Textbooks and Workbook with examples of tenses
  • Worksheets for students to practice identifying tenses
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Examples of regular and irregular plurals
  • Worksheets for students
  • Interactive games or activities (optional)





Use of regular and Irregular plurals in speaking and writing simple sentences

Hello! Today we’re going to talk about regular and irregular plurals. Plurals are used when we talk about more than one thing. For example, if we have one apple, and then we get another apple, we have two apples!

When we talk about regular plurals, we add an “s” to the end of the word to show that there is more than one. For example, if we have one dog, and then we get another dog, we have two dogs!

Let’s try some examples together:

  • One cat, two cats
  • One book, two books
  • One pen, two pens

Easy, right?

However, there are some words that have irregular plurals. This means that they don’t follow the usual pattern of adding “s” to the end of the word. Instead, they change in different ways. Let’s look at some examples:

  • One child, two children
  • One foot, two feet
  • One tooth, two teeth

Can you see how these words change differently? It’s important to remember these irregular plurals, so that we use the correct form when we talk about more than one thing.

Now, let’s try some more examples:

  • One mouse, two mice
  • One woman, two women
  • One goose, two geese

Great job! Now you know the difference between regular and irregular plurals. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be using them correctly in all your writing and speaking!



Examples of Regular and Irregular plurals

Regular plurals:

  1. Dog – Dogs
  2. Book – Books
  3. Car – Cars
  4. House – Houses
  5. Chair – Chairs
  6. Ball – Balls
  7. Cat – Cats
  8. Bike – Bikes
  9. Table – Tables
  10. Bird – Birds

Irregular plurals: 11. Child – Children

  1. Foot – Feet
  2. Tooth – Teeth
  3. Mouse – Mice
  4. Woman – Women
  5. Man – Men
  6. Goose – Geese
  7. Fish – Fish (the word “fish” can be singular or plural)
  8. Deer – Deer (the word “deer” can also be singular or plural)
  9. Sheep – Sheep

Remember, regular plurals simply add an “s” to the end of the word, while irregular plurals change in different ways. Keep practicing to get better at using both types of plurals in your writing and speaking!



  1. Which of these is a regular plural? a. Child – Children b. Fish – Fish c. Book – Books d. Mouse – Mice
  2. Which of these is an irregular plural? a. Dog – Dogs b. Foot – Feet c. Car – Cars d. Chair – Chairs
  3. Which word has an irregular plural? a. Tree b. Spoon c. Woman d. Bus
  4. Which word has a regular plural? a. Tooth b. Goose c. Ball d. Man
  5. Which word has an irregular plural? a. Desk b. Sheep c. Flower d. Pen
  6. Which of these is a regular plural? a. Mouse – Mice b. Tooth – Teeth c. Child – Children d. Book – Books
  7. Which of these is an irregular plural? a. Pencil – Pencils b. Ox – Oxen c. House – Houses d. Cat – Cats
  8. Which word has a regular plural? a. Woman b. Fish c. Friend d. Foot
  9. Which word has an irregular plural? a. Table b. Deer c. Chair d. Bike
  10. Which of these is a regular plural? a. Flower – Flowers b. Sheep – Sheep c. Goose – Geese d. Man – Men


  1. c
  2. b
  3. c
  4. c
  5. b
  6. d
  7. b
  8. c
  9. b
  10. a


Lesson Presentation

Introduction: Begin the lesson by asking students if they know what a plural is. Have them give examples of words that are plural, such as “dogs” or “cats.” Then, explain that some plurals are regular and some are irregular, and that they will be learning more about that today.

Direct Instruction:

  • Write examples of regular and irregular plurals on the whiteboard.
  • Explain that regular plurals follow a simple rule of adding “-s” or “-es” to the end of a word, while irregular plurals change in different ways.
  • Provide examples and practice using regular and irregular plurals in simple sentences.
  • Use visual aids or interactive games to help reinforce the concept.

Guided Practice:

  • Have students work on worksheets or participate in group activities to practice identifying regular and irregular plurals.
  • Provide assistance and guidance as needed.

Independent Practice:

  • Assign homework that requires students to identify regular and irregular plurals in written sentences.


  1. To make a regular plural, we add ___ to the end of the word.
  2. One child, two ___.
  3. One foot, two ___.
  4. One tooth, two ___.
  5. One mouse, two ___.
  6. One woman, two ___.
  7. One man, two ___.
  8. One fish, two ___ (the word “fish” can also be singular or plural).
  9. One ox, two ___.
  10. One sheep, two ___.


  1. s or es
  2. children
  3. feet
  4. teeth
  5. mice
  6. women
  7. men
  8. fish
  9. oxen
  10. sheep


  • Review the concept of regular and irregular plurals.
  • Ask students to provide examples of regular and irregular plurals they have learned.
  • Encourage students to continue practicing and using regular and irregular plurals correctly in their everyday communication.


  • Monitor student progress during class activities and independent practice.
  • Review homework assignments for correct usage of regular and irregular plurals.
  • Use quizzes or assessments to evaluate students’ understanding of the concept
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