Song or Music with Nigerian Identity Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 5
Age: 10 years
Topic: Song/Music with Nigerian Identity
Sub-topic: Values of Patriotism in Music
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identify some values relating to patriotism in a given song.
  2. Sing a part of the song “Which Way Nigeria” by Sonny Okosun.
  3. Identify other patriotic Nigerian singers.

Keywords: Patriotism, Nigerian Identity, Values, Song, Music, Patriotic Singers

Set Induction:

  • Play a short clip of “Which Way Nigeria” by Sonny Okosun to capture pupils’ interest.

Entry Behaviour:

  • Pupils should be familiar with basic music concepts and have some knowledge of Nigeria’s culture and values.

Learning Materials:

  • Audio recording of “Which Way Nigeria” by Sonny Okosun, lyrics of the song, videos or images of Nigerian patriotic singers.

Instructional Materials:

  • Audio equipment, song lyrics, projector or screen (if available).

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:

  • Discuss previous lessons on music and songs, connecting them to Nigerian identity and values.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Listening, singing, understanding cultural values, and identifying patriotic themes in music.

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary 5 Cultural and Creative Arts.


  1. Values Relating to Patriotism in Music:
    • Unity: Songs that emphasize national unity and working together as a country.
    • Pride: Songs that evoke pride in Nigeria’s culture, history, and achievements.
    • Civic Responsibility: Songs that encourage responsible citizenship and love for the country.
    • Hope and Progress: Songs that inspire hope for the future and progress in the nation.
    • Respect for National Symbols: Songs that highlight the importance of national symbols like the flag and anthem.
  2. Singing “Which Way Nigeria” by Sonny Okosun:
    • Listen to and sing along with selected parts of the song.
    • Discuss the song’s message about Nigeria’s progress and direction.
  3. Other Patriotic Nigerian Singers:
    • Fela Kuti: Known for songs that reflect social and political issues.
    • Sunny Ade: His music celebrates Nigerian culture and heritage.
    • Dede Mabiaku: His songs often address national issues and values.
    • Victor Uwaifo: Known for his songs about Nigerian pride and unity.
    • Tope Alabi: Her gospel music often reflects national values and spirituality.

Evaluation (Fill-in-the-Blank Questions):

  1. The song “Which Way Nigeria” is sung by __________.
    a) Fela Kuti
    b) Sonny Okosun
    c) Victor Uwaifo
    d) Tope Alabi
  2. A value that relates to patriotism in music is __________.
    a) Envy
    b) Unity
    c) Ignorance
    d) Disrespect
  3. “Which Way Nigeria” talks about Nigeria’s __________ and direction.
    a) Food
    b) Weather
    c) Progress
    d) Landmarks
  4. A patriotic Nigerian singer known for his social and political songs is __________.
    a) Sunny Ade
    b) Dede Mabiaku
    c) Fela Kuti
    d) Tope Alabi
  5. __________ is a value emphasized in patriotic music to promote national pride.
    a) Anger
    b) Fear
    c) Pride
    d) Hatred
  6. The song “Which Way Nigeria” encourages __________ for the country.
    a) Disunity
    b) Hate
    c) Civic Responsibility
    d) Indifference
  7. Sunny Ade’s music often celebrates __________.
    a) Violence
    b) Nigerian culture
    c) Anger
    d) Disrespect
  8. Tope Alabi’s music reflects __________ values and spirituality.
    a) National
    b) Unrelated
    c) Political
    d) International
  9. __________ is known for songs that address national issues and values.
    a) Fela Kuti
    b) Victor Uwaifo
    c) Sonny Okosun
    d) Dede Mabiaku
  10. In patriotic music, the value of __________ is important for inspiring hope and progress.
    a) Anger
    b) Hopelessness
    c) Hope
    d) Fear
  11. A song that highlights the importance of national symbols is considered __________.
    a) Neutral
    b) Patriotic
    c) Random
    d) Unrelated
  12. The singer who emphasizes unity and national progress in his music is __________.
    a) Tope Alabi
    b) Sonny Okosun
    c) Dede Mabiaku
    d) Fela Kuti
  13. Victor Uwaifo’s songs often reflect __________.
    a) Nigerian pride
    b) Foreign culture
    c) Disinterest
    d) Oppression
  14. To show __________ for the country, a song might include lyrics about national achievements.
    a) Disrespect
    b) Fear
    c) Pride
    d) Hate
  15. A song that promotes responsible citizenship is focusing on __________.
    a) Civic Responsibility
    b) Anger
    c) Envy
    d) Disinterest

Class Activity Discussion (FAQs with Answers):

  1. Q: What values are commonly highlighted in patriotic music?
    A: Unity, pride, civic responsibility, hope, and respect for national symbols.
  2. Q: Why is “Which Way Nigeria” significant?
    A: It addresses Nigeria’s progress and direction, encouraging national reflection.
  3. Q: Name a patriotic Nigerian singer who reflects social and political issues.
    A: Fela Kuti.
  4. Q: How can music promote national unity?
    A: By emphasizing shared values and encouraging people to work together for a common goal.
  5. Q: What does Sonny Okosun’s song convey about Nigeria?
    A: It conveys messages about Nigeria’s progress and the need for national unity.
  6. Q: How can you identify a patriotic song?
    A: By looking for themes related to national pride, unity, and civic responsibility.
  7. Q: What is the role of music in fostering patriotism?
    A: Music can inspire pride, reflect on national values, and promote unity among citizens.
  8. Q: What message does Sunny Ade’s music typically convey?
    A: It celebrates Nigerian culture and heritage.
  9. Q: Why is Fela Kuti considered a patriotic singer?
    A: Because his songs address social and political issues affecting Nigeria.
  10. Q: What is the importance of singing patriotic songs?
    A: It helps in promoting national identity, pride, and unity among people.
  11. Q: How can you use music to express love for your country?
    A: By choosing songs that reflect national values and celebrating the country’s achievements.
  12. Q: What type of song would you use to teach about Nigerian identity?
    A: A song that includes themes of patriotism, national pride, and unity.
  13. Q: What makes a song patriotic?
    A: The lyrics and message that emphasize national values and encourage pride in one’s country.
  14. Q: How does “Which Way Nigeria” encourage civic responsibility?
    A: By prompting reflection on the nation’s direction and encouraging responsible actions.
  15. Q: How can listening to patriotic music impact you?
    A: It can foster a sense of national pride and encourage positive civic behavior.


  1. Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, “Card Making and Decoration,” discussing the concepts learned.
  2. Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic by discussing the values of patriotism and showing examples of patriotic music.
  3. Step 3: Pupils listen to “Which Way Nigeria,” sing along, and identify other patriotic Nigerian singers.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Play and analyze “Which Way Nigeria” by Sonny Okosun.
  • Guide pupils in identifying patriotic themes in the song.
  • Introduce other patriotic singers and discuss their contributions.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen to and sing part of “Which Way Nigeria.”
  • Discuss the patriotic values in the song.
  • Identify and share other Nigerian patriotic singers.


  • Observe pupils’ participation in singing and discussion.
  • Evaluate their ability to identify patriotic values in music and other singers.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What values does “Which Way Nigeria” emphasize?
  2. Name one patriotic Nigerian singer.
  3. What message does the song “Which Way Nigeria” convey?
  4. How does music help in expressing patriotism?
  5. Why is Fela Kuti considered a patriotic singer?
  6. How can you identify patriotic themes in a song?
  7. What role does Sonny Okosun’s song play in promoting national unity?
  8. What kind of values are celebrated in Sunny Ade’s music?
  9. How does patriotic music influence civic responsibility?
  10. Name a way music can foster national pride.


  • The teacher reviews the lesson’s key points and goes around to mark and provide feedback on pupils’ understanding of the song and its patriotic values.