Subject : Home Economics

Class : Primary 4

Term : Second Term

Week : Week 6

Topics :





Learning Objectives 

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  • List the reasons for wearing cloth eg protection,beautification, Identification, special occasion like party


Learning Activities and Discussion 

  • Identify different kinds of clothing
  • Naming different kinds of clothing
  • Discuss reasons for wearing clothes
  • Demonstration of steps for caring of personal clothing


Embedded Core Skills 

  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Small group discussion
  • Creativity and Imagination
  • Critical thinking and problem solving


Learning Resources 

  • Chart showing different articles

  • Provides picture of people of
    various profession in uniforms
    e.g nurse, police

  • Real object e.g bowls, iron, peg
    needle, thread e.t.c



Reasons for wearing cloth

  1. Protection: Clothes protect our bodies from the sun, wind, rain, and cold. For example, in the winter, we wear warm clothes like coats, hats, and gloves to stay warm. In the summer, we wear light clothes to keep cool and protect our skin from the sun.
  2. Modesty: Clothes can help us cover up our bodies and maintain our privacy. For example, we wear bathing suits at the beach so that we can swim and enjoy the water without revealing too much of our bodies.
  3. Identity: Clothes can help us express our personal style and culture. For example, people might wear traditional clothing from their country or wear clothes with a certain logo or design that represents something they care about.
  4. Safety: Clothes can help keep us safe when we’re doing certain activities. For example, when we ride bikes, we wear helmets to protect our heads from injury.
  5. Comfort: Clothes can help us feel comfortable and relaxed. For example, when we’re at home, we might wear pajamas or sweatpants instead of tight or formal clothing.
  6. Special occasions: When we attend a party or celebration, we often dress up in special clothes to look our best. This might mean wearing a fancy dress, suit, or tie. We wear special clothes to show respect for the occasion and to celebrate with others.
  7. Beautification: Sometimes we wear clothes to enhance our appearance. For example, we might wear makeup or jewelry to add some sparkle to our outfit. We also might wear clothes that make us feel good and boost our confidence.
  8. Religious purpose: Many religions require certain types of clothing for prayer or worship. For example, some Muslims wear hijabs or burqas as a sign of modesty and to show their devotion to Allah. Some Jewish men wear a yarmulke (skullcap) to show respect for God.
  9. School uniform: Many schools require students to wear uniforms as a way to promote a sense of unity and equality among students. Wearing a uniform can also help students focus on their studies and avoid distractions from fashion trends.
  10. Cultural significance: Clothing can also hold a lot of cultural significance. For example, some Native American tribes wear traditional clothing as a way to connect with their heritage and honor their ancestors. Some African tribes wear brightly colored fabrics and elaborate jewelry as a sign of their identity and cultural pride


  1. Which of the following is an example of special occasion clothing? A. Pajamas B. Sweatpants C. Fancy dress
  2. What is the purpose of wearing clothes for modesty? A. To cover up the body and maintain privacy B. To show off the body C. To keep warm
  3. Why do some African tribes wear brightly colored fabrics and jewelry? A. As a sign of cultural pride B. To keep warm C. To look fashionable
  4. What is the purpose of wearing clothes for comfort? A. To feel relaxed and comfortable B. To look fashionable C. To protect the skin from the sun
  5. What is the purpose of wearing clothes for identity? A. To express personal style and culture B. To keep cool C. To protect the body from the cold


Lesson Presentation

Title: Reasons for Wearing Clothes Grade Level: 4

Objective: Students will be able to identify different reasons why people wear clothes for various occasions and purposes.

Materials Needed:

  • Pictures of different types of clothing for various occasions and purposes
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts with multiple-choice questions about the topic
  • Pencils or pens

Previous Lesson


Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Ask students if they have ever wondered why people wear clothes.
  • Ask students to name different occasions or purposes for wearing clothes.
  • Introduce the concept of a listicle as a way of organizing information in a fun and easy-to-read format.

Body (30 minutes):

  • Show pictures of different types of clothing for various occasions and purposes (e.g., school uniform, religious clothing, special occasion clothing, etc.).
  • Discuss each type of clothing and ask students to identify the reason why people wear it.
  • Use the whiteboard to create a list of different reasons for wearing clothes.
  • Provide examples for each reason (e.g., for protection, we wear warm clothes in the winter).
  • Encourage students to ask questions and share their own experiences.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

  • Distribute handouts with multiple-choice questions about the topic.
  • Review the questions and provide feedback on student responses.
  • Summarize the key points of the lesson and remind students of the different reasons why people wear clothes.
  • Encourage students to reflect on their own clothing choices and the reasons why they wear certain types of clothes.


  • Handout with multiple-choice questions to assess student understanding of the different reasons why people wear clothes.
  • Discussion and participation in class activities.


  • Encourage students to research different types of clothing and their cultural significance.
  • Provide opportunities for students to design their own clothing based on a particular occasion or purpose.


  1. Which of the following is NOT a reason for wearing clothes? A. Protection B. Modesty C. Flying
  2. Why do we wear special clothes for parties and celebrations? A. To show respect for the occasion B. To look fashionable C. To keep warm
  3. What is a school uniform? A. A type of clothing worn by students to promote unity and equality B. A type of clothing worn by teachers to show their authority C. A type of clothing worn by janitors to clean the school
  4. Which of the following is an example of religious clothing? A. Hijab B. T-shirt C. Sunglasses
  5. What is the purpose of wearing a helmet when riding a bike? A. To protect the head from injury B. To look cool C. To keep the hair in place
  6. Why do people wear makeup or jewelry? A. To enhance their appearance B. To protect their skin C. To keep warm
  7. Which of the following is an example of cultural clothing? A. A hoodie B. A burqa C. A tank top
  8. Why do some Native American tribes wear traditional clothing? A. To connect with their heritage B. To keep cool C. To look fashionable
  9. What is the purpose of wearing clothes for beautification? A. To enhance appearance and boost confidence B. To keep warm C. To protect the skin from the sun


  1. We wear clothes for __________, such as protection from the sun, wind, rain, and cold. A. Fashion B. Modesty C. Protection
  2. Many religions require certain types of clothing for __________ or worship. A. Prayer B. Play C. Party
  3. Schools sometimes require students to wear uniforms to promote __________ and equality among students. A. Diversity B. Unity C. Exclusivity
  4. Cultural clothing can be a way to express __________ and heritage. A. Individuality B. Modesty C. Culture
  5. We wear special clothes for __________, such as parties and celebrations, to look our best and show respect for the occasion. A. Fashion B. Modesty C. Special occasions
  6. Clothes can help us feel __________ and relaxed, especially when we wear pajamas or sweatpants at home. A. Excited B. Comfortable C. Nervous
  7. Clothing can also serve as a form of __________, especially when we wear clothes with a certain logo or design that represents something we care about. A. Identity B. Modesty C. Protection
  8. Wearing a helmet when riding a bike can help protect our __________ from injury. A. Arms B. Legs C. Head
  9. Clothes can help us enhance our appearance and boost our __________. A. Self-esteem B. Confidence C. Intelligence
  10. Clothes can help us maintain our __________ by covering up our bodies. A. Privacy B. Identity C. Modesty

Weekly Assessment / Test

  1. Why do people wear special clothes for parties and celebrations?
  2. What is a school uniform?
  3. What is religious clothing and give an example?
  4. Why do people wear helmets when riding a bike?
  5. What is cultural clothing and give an example?
  6. What is the purpose of wearing clothes for comfort?
  7. What is the purpose of wearing clothes for beautification?
  8. Why do people wear clothes for modesty?
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