Grammar : Make ten sentences from this table (Substitution Table) Primary 4 Second Term Week 8

Subject : English Studies

Class : Primary 4

Term : Second Term

Week : Week 8

Topic :

Grammar : Make ten sentences from this table (Substitution Table) Primary 4 Second Term Week 8

Learning Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

  • understand sentence
  • study how sentences
    are constructed;
  •  make similar sentences
    from the examples..




Learning Activities :

  • Pupils, as a class,
    brainstorm on how
    sentences are formed.
  • Pupils, in small groups,
    study sentences
  • Each pupil write new


Embedded Core Skills :

  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Creativity and Imagination
  • Critical thinking and problem solving



  • Chart of sentences
  • Flash cards of new sentences


Content :

A substitution table is a chart or table that helps you make different sentences by substituting or replacing one word with another word. To make sentences from a substitution table, you’ll need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Look at the substitution table: The substitution table will have columns and rows with different words in each box.
  2. Choose a word: Pick one word from the first column of the substitution table.
  3. Find the matching word: Look for the matching word in the next column of the substitution table. This word will replace the first word in your sentence.
  4. Add the rest of the sentence: After you have chosen the two words, add the rest of the sentence to complete it.
  5. Repeat the process: You can make more sentences by picking different words from the first column and finding the matching word in the next column.

Here’s an example substitution table with some words to get started:

First Column Second Column
The cat ran
The dog barked
The bird sang

Using this substitution table, you can make sentences like:

  • The cat ran across the street.
  • The dog barked loudly at the mailman.
  • The bird sang a beautiful song in the morning.

You can make many more sentences by picking different words from the first column and finding the matching word in the second column.





A substitution table with three columns works in the same way as a substitution table with two columns, except that there are more words to choose from. Here’s an example of a substitution table with three columns and some words:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
The cat ran quickly
The dog barked loudly
The bird sang beautifully
The fish swam gracefully
The rabbit hopped happily

Here’s how to use the table to make sentences:

  1. Choose a word from column 1. For example, “The bird.”
  2. Choose a word from column 2 that matches with your first word. For example, “sang.”
  3. Choose a word from column 3 that matches with your first two words. For example, “beautifully.”
  4. Put the three words together to make a sentence. For example, “The bird sang beautifully.”

Here are some other sentences you can make using the same substitution table:

  • The fish swam gracefully.
  • The rabbit hopped happily.
  • The dog barked loudly.
  • The cat ran quickly.

You can make many more sentences by picking different words from each column. Just remember to make sure that the words you choose match up with each other to create a complete sentence.






  1. What is a substitution table? a) A chart that helps you make different sentences by replacing one word with another word b) A table where you can substitute your food order for a different one c) A chart that shows you how to substitute ingredients in a recipe
  2. How many columns are in a substitution table with three columns? a) Two b) Three c) Four
  3. Which column in a substitution table contains the word that will be replaced? a) The first column b) The second column c) The third column
  4. Which column in a substitution table contains the word that will be used to replace the word in the first column? a) The first column b) The second column c) The third column
  5. Which column in a substitution table contains the word that is optional to add to your sentence? a) The first column b) The second column c) The third column
  6. Which sentence can be made using this substitution table: The cat _______ across the street. a) meowed b) ran c) hopped
  7. Which sentence can be made using this substitution table: The bird _______ beautifully. a) flew b) sang c) swam
  8. Which sentence can be made using this substitution table: The fish _______ gracefully. a) swam b) sang c) barked
  9. Which sentence can be made using this substitution table: The rabbit _______ happily. a) sang b) hopped c) ran
  10. Which sentence can be made using this substitution table: The dog _______ loudly. a) barked b) swam c) sang


Lesson Presentation

Introduction (5 minutes):

  1. Begin by asking students if they know what a substitution table is. Have a brief discussion to clarify the concept of a substitution table.
  2. Introduce the topic by explaining that we will be learning how to use a substitution table to make sentences.

Body (25 minutes):

  1. Show the students an example of a substitution table with two columns and some words. Use the example to explain how a substitution table works.
  2. Ask students to identify the words in the first column and second column of the table. Explain that the words in the first column will be replaced by the words in the second column to make sentences.
  3. Model how to use the substitution table to make a sentence. Choose a word from the first column and a matching word from the second column, and then add the rest of the sentence.
  4. Have students work in pairs or small groups to practice making sentences using the substitution table. Distribute handouts of the substitution table to each group.
  5. Walk around the room to monitor students’ progress and provide support where needed.
  6. After students have had time to practice, bring the class back together and have a few groups share their sentences.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  1. Recap the lesson by reminding students of what they learned about substitution tables and making sentences.
  2. Assign a homework exercise where students will use a substitution table to make three sentences on their own. Collect these at the next class for assessment.

Assessment: During the group work, observe students as they make sentences using the substitution table. Collect the homework exercise for assessment. Provide feedback to students on their progress and understanding of the concept.

Extension: For advanced students, provide a substitution table with three columns and more challenging words. Allow them to work independently to make more complex sentences.


Weekly Assessment /Test

  1. A substitution table is a chart that helps you make different sentences by __________ one word with another word.
  2. How many columns does a substitution table with three columns have? _______
  3. The first column of a substitution table contains the word that will be __________.
  4. The second column of a substitution table contains the word that will be used to __________ the word in the first column.
  5. The third column of a substitution table contains a word that is optional to add to your __________.
  6. Using the substitution table, you can make sentences by picking a word from the __________ column and finding the matching word in the next column.
  7. “The bird _________ beautifully” is an example of a sentence that can be made using a substitution table.
  8. “The fish _________ gracefully” is an example of a sentence that can be made using a substitution table.
  9. “The rabbit _________ happily” is an example of a sentence that can be made using a substitution table.
  10. “The dog _________ loudly” is an example of a sentence that can be made using a substitution table.


Multiple-Choice Questions:

  1. What is a substitution table? Answer: a) A chart that helps you make different sentences by replacing one word with another word
  2. How many columns are in a substitution table with three columns? Answer: b) Three
  3. Which column in a substitution table contains the word that will be replaced? Answer: a) The first column
  4. Which column in a substitution table contains the word that will be used to replace the word in the first column? Answer: b) The second column
  5. Which column in a substitution table contains the word that is optional to add to your sentence? Answer: c) The third column
  6. Which sentence can be made using this substitution table: The cat _______ across the street. Answer: b) ran
  7. Which sentence can be made using this substitution table: The bird _______ beautifully. Answer: b) sang
  8. Which sentence can be made using this substitution table: The fish _______ gracefully. Answer: a) swam
  9. Which sentence can be made using this substitution table: The rabbit _______ happily. Answer: b) hopped
  10. Which sentence can be made using this substitution table: The dog _______ loudly. Answer: a) barked

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. A substitution table is a chart that helps you make different sentences by replacing one word with another word.
  2. How many columns does a substitution table with three columns have? Three.
  3. The first column of a substitution table contains the word that will be replaced.
  4. The second column of a substitution table contains the word that will be used to replace the word in the first column.
  5. The third column of a substitution table contains a word that is optional to add to your sentence.
  6. Using the substitution table, you can make sentences by picking a word from the first column and finding the matching word in the next column.
  7. “The bird sang beautifully” is an example of a sentence that can be made using a substitution table.
  8. “The fish swam gracefully” is an example of a sentence that can be made using a substitution table.
  9. “The rabbit hopped happily” is an example of a sentence that can be made using a substitution table.
  10. “The dog barked loudly” is an example of a sentence that can be made using a substitution table.
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