The Holy Spirit Guides Us Christian Religious Studies Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Class: Primary 5

Term: Second Term

Week: 9

Topic: The Holy Spirit Guides Us

Sub-topic: Understanding the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be able to recollect and share any knowledge they have about the Holy Spirit from previous lessons.

Key words: Holy Spirit, guidance, helper, comforter, wisdom, power.

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Explain who the Holy Spirit is.
  2. Describe how the Holy Spirit guides and helps us.
  3. Identify ways to develop a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Embedded Core Skills: Communication, critical thinking, collaboration.

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Christian Religious Studies
  • Christian Religious Studies Textbook Book 5
  • Cardboard
  • Audio device (for playing relevant audio clips)
  • Audiovisual aids (pictures, videos)



The Holy Spirit Guides Us 🕊️

  1. Helper: The Holy Spirit is our helper who guides and supports us.
    • Example: When we feel sad, the Holy Spirit comforts us like a friend.
  2. Teacher: He teaches us what is right and helps us understand God’s word.
    • Example: Just like a teacher in school, the Holy Spirit helps us learn about Jesus.
  3. Comforter: The Holy Spirit gives us peace and reassurance in difficult times.
    • Example: When we are scared, the Holy Spirit comforts us like a warm blanket.
  4. Wisdom: He gives us wisdom to make good choices and decisions.
    • Example: Like a wise counselor, the Holy Spirit helps us know what is right.
  5. Power: The Holy Spirit gives us strength to do what is good and stand up for what is right.
    • Example: When we are afraid, the Holy Spirit gives us courage like a superhero.
  6. Guide: He leads us on the path of righteousness and shows us the way to follow Jesus.
    • Example: Just like a GPS guides us on a journey, the Holy Spirit guides us in life.

Remember, the Holy Spirit is like a loving friend who is always with us, guiding and helping us along the way. 🌟


The Holy Spirit Guides Us:

  1. What is the Holy Spirit?
    • The Holy Spirit is a special part of the Trinity who is always with us to help, guide, and comfort us.
  2. How does the Holy Spirit help us?
    • The Holy Spirit helps us by giving us wisdom, strength, and guidance to live our lives in a good way.
  3. Can we see the Holy Spirit?
    • No, we cannot see the Holy Spirit because He is a spirit, but we can feel His presence and see His work in our lives.
  4. Why do we need the Holy Spirit’s guidance?
    • We need the Holy Spirit’s guidance because He helps us make good choices, understand God’s word, and live a life that pleases God.
  5. Does the Holy Spirit only help Christians?
    • The Holy Spirit is available to everyone who believes in God and follows Jesus, not just Christians.
  6. How can we know if the Holy Spirit is guiding us?
    • We can know if the Holy Spirit is guiding us by listening to His voice in our hearts, reading the Bible, and praying for His guidance.
  7. Can the Holy Spirit help us in difficult times?
    • Yes, the Holy Spirit is our comforter who gives us peace and strength when we are going through tough times.
  8. What does it mean to be guided by the Holy Spirit?
    • Being guided by the Holy Spirit means following His direction in our lives, making choices that honor God, and living in obedience to His teachings.
  9. How can we develop a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit?
    • We can develop a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit by spending time in prayer, reading the Bible, and asking Him to fill us with His presence daily.
  10. Is the Holy Spirit the same as God?
    • Yes, the Holy Spirit is one part of the Trinity – God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. They are all one God but have different roles in our lives.

Evaluation :

  1. The Holy Spirit is our _______ who guides and supports us.
    • a) Teacher
    • b) Friend
    • c) Pet
    • d) Neighbor
  2. The Holy Spirit helps us make _______ choices.
    • a) Good
    • b) Bad
    • c) Yellow
    • d) Fast
  3. We cannot _______ the Holy Spirit because He is a spirit.
    • a) See
    • b) Eat
    • c) Touch
    • d) Smell
  4. The Holy Spirit gives us _______ when we feel scared.
    • a) Courage
    • b) Ice cream
    • c) Sadness
    • d) Loneliness
  5. He teaches us what is right and helps us understand _______.
    • a) God’s word
    • b) Math problems
    • c) Animal sounds
    • d) Funny jokes
  6. The Holy Spirit gives us peace and _______ in difficult times.
    • a) Reassurance
    • b) Confusion
    • c) Anger
    • d) Noise
  7. Just like a _______ in school, the Holy Spirit helps us learn about Jesus.
    • a) Teacher
    • b) Bus driver
    • c) Librarian
    • d) Chef
  8. He gives us _______ to do what is good.
    • a) Strength
    • b) Fear
    • c) Chocolate
    • d) Tiredness
  9. When we feel sad, the Holy Spirit _______ us.
    • a) Comforts
    • b) Ignores
    • c) Laughs at
    • d) Scolds
  10. The Holy Spirit is like a loving _______ who is always with us.
    • a) Friend
    • b) Stranger
    • c) Enemy
    • d) Ghost
  11. Being guided by the Holy Spirit means _______ His direction in our lives.
    • a) Following
    • b) Ignoring
    • c) Forgetting
    • d) Hiding
  12. He helps us understand _______.
    • a) God’s word
    • b) Computer games
    • c) Cooking recipes
    • d) Magic tricks
  13. The Holy Spirit is our _______ who gives us peace.
    • a) Comforter
    • b) Enemy
    • c) Problem maker
    • d) Movie star
  14. We can develop a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit by spending time in _______.
    • a) Prayer
    • b) Sleeping
    • c) Watching TV
    • d) Playing games
  15. The Holy Spirit is part of the _______.
    • a) Trinity
    • b) Quartet
    • c) Duo
    • d) Solo

Presentation :

  1. Introduction: The teacher revises the previous topic which was THE HOLY SPIRIT GIVES US STRENGTH
  2. Presentation: The teacher introduces the new topic, explaining who the Holy Spirit is and highlighting His role as our guide and helper.
  3. Interactive Session: The teacher encourages students to share their own experiences or knowledge about the Holy Spirit. The teacher corrects any misconceptions and provides additional information where necessary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Revises the previous topic.
  • Introduces the new topic and explains key concepts.
  • Facilitates discussion and corrects misconceptions.
  • Provides examples and illustrations to aid understanding.

Learners Activities:

  • Participate in the revision of the previous topic.
  • Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanation.
  • Share their own experiences or knowledge about the Holy Spirit.
  • Ask questions for clarification.

Assessment: The teacher assesses students’ understanding through:

  • Participation in class discussions.
  • Responses to questions asked during the lesson.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. Who is the Holy Spirit?
  2. What are some roles of the Holy Spirit?
  3. How does the Holy Spirit help us in difficult times?
  4. Can you give an example of how the Holy Spirit guides us?
  5. How can we develop a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit?
  6. What does it mean to be guided by the Holy Spirit?
  7. Why is it important to listen to the Holy Spirit?
  8. What are some key words associated with the Holy Spirit?
  9. How is the Holy Spirit different from God the Father and Jesus?
  10. Can you think of a time when you felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life?

Conclusion: The teacher goes round to mark students’ participation and understanding of the topic. Any misconceptions are addressed, and the teacher reinforces key points discussed during the lesson.

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