All Subjects Primary 4 Second Term Examination Questions












  1. ___________ is a responsibility of a citizen to participate in legal process

(a) Terrorism     (b) voting               (C) duty


  1. ____________ deals with civic affairs and the right and duties of citizens

(a) politics          (b) civic education           (c) freedom


  1. ______________ is not a right of a child

(a) right to hunger          (b) right to universal state  (C) right to health


  1. A member of a state , either native or naturalized is a / an

(a) Alien              (b) terrorist               (c) citizen


  1. A person who is loyal to his or her country is also __________ __

(a) disobedience to law                (b) Patriotic       (c) Arrogant


  1. Which of these is not an evidence of loyalty?

(a) Respect for constituted authority            (b)  Promoting peaceful coexistence in the country

(c) Terrorism

  1. ___________ is a moral or legal obligation responsibility

(a) Right             (b) Left                (b)  Duty             (d)  court


  1. Which of these is not a consequence for disloyalty?

(a) Hatred          (b) disunity               (c) honesty


  1. There are ___________ arms of government

(a) 6      (b) 15    (c) 3


  1. The _______ of arms of government is the law making arms of government

(a) Executive     (b) judiciary               (c) legislative


  1. ______ is a building where people live in order to provide comfort


(a)  Bush       (b)  House           (c)  Garage


  1. The following are services provided by Government except


(a)  Destruction life      (b) Maintenance of peace     (c) Education


  1. Leadership is the ability to lead and _______ people


(a)      Mislead     (b) Obey           (c) Direct


  1. Natural disasters are caused by


(a)      Men              (b)  Nature   (c)  Animals


  1. The following are causes of natural disasters except


(a)      Heavy rain                     (b)  Climate change    (c)  Sunshine

  1. A poorly constructed house may ……….. [a] collapse [b] be shallow [c] rare
  2. Poor service would make people …….. [a] merry [b] patriotic [c] unhappy
  3. A disaster is a ……….. that happens suddenly and causes failure. [a] bad event [b] good thing [c] sudden celebration.
  4. The government should always provide….. service [a] rejection [b] good [c] poor
  5. Provision of social amenities should be the sole responsibility of government. [a] yes [b] no [c] none of the above
  6. ______ is a building where people live in order to provide comfort


(a)  Bush       (b)  House           (c)  Garage


  1. The following are services provided by Government except


(a)  Destruction life      (b) Maintenance of peace     (c) Education


  1. Leadership is the ability to lead and _______ people


(a)      Mislead     (b) Obey           (c) Direct


  1. Natural disasters are caused by


(a)      Men              (b)  Nature   (c)  Animals


  1. The following are causes of natural disasters except


(a)      Heavy rain                     (b)  Climate change    (c)  Sunshine

  1. A poorly constructed house may ……….. [a] collapse [b] be shallow [c] rare
  2. Poor service would make people …….. [a] merry [b] patriotic [c] unhappy
  3. A disaster is a ……….. that happens suddenly and causes failure. [a] bad event [b] good thing [c] sudden celebration.
  4. The government should always provide….. service [a] rejection [b] good [c] poor
  5. Provision of social amenities should be the sole responsibility of government. [a] yes [b] no [c] none of the above






1(a)    explain the meaning of house

  1. List three types of house
  2. Mention three social amenities provided by the government.
  3. What is disaster
  4. Give the types of disaster.



5(a) What is loyalty?

  (b) write two evidence  of loyalty

  (c) List two consequences of loyalty


6(a) Mention the three arms of government

  (b)List two important of government














  1. Which of these is not a type of culture

(a) Material culture

(b) immaterial culture

(c) political culture


  1. _________ is not an element of culture

(a) Dressing        (b) Music               (c) complexion


  1. There are about ___________ ethnic group in Nigeria

(a) Hausa            (b) Ijaw                (c) Yoruba


  1. Agbada and Sokoto belong to the ___________

(a) Hausa            (b) Igbos               (c) yoruba


  1. ______________ is a people’ s way of life

(a) Wedding       (b) Culture               (c) Pollution


  1. A _____________ means moving the body to the rhyme of music

(a) Song              (b) style               (c) system


  1. Which of these is a metal for modeling?

(a) Cloud             (b) Plasticine               (c) Leather


  1. The art of the controlling vocal or instrument sounds in a harmonious way is called __________

(a) Noise             (bl music               (c) dance


  1. which of these is not a musical style

(a) African style (b) western style      (c) summing style


  1. Tuwo, shikafa is a popular food in _______ Nigeria

(a) Wester          (b) Nothern               (c) Eastern


  1. Art is ………………… [a] an artiste [b] an erratic [c] a human creative skills
  2. Who among the following is not an art worker [a] artiste [b] accountant [c] art Teacher
  • .Art is as old as ………………… [a] museum [b] cars [c] monkey
  1. Which of these is not an element of art … [a] colors [b] line [c] rainbow
  2. Which of these is not a branch of art ……………….. [a]visual art [b] social studies [c]drama
  3. Music is a branch of art …… [a] true [b] false [c] maybe
  4. There are …………… forms of drawings [a] 5 [b] 2 [c] 3
  5. The drawing of man made object is called .. [a] natural [b] life [c] still life
  6. Greeting cards are also called …………. [a] social cards [b] compost card [c] international card
  7. All the following are types of card except …………. [a] birthday card [b] success card [c] bomb card
  8. Art is ………………… [a] an artiste [b] an erratic [c] a human creative skills
  9. Who among the following is not an art worker [a] artiste [b] accountant [c] art Teacher
  10. Art is as old as ………………… [a] museum [b] cars [c] monkey
  11. Which of these is not an element of art … [a] colors [b] line [c] rainbow
  12. Which of these is not a branch of art ……………….. [a]visual art [b] social studies [c]drama
  13. Music is a branch of art …… [a] true [b] false [c] maybe
  14. There are …………… forms of drawings [a] 5 [b] 2 [c] 3
  15. The drawing of man made object is called .. [a] natural [b] life [c] still life
  16. Greeting cards are also called …………. [a] social cards [b] compost card [c] international card
  17. All the following are types of card except …………. [a] birthday card [b] success card [c] bomb card






  1. List 4 types of music in Nigeria
  2. Mention three forms of drawing
  3. List 3 tools required in making cards.




  1. What is culture?

(b) List types of culture you know

  1. Explain the following :
  2. value
  3. creative art
  • Dance
  1. Modelling







  1. R. K


  1. _____________  means compassion or for a balance towards offenders

(a) Honesty        (b) discomfort               (c) mercy


  1. The father of the prodigal sons had _______________ sons

(a)  5     (b3         (c) 2


  1. Shedrack, meshack and ____________ were saved from king Nebucardinezars  fens furnance

(a)  John              (b) Abedinego               (c) stephen


  1. ________ was delivered from the lions of den

(a) Moses           (b) Daniel               (c) Joshua


  1. God delivered the Israelites into the hand of philistines for _____________

(a) Ten years      (b) forty years               (c) thirteen years


  1. The disciples were filled with the ____________ on the day of Pentecost

(a) A hotel          (b) one accord               (c) Disunity

  1. _____________ means deep affection or fondness

(a) Hatred           (b) Ghost               (c) Love


  1. Of all commands __________ is seen by God as the greatest

(a) Honouring ones father               (b) Loving ones neighbour          (c) Not committing fornication


  1. God gave ten commandments to who?

(a) Joshua           (b) pharaoh               (c) Moses


10 Holy spirit gives us boldness as a child of God

(a) True (b) False


  1. The account of creation is found in the book of ………….. [a] exodus [b] revelation [c] genesis
  2. When created, man had ……….. spirit [a] devil’s [b] God’s [c] ghost
  3. God made us in …………………. Image. [a] Angelic [b] spiritual soul [c] His own
  4. God made human beings in two sexes, male and ……. [a] female [b] monster [c] animal
  5. Men can create things because he can ………. [a] run [b] sleep [c] think
  6. God gave man………… over other creatures [a] dominion [b] anger [c] age
  7. The first man God created was …. [a] steve [b] Adam [c] you
  8. Daniel was thrown into …… [a] lion’s den [b] furnace [c] latrine
  9. Jehova Jireh means God our ……………. [a] provider [b] rock [c] healer
  10. ………… is the application of mental and physical effort for a purpose.
  11. All these are things created by man except ________________a. sun
  12. raw-materials c. Gsm phone
  13. _______________was not created by God (a) air               b. sun                  c. sin
  14. Which of these is not a type of work? (a) Carpentry               b. sewing            c. stealing
  15. God created man in __________image. (a)               satan’s    b. His own                c. demon’s
  16. The father of the prodigal son had ________sons (a) 5    b. 2                             c. 4
  17. Did the father of the prodigal son forgive him when he returned? (a) True (b) False
  18. God is ___________ a. dishonest                     b. merciful                             c. powerless
  19. God wants us to show mercy to other people a.  True      b. False
  20. God instructed _________to sacrifice his only son, Isaac to Him
  21. Abraham               b. Moses                            c. Peter
  22. Was Isaac killed for the sacrifice?    A.  Yes                  B.  No





1A.     God made two powerful lights, these lights are the ………… and ……………

  1. Mention five things created by man.

2a.     List out five things created by God

  1. Write three types of work we do
  2. Give three reasons why we should work.





  1. What is the meaning of mercy


  1. List two importance of being guided by the holy spirit.


  1. write five fruit of the holy spirit




                                            EDU DELIGHT TUTORS






  1. _________ are the parts of computer that can be seen and touched

(a) Software       (b) Hardware                    (c) Strongware


  1. The computer keyboard is good example of _____________ device

(a) Output          (b)Input                    (c) offput


  1. All these are senious of a keyboard except __________________

(a) Alphanumeric            (b) Numeric keys     (c) Alpha function keys


4.The  _________  are used to move the cursor in the desired direction

(a) Leftware       (b) rightwards (c) upwards  (d) downwards


5.T he  ________ is the longest key on the computer keyboard

(a) Space bar      (b) Long key                    (c) Large key


  1. All these are functions keys except _____________

(a)  Fi          (b) OF             (c) F12


  1. To type letter into monitor to the __________ section of the keyboard

(a) Numeric        (b) alphabetic                    (c) Alphanumeric


  1. To put space in between in words appearing on the monitor, use the _____________ on the keyboard

(a) Enter key      (b) Fikey                    Space bar key


  1. A mouse is an input device that controls the movement of the ____________ on a computer screen

(a) Colour           (b) cursor                    (c ) keyboard


  1. Which of these is not a part of the mouse

(a) Scroll ball      (b) mouse pad                    (c) Keypad

  1. A ………….. is a collection of computer components that are needed for a computer to work effectively [a] system [b] speakers [c] computer system
  2. There are ……… main components of a computer system. [a] 7 [b] 3 [c] 5
  3. Which of the following is not a components of a computer system [a] semiware [b] hardware [c] software
  4. The part of a computer that cannot be seen or felt is ………. [a] user [b] software [c] warehard
  5. An example of digital computer is ………………….. [a] baromen [b] thermo [c] abacus
  6. An example of micro computer is the …. [a] laptop [b] digital watch [c] cyber
  7. Computer are classified by size into ……….. [a] 4 [b] 2 [c] 10
  8. The people who use computers are called ………… [a] controllers [b] users [c] managers
  9. An example of software is ……. [a] programs [b] mouse [c] monitor
  10. There are ……. Generation of computers ……. .. [a] 2  [b] 20 [c] 5
  11. To type letters when using the keyboard, the keys are used


  1. Alphabetic       numeric      b. numerical      d. Egyptians


  1. The longest key on the keyboard is


  1. Backspace   F1         c. spacebar       d. backspace   Alt.


  1. The computer keyboard is a good example —————device


  1. Output       off-put      c.  repair                 d. Input


  1. We care for computer to avoid damage –     True  /  False


  1. All these are input devices except –  a. printer b. scanner    c. mouse   d. light pen


  1. The parts of a computer that can be seen and touched are called
  2. Which of the following is not a components of a computer system [a] semiware [b] hardware [c] software
  3. The part of a computer that cannot be seen or felt is ………. [a] user [b] software [c] warehard
  4. An example of digital computer is ………………….. [a] baromen [b] thermo [c] abacus
  5. An example of micro computer is the …. [a] laptop [b] digital watch [c] cyber





  1. Explain the meaning of hardware
  2. List any three examples of hardware
  3. Mention the three components of a computer system.
  4. Write out three types of computer.





1(a) what is keyboard

(b) State any five keys used by DOS

(c) What is the full meaning of DOS

  1. (a) What is a mouse?

(b) Name thee (3) types of mouse

(c) State two (2) properties of a mouse































  1. Ewo ni ki se elo idana ni ile yoruba

(a) Epo pupo      (b) isu   (c) ewa


  1. Oko ati iyawo maa n wo aso __________ ninu igbeyawo

(a) Igbalode       (b) ibile (c) idoti


  1. Ewo ni kii nse orisi owe ni ile Yoruba?

(a) Owe alaye    (b) Owe ipaniyan


  1. ___________ no olori ilu ni ile yoruba.

(a) Obi  (b) Emir              (c) Oba


  1. _____ kin se oye ni ile yoruba

(a) Mallam         (b)  Balogun               (c) Lisa

  1. Igba keji Oba ni agbegbe ni anpe ni _________-

(a) Ore Oba        (b) Iyawo Oba               (c) Otunba


  1. ___________ je ounje ni agbegbe Ijebu – Ode

(a) Ore Oba        (b) Ikokore               (c) Iyan


  1. _____________ ti ilu Ibadan

(a) Alafin            (b) Olubadan               (c) Ooni


  1. ____________ ti ilu Ife

(a) Alake             (b) Alafin               (c)Oni

  1. OLoye Obirin ma n je ___________

(a) Oba               (b) Iyalode               (c) Balogun




(1) Daruko awon ohun idana meta ni ile yoruba


(2) Daruko awon oloye meta ti o mo.


(3) Bawi ni ase pe awon  Oba Ilu yoruba wonyi


Apeere ota – olota ti ota



      ῐǀư                        ọrưkỏ Oba







                                                             EDU DELIGHT TUTORS







a    u   b  = a+ b    /      a n b  = b – n

a  u b  n  c = (a + b )  –  c


Study the sample above carefully and answer the following questions



(1) 4 u  + 5u  =

(a) 7            (b) 11             (c) 8                    (d) 13

(2). 7   u 8  n   3 =

(a) 8            (b) 12             (c) 7                    (d)10



(3) 18  u  2  n                        =      14

(a)  8      (b) 6      (c)  10     (d)  14



(4). 27 u  4 n                         = 21

(a) 10          (b) 18             (c) 15                    (d) 16

(5). 10 n 5 u 3  =

(a) 6            (b) 10             (c) 8                    (d) 7






(1)                                                            (2)







  1. a) 10    (b) 24   (c)2    (d)12     (e) 14                         (a) 25  (b)24   (C)11



(3)                                                                                                                             (d) 29      (e)8

(4)                                                                                             (a) 9                   (5)                                              (a) 19

(b)10                                                                    (b) 90

(c) 2                                                                     (c) 1

(d)3                                                                   (d)27

(e) 11                                                            (e) 54


(a) 51  (b) 15   (C) 9  (d) 3  (e) 21


SAMPLE                                   8                              6                             9                              6


2                                          7                                                             3












  • R A  I  N  I  N  G  (a)  2435356      (b)  2345365    (c)  2634523

(d)  2623453


  • N E  A  T  (a)  5481   (b)  5418    (c) 5841       (d)  5148



  • N E  A  R  E  R  (a)  582428   (b) 584282     (c) 542828   (d) 528428



  1. / _6 /                            (5)                   /20 /







/___/                                               ___



  1. / 11 /                      (7)              /9 /



____                                          ____

/12_/                                       /____/



/___/                                             ___


(8)         ___                                                                  ___

/ 8_/                                                       (9)      /13/

___                                                           ___

/    /                                                         /169/


/  8/                                                                   ____


(10)         ___



/    /







  1. Write fifty-eight thousand, Nine hundred and sixty- five in figures


(a)  58,965       (b)  5,895     (c)  59,865


  1. Write 61,275 in words


(a)  Six, one, two, five and seven(b)  Sixty-one thousand, two hundred and fifty-seven           (c)  Sixty-one and two fifty-seven

  1. A million has …. Digits [a] 5 [b] 6 [c] 7
  2. What is the place value of the underlined digit 54465 [a] million [b] hundred thousand [c] ten thousand
  3. Find the sum of 2483,2836 and 728 [a] 5211 [b] 4837  [c] 6047
  4. Which of these numbers is not a prime number [a] 4 [b] 7 [c] 5
  5. Take away 4286 from 5127 [a] 7013 [b] 841 [c] 7796
  6. Evaluate 483 + 200 -683 [a] 483 [b] 683 [c] 0
  7. What is the value of 1 in 4.641 [a] thousandth [b] ten [c] hundredth
  8. Which symbol is used to denote ratio [a] ; [b] ‘ [c] -;
  9. One of these is a prime number
  10. 14 b. 18                c. 20            d. 3


  1. ___________is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body
  2. Temperature b. Power      c. Energy         d. Centimeter


  1. Water boils at ___________________
  2. 32oC           b. 100oC      c. 0oC              d. 1oC


  1. Which of the plane shapes has four lines of symmetry?
  2. square b. triangle                  c. rectangle     d. circle


  1. Length x Breadth is the formula for ________________
  2. square b. rhombus                c. rectangle               d. circle


  1. Angle on a straight line is equal to
  2. 2700        b. 600               c. 300           d. 1800


  1. 3 – dimensional shapes are also called __________shape
  2. complex           b. flat           c. solid             d. plane


  1. One – quarter of a circle is called a _________________
  2. radius    b. chord           c.  quadrant                d. point


  1. The probability that an event will occur is _____________________
  2. 0             b. 1                    c. 2              d.  10


  1. ___________refers to raw facts
  2. tally                   b. die           c. coin             d. data
  3. /___/ +   8                =

(a) 7               (b) 5                       (c) 6

  1. 12 x 10 =           /__/

(a) 110                      (b) 120                      (c) 130

  1. 20 – /__/ =   15

(a) 6               (b) 7                       (c) 5

  1. /__/ x  12     =           36

(a) 4               (b) 3                       (c) 2

  1. 5



5                     10       (a)  25            (b)  30            (c) 35



  1. Which of the following is the formula for calculating the perimeter of a rectangle?

(a) L X B         (b) 2(L + B)                      (c) 4 X L      (d)  2 (2L)

  1. ______________ is the formula for calculating the perimeter of a square

(a) L X L          (b) 4L                   (c) L X B  X H      (d) πr2


  1. Which of these numbers is not a prime number [a] 6 [b] 9 [c] 5
  2. Take away 4286 from 5127 [a] 7013 [b] 841 [c] 7796








1a.     Write the following  numbers in words

1]. 16384 =

2]. 234567=

(B)  Change the following decimals to percentage

  • 54 (b) 0.25                     (c)  0.89
  1. Express each of the following as a product of their prime factors using any method [1] 100 [2] 40 [3] 27
  2. In a school, there are 20 girls and 10 boys. What is the ratio of girls to boys?


4a.                           2  3  7  6  5

+         1  2  8  1  6            




(b)                           5   4   3   8   9

–         3   2   1   9   6









________ is one of the natural causes of erosion

(A)     Sun       (B) Rain  (C)  Star


  1. Pollution is the release of _______into the environment


(a)      Water            (b)      Harmful substances (c)  Currency


  1. Where should we dump refuse?


(a) On the ground         (b)In a waste bin     (c)  Inside the gutter


  1. We can keep a healthy through regular ____________of our environment


(a)      Burning                     (b)  Cleaning      (c) Damaging


  1. ___________can be used to beautify the school surrounding


(a)  Flowers  (b) Broken bottles        (C) Stones particles

  1. ………. Is the contamination of the environment [a] renewal [b] sanitation [c] pollution
  2. …………. Erosion lowers the level of soil by wearing it away [a] true [b] false [c]all of the above
  3. We should leave in a ………. Environment [a] dirty [b] polluted [c] neat

9         All these can cause erosion except … [a] running water [b] wind [c] insect

  1. Waste in solid form is known as .. [a] refuse [b]gas [c] dirty
  2. The freezing point of water is_________
  3. 1000         b.         0oC            c. 400              d. 180C
  4. __________is an example of safety device
  5. pot hole  b.  Road block c. traffic            d. house
  6. Which of these does not need maintenance?
  7. diseases b. car              c. clothes                d. house
  8. One of these is not a drawing material
  9. pencil b. eraser                   c. ruler  d. hammer
  10. The primary source of energy is ________________
  11. the sun b. the moon            c. stars     d. sky
  12. __________is the ability to do work
  13. motion                 b. energy                 c. strength         d. power
  14. The instrument used for measuring temperature is _______
  15. rainguage b. thermostat c. thermometer   d. drug
  16. The symbol for the Celsius is _____________
  17. cl           b. c             c. s             d.  cel
  18. The path along which electricity travels is known as ………..
  19. Circuit    b. Current                c. fuse   d. Avenue
  20. ___________is a synthetic cleansing agent used with water
  21. alcohol          b. starch                   c. oil               d. detergent
  22. Which of these is not an agent of pollination in flowers?
  23. Wind                    b. insect                    c. sun
  24. _________ Pollinate flowers usually have large, brightly coloured petals to attract insects.
  25. insect            b. sun                        c. wind
  26. Fruits are the means by which plants generate __________
  27. stems            b. roots                     c. seeds
  28. __________is the process by which pollen carries a male gamete to meet a female gamete in an ovule
  29. fertilization b. reproduction           c. pollination
  30. Animals that live around us at home are called
  31. wild animals b. amphibians            c. domestic animals   d. chore animals

26___________ is an harmful event which happens unexpectedly (a) Safety (b) First Aid (c) Accident

  1. Some examples of safety device/ gadgets are ___________ (a) Stone and book (b) Helmet, Traffic Light (c) Pot hole, nuts
  2. All these are ways of maintaining clothes except ________________ (a) Washing (b) Tearing (c) Ironing
  3. The way/ process of keeping our things in good condition is called ____________(a) Maintenance (b) Infection (c) Oiling
  4. _________________ is the art of representing line or object with a pencil, crayon etc. (a) Instrument (b) Marking (c) Drawing








  1. What is erosion


  1. Mention three major causes of erosion


  1. Explain four (4) things we can do to keep our environment healthy.
  2. Mention two types of waste.





                                          EDU DELIGHT TUTORS





  1. A group of people related to one another by blood or by adoption is called…. [a] family [b] company [c] school
  2. Your father’s brother is ……. [a] daughter [b] uncle [c] relatives
  3. Unity in cultural diversity is known as…….. [a] oneness regardless of cultural diversity [b] disunity [c] hatred as a result of cultural difference
  4. Culture can be changed through the process of …………. [a]fighting [b] education [c] disagreement
  5. Traditional marriage allows a man to marry ………. [a] his mother [b] many wives [c] one wife
  6. The union of two people – a man and a woman in traditional ways is called ……… marriage [a] modern [b] shrine [c] traditional
  7. The three main religions in Nigeria are Muslim, Christianity and ……… [a] ogboni [b] pagan [c] traditional
  8. When a person fulfils his duties as expected, he is said to be ……. [a] lazy [b] responsible [c] bad
  9. Responsible parenthood will promote … in family [a] love [b] hatred [c] disagreement
  10. A good marriage partner would process these except … [a] affection and trust [b] honesty and tolerance [c] hatred and anger

Which of these is an harmful drug?  (a) Panadol    (b) Paracetamol

(c)  Cocaine           (d) Phensic

  1. A/an ___________ builds with bricks (a) Bricklayer     (b) Architect

(c) Mason           (d) Lawyer


  1. Who among the following people is not involving in house construction?(a)         Caterer(b) Architect (c) Bricklayer   (d) Plumber


  1. One of these is not a class of food (a) water   (b) protein

(c)     milk            (d) vitamins


  1. Drug trafficker should be reported to the __________________

(a)  Police (b) Doctors                (c) Accountants    (d) Pastors


  1. Drug abuse can lead to the following except _____________

(a) Madness (b) Restlessness      (c) Creativity (d)Sleeplessness


  1. Another word for Hygiene is _____________________

(a) Cleanliness                    (b) Dirtiness     (c) Pollution  (d) Heredity


  1. the act of following the standard behaviour considered acceptable by people is known as ________________
  2. Moral b.  Malice    c.  Marriage                    d.  Might


  1. __________________ is the way of life of people
  2. Religion            b.  Difference          c.  Culture    d. Festival


  1. An unfortunate event that occurs when we don’t expect is called           __________a. Antiseptic    b.  Accident                c.  Corps     d. Victims
  2. . A _____________ is a building for human habitation (a) Prison (b) Mortuary (c) House
  3. All these are materials required in a house construction except _____________ (a) roofing sheet (b) Cement (c) Sculpture
  4. Duplexes, storey building etc are usually found in ______________Settlements (a) Royal (b) Urban (c) External
  5. The number of people living in a particular area is called ______________(a) Population (b) Census (c) Increase
  6. Who among the following people is not involve in house construction? (a) Carpenter (b) Bricklayer (c) Nurse
  7. Personal Hygiene can also be called ______________(a) personal death (b) Personal cleanliness (c) person treat
  8. All these help to keep our body physically fit except ______________(a) enough rest and sleep (b) Regular exercise (c) Fatigue and tiredness
  9. Drug abuse means taking drugs or medication without ____________ advice (a) Doctor (b) Friends (c) Peer group
  10. All these are effect of taking hard drugs and stimulants except (a) Excellent work performance (b) restlessness (c) Sleeplessness





(1)      What is family


(2)  mention five members of family



(3)      Explain the following


  • Aunt (b) Grandmother                (c) Uncle


(4)a.   mention three types of modern marriage practiced in Nigeria.









                                          EDU DELIGHT TUTORS





  1. She ____________not know his work
  2. does          b. do           c. don’t d.  is


  1. Dele has ___________ to see his boss
  2. went b. wanted                d. go               d. gone


  1. The orange which I plucked have been _______________
  2. stolen b. steal           c. stole         d. steals


  1. My _________ is that God is merciful
  2. believe          b. beleave           c. belief      d. belivef


  1. Go and ____________the headmaster
  2. saw          b. sees         c. see             d. seen


  1. If I _______________known I would have forgiven her
  2. has b. had             c. have         d. as


  1. Bayo is my __________brother
  2. elder          b. smaller            c.  written   d. junior


  1. The novel was ___________by Adesola
  2. wrote b. write           c. written                   d. writing


  1. Informal letter has ___________address(es)
  2. 2 b.  3                   c.   1                    d. no


  1. You are not a good person.
  2. Isn’t it?           b. are you?    c. don’t you?   D. do you?



Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions below:

Many years ago, babies were able to talk as soon as they were born. This made it every easy for their mothers to look after them whenever they felt uncomfortable in any way. These babies were not wise and so they talked about anything they saw. If a man with one eye comes to the house, a baby would say ‘go away one eyed man’, their mothers always had to apologize for these rude remarks. This made “ASMA” the creator of all things very angry. He then decided to make babies dumb until they were old and wise enough to talk.

  1. What were babies of long ago able to do as soon as they were born?_______________ (a) they were able to walk (b) They were able to fight (c) they were able to talk (d) They were able to crawl
  2. Babies of long ago were ____________(a) Respectful (b) Intelligent (c) Respectful (d) Unwise and rude
  3. What did mothers do when their babies made rude remarks? (a) Apologized (b) Beat the people (c) weep (d) Insult their babies
  4. According to the story, who is the creator of all things? (a) The babies (b) ASMA (c) Orisa (d) The mothers
  5. Because of the babies behavior, what did the creator do? (a) Fight the babies (b) Kills and bury the babies (c) Make them ignorant (d) Make the babies dumb until they were old and wise to talk.


Choose the one which is nearest in meaning to words underlined in the sentence

  1. After a long search, I discovered my pen under my pillow (a) Threw (b) Found (c) Made (d) Invented
  2. Have you Completed the home I gave you? (a) Start (b) Got (c) Seen (d) Finished
  3. He has been Selected to represent the country at an international meeting (a) Chosen (b) Advised (c) Underate (d) Dose


Fill in the blank space with the correct word

  1. The child has no respect _______________ his mother (a) on (b) About (c) with (d) For
  2. Olu travelled ______________ bus to Kano last month (A) by (b) from (c) and (d) Between
  3. The girl said that she was going to take care _____________ her younder sister (a) by (b) of (c) with (d) on
  4. The boy fell and injured _____________ (a) himself (b) itself (c) oneself (d) Yourself


Choose the one which is opposite in meaning to the word underlined

  1. Can you see the tall and slim man in the crowd? (a) Fresh (b) Ugly (c) Fat (d) weaken
  2. David comes from a very small family (a) good (b) Famous (c) Powerful (d) Large
  3. Olu is above average in his lessons (a) below (b) on (c) within (d) few


  1. Complete each of these sentences use ‘that’, ‘who’, ‘which’ or when.
    1. That is the man ______________ stole my father’s car
    2. A scorpion is an insect ____________ stings
    3. I was not at home _____________ the policemen came
    4. _______________ of the balls belongs to you?
  2. Fill in the gaps, use the words in the box
    1. A group of soldiers _____________
    2. A place where weapons are made or kept________________
    3. A person who foretells the future _________________
    4. A seller of meat ______________
Butcher Army Arsenal Prophets







  1. Form five sentences using the relative pronoun “who” and “which”

e.g. I saw the boy who killed the goat.

  1. Make a sentence with each of the following –

(i)      Beaten                   (ii) Bought           (iii) Torn            (iv) Broken


(v)     Swept


  1. (a) What are phrasal verbs?                (b) List ten phrasal verbs you know


  1. As simple as _______________________

As white as ________________________

As honest as a _____________________

As green as _______________________

As heavy as an _____________________

[elephant,  grass,   mirror,   ABC,  and snow]




Nigeria is a country in Africa with 36 States.  Nigeria Federal Capital Abuja.  The current President is Muhammadu Buhari and Vice President is Prof. Yemi Osinbajo.

There are three major ethnic groups which are Yoruba, Ibo and Hausa.  Thee are other ethnic groups.

Nigeria gained her independence in 1960 and became a republic in 1963.  Nigeria is blessed by God with mineral resources such as crude oil, gold, tin, bitumen, limestone, coal etc.  Nigeria Flag has two colours; green and white which stands for agriculture and peace respectively.

Attempt these questions.


  1. What is the passage all about?
  2. Who is the current President of Nigeria
  3. Which year did Nigeria become a Republic?
  4. Mention two mineral resources found in Nigeria
  5. The green colour in Nigeria flag sands for ______________________
  6. How many states are there in Nigeria?
  7. On which continents is Nigeria found?
  8. How many letters are there in “Nigeria”?
  9. Is Nigeria blessed with mineral resources?
  10. Do you love your country?




