Security Precautions in Cars and Buses Security Education Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Lesson Plan: Comprehensive Student-Centered Plan


Security Education


Basic 1 / Primary 1


Second Term


Week 9


5-6 years


Security Precautions in Cars and Buses


Safety Rules to Observe While in Cars and Buses


40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. State safety precautions for cars and buses.
  2. Explain the importance of car and bus safety.
  3. Identify safe practices while traveling in cars and buses.


  • Safety
  • Precaution
  • Car seat
  • Booster seat
  • Seatbelt

Set Induction:

Begin the lesson by asking students:

  • “Have you ever ridden in a car or bus?”
  • “What do your parents or teachers tell you to do to stay safe in a car or bus?”
    Show a picture of children properly seated in a car.

Entry Behaviour:

Pupils are familiar with rules like “Do not run in class” and “Hold hands while crossing the road.”

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Pictures of car seats, buses, and seatbelts.
  • Wall charts showing children in cars or buses.
  • Flashcards with safety rules written on them.
  • A toy car or bus for demonstration.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Ask the pupils if they know why they wear a seatbelt or why a bus driver asks them to sit quietly. Connect this to their understanding of safety in cars and buses.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Observation

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Security Education Textbooks

Instructional Materials:

  • Visual aids (posters, flashcards).
  • Whiteboard and marker.
  • Related video or animation about car and bus safety.


Definition and Meaning of Security Precautions in Cars and Buses:

  1. Security precautions are steps we take to stay safe and protect ourselves while traveling in cars or buses.
  2. These rules help prevent accidents and injuries.

Examples of Safety Rules in Cars and Buses:

  1. Always wear a seatbelt.
  2. Use a car seat or booster seat for young children.
  3. Sit quietly and stay seated while the vehicle is moving.
  4. Never put your head or hands out of the window.
  5. Do not distract the driver.


Step 1: Revising the Previous Topic

  • The teacher asks students to recall the previous lesson on “Office Security.”
  • Questions like: “What are the rules to keep an office safe?”

Step 2: Introducing the New Topic

  • Explain: “Today, we will learn about how to stay safe in cars and buses.”
  • Show pictures of children seated properly in cars and buses.

Step 3: Encouraging Contributions

  • Ask: “Why do you think it is important to wear a seatbelt?”
  • Listen to responses, correct misconceptions, and add to their points.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Display pictures of car seats and buses.
  2. Demonstrate how to use a seatbelt.
  3. Explain why we should not distract the driver.
  4. List safety rules on the board for pupils to copy.
  5. Supervise group discussions and assist as needed.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Observe pictures and demonstrations.
  2. Participate in answering questions.
  3. Practice fastening a toy seatbelt on a doll or toy.
  4. Discuss safety rules with their peers.

Class Activity Discussion: FAQs with Answers

  1. Q: Why should we wear a seatbelt?
    A: To protect us from injuries during accidents.
  2. Q: What is a car seat used for?
    A: To keep small children safe in cars.
  3. Q: Why should we sit quietly in a bus?
    A: So we do not distract the driver.
  4. Q: Is it safe to put your head out of the window?
    A: No, it can cause injuries.
  5. Q: Can we eat while riding in a car?
    A: No, it can be unsafe during sudden stops.
  6. Q: Should we talk to strangers on the bus?
    A: No, it is unsafe.
  7. Q: Why is it wrong to stand in a moving bus?
    A: You might fall and get hurt.
  8. Q: What should you do before crossing a road near a bus?
    A: Look both ways.
  9. Q: Who should wear a seatbelt in a car?
    A: Everyone.
  10. Q: Is it okay to play near a parked bus?
    A: No, it is dangerous.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Always wear a ______ in a car.
    a) Hat b) Belt c) Seatbelt d) Jacket
  2. A car seat is used for ______.
    a) Cooking b) Cleaning c) Sitting d) Safety
  3. Never ______ the driver.
    a) Distract b) Help c) Talk to d) Greet
  4. It is unsafe to ______ out of the car window.
    a) Look b) Sing c) Put your hand d) Eat
  5. ______ keeps small children safe in cars.
    a) Seatbelt b) Car seat c) Window d) Bus



  1. Name two safety rules in cars.
  2. Why is it important to wear a seatbelt?
  3. What should you do before crossing near a bus?
  4. Mention one thing you should not do in a bus.
  5. Why should we sit quietly in a bus?


The teacher moves around, marking students’ work and providing corrections. End the lesson by reminding students to share these safety tips with their families.

SEO Elements

  • Captivating Title:
    “Essential Safety Tips for Kids in Cars and Buses”
  • Focus Keyphrase:
    Safety precautions in cars and buses
  • SEO Title:
    “Safety Precautions in Cars and Buses: A Lesson for Kids”
  • Slug:
  • Meta Description:
    “Learn essential safety precautions for kids in cars and buses. Simple tips to keep children safe during travels. Perfect for teachers and parents!”

 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options
  1. Always wear a ______ while in a car.
    a) Jacket b) Belt c) Seatbelt d) Hat
  2. A ______ is used to keep young children safe in cars.
    a) Bus b) Seatbelt c) Car seat d) Window
  3. Never ______ the driver while in a moving car or bus.
    a) Help b) Distract c) Greet d) Encourage
  4. It is unsafe to ______ out of the car window.
    a) Look b) Put your hand c) Sing d) Sit
  5. The purpose of a seatbelt is to ______.
    a) Protect from injuries b) Stop the car c) Enter the bus d) Hold luggage
  6. Children under 12 years should sit in the ______ of the car.
    a) Front seat b) Driver’s seat c) Back seat d) Trunk
  7. A ______ seat is needed for small children in cars.
    a) Booster b) Window c) Bicycle d) Wooden
  8. You should not ______ in a moving bus.
    a) Stand b) Sit c) Look d) Stay quiet
  9. It is dangerous to ______ while the bus is moving.
    a) Eat b) Sleep c) Hold the railing d) Sit quietly
  10. The driver needs to stay ______ to drive safely.
    a) Alert b) Distracted c) Tired d) Quiet
  11. When a car is moving, keep your hands ______ the vehicle.
    a) Inside b) Outside c) Above d) Behind
  12. You should not ______ with the bus door while it is moving.
    a) Close b) Play c) Touch d) Open
  13. Always wait for the ______ to stop before getting off a bus.
    a) Passenger b) Bus c) Engine d) Teacher
  14. Crossing the road in front of a bus requires ______.
    a) A quick move b) Looking both ways c) Running d) Ignoring
  15. Passengers should always follow the ______ in cars and buses.
    a) Noise b) Rules c) Distractions d) Driver

15 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) and Answers

  1. Q: Why is wearing a seatbelt important?
    A: It helps protect passengers from injuries during an accident.
  2. Q: Can young children use regular car seats?
    A: No, they should use booster or car seats designed for their size.
  3. Q: What happens if you distract the driver?
    A: It increases the risk of accidents.
  4. Q: Why shouldn’t we put our hands outside the window?
    A: It can cause injuries or accidents.
  5. Q: Where should children sit in a car?
    A: Children under 12 should sit in the back seat.
  6. Q: What is the use of a booster seat?
    A: It helps young children sit safely and wear seatbelts properly.
  7. Q: Should we stand in a moving bus?
    A: No, it is unsafe and can lead to injuries.
  8. Q: Why must we sit quietly in cars and buses?
    A: To avoid distracting the driver.
  9. Q: What should we do before crossing the road near a bus?
    A: Look both ways for traffic and cross carefully.
  10. Q: Can we eat in a moving bus?
    A: No, it can be unsafe during sudden stops.
  11. Q: Should we talk to strangers on the bus?
    A: No, it is unsafe to talk to strangers.
  12. Q: What do you do if the driver asks you to wear a seatbelt?
    A: Put it on immediately for safety.
  13. Q: Why is it dangerous to stand at the bus door while it’s moving?
    A: You can fall out and get injured.
  14. Q: When can we get off a bus?
    A: Only when the bus has come to a complete stop.
  15. Q: Should we play with the windows in the car?
    A: No, it is unsafe and can lead to accidents.

10 Evaluation Questions

  1. Why should we wear seatbelts in cars and buses?
  2. List three safety precautions for cars and buses.
  3. What is the purpose of a booster seat?
  4. Why is it unsafe to put your hands outside the car window?
  5. What should you do before crossing the road near a bus?
  6. Why must children under 12 sit in the back seat?
  7. What happens when passengers distract the driver?
  8. Name one thing you should not do in a moving bus.
  9. Explain why we should wait for the bus to stop before getting off.
  10. What is the correct way to sit in a moving car?