Construction with the Past Tense, then Past Perfect Tense English Grammar Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Subject: English Grammar

Class: Primary 5

Term: Second Term

Week: 10

Topic: Constructions of Sentences with Past Tense, then Past Perfect Tense

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be able to identify and use past tense verbs in sentences.

Key Words: Past tense, past perfect tense, verbs, sentences.

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Identify and explain the difference between past tense and past perfect tense.
  2. Construct sentences using past tense and past perfect tense correctly.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to use past perfect tense to show the sequence of events.

Embedded Core Skills: Communication, critical thinking, writing.

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for English Grammar
  • English Grammar Textbook Book 5
  • Chalkboard/Whiteboard and markers
  • Sentence strips
  • Examples of sentences written on cards


Constructions of Sentences with Past Tense and Past Perfect Tense 📜

  1. Past Tense:
    • Example: Sarah played with her friends yesterday. 🏀
  2. Past Perfect Tense:
    • Example: Before dinner, Sarah had already finished her homework. 📚
  3. Past Tense:
    • Example: The cat chased the mouse across the garden. 🐱🐭
  4. Past Perfect Tense:
    • Example: By the time we arrived, the cat had caught the mouse. 🕰️
  5. Past Tense:
    • Example: Jack visited his grandparents last weekend. 👴👵
  6. Past Perfect Tense:
    • Example: Jack had already eaten lunch before he visited his grandparents. 🍽️

Remember, the past perfect tense shows an action that happened before another action in the past! 🕰️✨

Past Tense and Past Perfect Tense:

  1. What is the past tense?
    • The past tense is used to talk about actions that happened in the past.
  2. How do we form the past tense?
    • We usually add ‘-ed’ to the verb. For example, “play” becomes “played”.
  3. What is the past perfect tense?
    • The past perfect tense shows an action that happened before another action in the past.
  4. How do we form the past perfect tense?
    • We use “had” followed by the past participle of the verb. For example, “had eaten”.
  5. When do we use the past tense?
    • We use the past tense to talk about completed actions in the past.
  6. When do we use the past perfect tense?
    • We use the past perfect tense to show which action happened first in the past.
  7. Can you give an example of the past tense?
    • Sure! “She walked to school yesterday.”
  8. Can you give an example of the past perfect tense?
    • Of course! “He had finished his homework before he went to bed.”
  9. Do we always need to use the past perfect tense?
    • No, we only use it when it’s important to show which action happened first.
  10. How can I practice using past tense and past perfect tense?
    • You can practice by writing sentences about things you did yesterday and what happened before that.

Evaluation :

  1. Sarah _______ (play/played/playing/plays) with her toys yesterday.
    • a) play
    • b) played
    • c) playing
    • d) plays
  2. Before the movie started, we _______ (had/have/has/having) already bought our tickets.
    • a) had
    • b) have
    • c) has
    • d) having
  3. Jack _______ (visit/visited/visits/visiting) his friend last weekend.
    • a) visit
    • b) visited
    • c) visits
    • d) visiting
  4. By the time I woke up, my mom _______ (cook/cooked/cooks/cooking) breakfast.
    • a) cook
    • b) cooked
    • c) cooks
    • d) cooking
  5. They _______ (had/have/has/having) already finished their homework before the teacher arrived.
    • a) had
    • b) have
    • c) has
    • d) having
  6. Before the rain started, the children _______ (play/played/playing/plays) outside.
    • a) play
    • b) played
    • c) playing
    • d) plays
  7. Mary _______ (read/reads/reading/read) her favorite book last night.
    • a) read
    • b) reads
    • c) reading
    • d) read
  8. Before going to bed, I _______ (had/have/has/having) already brushed my teeth.
    • a) had
    • b) have
    • c) has
    • d) having
  9. Tom _______ (write/writing/writes/wrote) a letter to his grandma yesterday.
    • a) write
    • b) writing
    • c) writes
    • d) wrote
  10. By the time I arrived, the party _______ (start/started/starting/starts).
    • a) start
    • b) started
    • c) starting
    • d) starts
  11. We _______ (had/have/has/having) already finished our dinner before the guests arrived.
    • a) had
    • b) have
    • c) has
    • d) having
  12. Jenny _______ (play/played/playing/plays) the piano before she joined the choir.
    • a) play
    • b) played
    • c) playing
    • d) plays
  13. By the time I got home, my brother _______ (eat/ate/eating/eats) all the cookies.
    • a) eat
    • b) ate
    • c) eating
    • d) eats
  14. Before the bell rang, the students _______ (had/have/has/having) already lined up outside.
    • a) had
    • b) have
    • c) has
    • d) having
  15. Susan _______ (draw/drawing/drew/draws) a beautiful picture yesterday.
    • a) draw
    • b) drawing
    • c) drew
    • d) draw


  1. Introduction: The teacher revises the previous topic of past tense verbs, asking students to recall examples of past tense verbs they have learned.
  2. Presentation: The teacher introduces the new topic of past perfect tense, explaining its purpose and how it differs from past tense. Examples are provided to illustrate the concept.
  3. Interactive Session: The teacher allows students to give their own contributions, asking them to construct sentences using both past tense and past perfect tense. The teacher corrects any errors and provides guidance where necessary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Revises the previous topic of past tense verbs.
  • Introduces the concept of past perfect tense and provides examples.
  • Facilitates student participation by asking questions and guiding discussions.
  • Corrects students’ sentences and provides feedback.

Learners Activities:

  • Participate in the revision of past tense verbs.
  • Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanation of past perfect tense.
  • Construct sentences using both past tense and past perfect tense.
  • Ask questions for clarification.

Assessment: The teacher assesses students’ understanding through:

  • Observation of students’ participation and engagement during activities.
  • Reviewing students’ constructed sentences for accuracy.

Identification of the objects with emphasis on the article and Structure English Studies Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the difference between past tense and past perfect tense?
  2. Can you give an example of a sentence using past tense?
  3. How do we form past perfect tense?
  4. Why do we use past perfect tense?
  5. Give an example of a sentence using past perfect tense to show the sequence of events.
  6. When do we use past tense in a sentence?
  7. What are some key words that indicate past tense?
  8. How can you tell if a sentence is in past perfect tense?
  9. Can you construct a sentence using both past tense and past perfect tense?
  10. Why is it important to use correct verb tenses in sentences?

Conclusion: The teacher goes round to mark students’ participation and assesses their ability to construct sentences using past tense and past perfect tense. Any misconceptions are addressed, and the teacher reinforces key points discussed during the lesson.