Dictation for the week 9 Second Term Primary 6

English Language 


Dictation Work 


Second Term Lesson Note


Week 8


Primary 6 




Learning Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to 

  1. Spell the given words 
  2. Check out the dictionary meaning of the given words 
  3. Understand the given set of words and use the words in sentences 
  4. correctly spell the following words: gratitude, truth, mood, chance, deed, toward, ability, bosom, slight, and annoying.


Entry Behaviour

Pupils have previous knowledge of how to spell words



Instructional Materials

  • Audio Visual Resources 
  • Flash cards 
  • Online Dictionary 
  • Recommended English Textbook 
  • Chart 
  • Hard copy dictionary 
  • Spelling list with the target words
  • Pencils and paper for writing
  • Word search worksheets with the target words (optional)


Methods of Teaching

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation

Reference Materials 

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum



Meaning of the given words 

  1. Contrast: the state of being strikingly different from something else in a way that attracts attention
  2. Suitable: appropriate or fitting for a particular purpose or situation
  3. Width: the distance from side to side of something, especially the measurement of the smallest side of an object
  4. Tape: a narrow strip of material, typically one of a roll, used especially for binding, sealing, or attaching things
  5. Lullaby: a soothing song, typically one sung to children before they go to sleep
  6. Approve: consider (something) to be good or satisfactory
  7. Survey: a comprehensive examination, especially through questioning or inspection, of a subject or area
  8. Incubator: an apparatus in which conditions (such as temperature, humidity, and air flow) can be controlled for scientific or industrial purposes, especially for hatching eggs or growing microorganisms
  9. Bereave: deprive (someone) of something or someone dear through death or other loss
  10. Locale: the place where something happens or is set
  11. Savage: (of an animal or force of nature) fierce, violent, and uncontrolled
  12. Premature: happening or done before the expected or appropriate time; early



Phonics transcription is the representation of spoken sounds using phonetic symbols. Here is the phonics transcription of the following words using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA):

  1. /kənˈstrast/
  2. /ˈso͞otəb(ə)l/
  3. /wɪdθ/
  4. /teɪp/
  5. /ˈlʌləb(ə)l/
  6. /əˈpro͞ov/
  7. /sərˈveɪ/
  8. /ˈɪŋk(y)o͞obātər/
  9. /bəˈrēv/
  10. /lōˈkāl/
  11. /ˈsavij/
  12. /prēˈmyo͞or/

Phonics transcription can be useful for language learners, as it can help them understand how words are pronounced and practice pronunciation themselves. It can also be useful for people studying linguistics or working in fields where precise pronunciation is important, such as acting or voiceover.



Using words in sentences can help you understand how they are used in context and can also help you remember their meanings. It’s important to use words accurately and appropriately in order to effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas.

  1. The constrast between the two paintings was striking.
  2. This shirt is not suitable for a formal event.
  3. The width of the river was measured at its narrowest point.
  4. She used tape to secure the package before mailing it.
  5. The mother sang a lullaby to her baby to help them fall asleep.
  6. The manager approved the employee’s request for a raise.
  7. A survey was conducted to gather opinions about the new policy.
  8. The incubator was used to hatch chicken eggs.
  9. The death of her parents bereaved her of her family.
  10. The locale of the conference was a popular resort town.
  11. The savage beast attacked left the hiker with serious injuries.
  12. The baby was born premature and had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks.





The lesson presentation is done step by step. The class teacher or subject teacher does the following


  • Review the spelling of simple words that students have previously learned.
  • Have students brainstorm words that are related to the target words

Direct Instruction:

  • Introduce the target words and have students repeat them aloud.
  • Have students write each word on their own paper, encouraging them to take their time and focus on the spelling.
  • As a class, go through the spelling of each word, breaking them down into syllables and sounding them out if necessary.
  • Have students write the words again, this time using their best spelling.

Guided Practice:

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups to spell the target words using the word search worksheets.
  • Have students take turns spelling the words aloud and checking each other’s work.
  • As a class, review any common spelling mistakes and discuss strategies for avoiding them in the future.


Independent Practice:

  • Have students choose five of the target words and write them in complete sentences.
  • Encourage students to use their own spelling strategies, such as breaking words into syllables or using mnemonic devices.


  • Have students share their sentences with the class and discuss any challenges they faced while spelling the words.
  • Review the spelling of the target words one more time as a class.


  • Collect the students’ writing samples and use them to assess their understanding of the spelling of the target words.
  • Use a spelling test to assess students’ mastery of the words.










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