Class: SS1      Subject: C.R.S          Time:

Answer all questions in this section

  1. In the creation story, the job of giving names to all living creatures was performed by ______ (a) God (b) Man (c) Adam and Eve (d) Eve (e) The angels of God
  2. At the time of creation, the river that flowed out of Eden to water the garden was divided into these four (a) pishon, gihon, hiddekel, Euphrates (b) ahava, nile, Jordan, tigris (c) cyrus, Jordan, Tigris Euphrates (d) Nile, Jordan, Pishon,Gihon
  3. Adam called Eve woman because she ____ (a) was taken out of man (b) was the author of woes (c) caused the fall of a man (d) was a weaker vessel
  4. The second account of creation was centered to the creation of (a) man (b) plants (c) the firmament (d) the heavens (e) birds
  5. The fact that whatever God said during the process of creation happened as He said indicates that God (a) loves all that He had made (b) wanted man to have dominion over all He had created (c) had sovereignty over the universe (d) did not want darkness to continue upon the face of the earth.
  6. ______ is to guide, conduct, persuade and direct affairs for the purpose of achieving a set of goals (a) power (b) authority (c) force (d) leadership
  7. Among the leaders, who said he was not eloquent when God called him to deliver His people (a) Moses (b) Joshua (c) Joseph (d) Deborah
  8. How old was Joseph when he was keeping his father’s flock with his brothers (a) fourteen (b) seventeen (c) twelve (d) ten
  9. How much was Joseph sold to the midianite traders (a) two shekels of silver (b) ten shekels of silver (c) twenty shekels of silver (d) hundred shekels of silver
  10. Who did God reveal Himself to in the house of Eli (a) Hophni (b) phinehas (c) Joseph (d) Samuell
  11. Eli was a priest in where (a) Isreal (b) Jerusalem (c) Egypt (d) Judah
  12. The sons of Samuel are (a) Esau and Jacob (b) Joel and Abijah (c) Cain and Abel (d) Hophni and Phinehas
  13. Eli’s lack of parental responsibility led to all the following except (a) institution of monarchy in Isreal (b) Collapse of Eli’s priestly lineage (c) decisive defeat of Isreal by Philistines (d) death of Hophni and Phinenas
  14. The three sons of Saul who lost their lives on Mount Gilboa were (a) Jonathan, Ishbosheth and Malchishua (b) Abinadab, Jonathen and Malchishua (c) Jonathan, Abinadab and Ishbasheth (d) Manasse, Abinadab and Jonathan
  15. All the following happened to the body of Saul after his death on mount Gilboa except (a) his head was cut off (b) his body was stripped off all his armour (c) dogs ate up his body (d) his body was left naked in the battle 
  16. The account of God’s creation of the earth as contained in the book of Genesis is narrated into (a) two ways (b) one way (c) four ways (d) six ways
  17. God created the sun, the moon and the stars to give light to the earth on which day (a) seventh (b) fourth (c) second (d) fifth
  18. All these are the cause of hatred for joseph from his brothers except (a) he took evil report against his brothers to their father (b) his father loved him than any of his children (c) he was a good looking boy than his brothers (d) he was a child of old age
  19. “Fear not” stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord which He will work for you today, for the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be still” This bible chapter and verse could be seen where? (a) Luke 5 1-2 (b) Romans 6:6-7 (c) Genesis 1: 1-2 (d) Exodus 14: 13-14
  20. “Moses! Moses! Do not come near, put off your shoes from your feet for the place on which you are standing is a holy ground” This statement was made by who (a) God (b) Jethro (c) Pharaoh (d) Elijah
  21. Why did God tear Saul’s kingdom and give it to his neighbor (a) He tore Samuel’s skirt (b) disobedience (c) wickedness (d) the kingdom was old
  22. The Israelites the sons of Samuel from judging them because they (a) took bribes and perverted justice (b) took meat with fat (c) laid with women at the altar (d) desecrated God’s altar
  23. During the reign of Josiah, the book of the law found in the temple by (a) Hilikiah (b) Isaiah (c) Zedekiah (d) Shaphan 
  24. Josiah, the king of Judah is best remembered in Jewish history for (a) destroying all the shrines of Baal and Asherah in the country (b) His opposition to pharaoh Neco to Egypt (c) Ordering the bones and tombs of the prophets of God to be preserved (d) leading the Isrealites
  25. Hilkiah, the priest was sent by the king Josiah to a prophetess to inquire concerning the book found in the temple and prophetess was (a) Deborah (b) Huldah (c) Edinah (d) Esther
  26. What did God make man to be on earth over all the creatures (a) Lord (b) King (c) Saviour (d) General manager
  27. What was the name of Joseph’s father (a) Jacob (b) Tera (c) Isaac (d) Jethro
  28. Who did Pharaoh’s daughter hand over Moses to when he was a baby to nurse him (a) Moses’ mother (b) Mary (c) Sarah (d) Esther
  29. How did God convince Moses before he could go to deliver the Israelites (a) God gave him series of signs (b) God said He would kill Moses (c) God promised to punish him (d) Moses would not get to promised land
  30. Who among the Joseph’s brothers said they should not kill him, but he should be put in a pit (a) Reuben (b) Gassar (c) Levi (d) Benjamin



Answer three questions from this section, No 1 is compulsory 

  1. Narrate the first creation story in Genesis
  2. Explain the birth and call of Moses
  3. Explain God’s reaction to the conduct of Eli and his children
  4. Discuss the results of Saul’s disobedience


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