

Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.   

SUBJECT   P.H.E                

CLASS: J. S. S ONE                  


  1. A person who mixes freely with others is said to be ___ (a) emotion (b) social (c) physical (d) mental.
  2. The most important objective of physical education is ____________ (a) To make the body weak (b) To destroy the body cell (c) To discourage sport men and women (d) None of the above.
  3. A well adjusted person is able to control his ____________in most situations (a) emotion (b) activity (c) maturity (d) social.

4.which of the following is not a branch of physical education ___________ (a) gymnastics (b) aquatics (c) recreation (d)all of the above.

  1. One of the following are objective of physical education  (a)To digress from sport (b) To attract many people during sport to cause trouble  (c) To promote unity among students (d) To cause hooliganism during sport to cause trouble.
  2. The following are pioneer of physical education in Nigeria except ________________ (a) Sunday oliseh (b) T.a adedeji (c) H.j ekperijin (d) Funsho adelolu.
  3. The ability to perform ones work without undue fatigue and still have enough energy for social life is ______________ (a) emotional fitness (b) physical fitness (c) abundant energy (d) social fitness.

8.The following components of physical fitness except _______________ (a) longevity (b) flexibility (c) agility (d) muscular strength.

9.which of the following best describes physical fitness (a) run very fast (b) perform work (c) stand life problems (d) lift heavy load.

  1. Which of these is not a component of physical fitness (a) height (b) strength (c) flexibility (d) agility
  2. The ability to perform any activities well is referred to as _________ (a) fitness (b) stamina (c) handicappers (d) accuracy
  3. Which of these is not among the common method of sewage disposal_____________ (a) water system (b) open dump (c) latrine (d) sewage system
  4. Which among these is not a method of refuse disposal ___________ (a) incineration (b) pit hole latrine (c) open dump (d) sanitary land fills
  5. Sewage primarily means _____________ (a) solid waste (b) soluble waste (c) liquid waste (d) none of the above.

15.water for drinking purpose must have the following except _________ (a) clean (b) dirty (c) odourless (d) tasteless.

  1. Water may be hard or ________ (a) hard (b) soft (c) light (d) heavy.
  2. One of the source of surface water is known as _________(a) tap water (b) lake, pond and streams (c) all of t above.  (d) river water
  3. The following exercise improves the muscular strength endurance except _________ (a) climbing (b) leg press (c) eating (d) squatting.
  4. The ability of the heart and lungs to function efficiently and supply needed oxygen and nutrients  according to the demand of the working muscles is _____________(a) flexibility endurance (b) cardio_ respiratory endurance (c) muscular endurance (d) balance.
  5. W.H.O is an acronym for ____________ (a) world house organization (b) world health organization (c) world honour overview (d) world Hindu organ.
  6. A state of well-being of the mind in which an individual is aware of himself and his environment is  ____________________ (a) physical health (b) social health (c) mental health (d) freedom health.
  7. The process by which physical, physiological and mental characteristics are transmitted from parents to children is called ____________________ (a) gene (b) heredity (c) hormone (d) morphology.
  8. Recreational activities are for ______ (a) all ages  (b) persons between 7-25years (c) sick person and students  (d) student only
  9. A state of complete physical, mental and social well_ being is called ___________ (a) heal (b) disease (c) health (d) sickness.
  10. freedom from disease, ability to endure,  strength and agility are visible signs of ______ (a) physical fitness (b) physical alertness (c) physical superiority (d) physical sensibility
  11. The following are ways that bad lifestyle affects our health except______________ (a) body abuse (b) malnutrition (c) unsafe sex (d) discipline.
  12. These are method of disposing sewage except _______________ (a) water system (b) open dump (c) latrine (d) paper system
  13. Refuse are the unwanted _____________(a) liquid waste (b) solid waste (c) water water (d) sludgy waste
  14. __________________ means illness or disorderliness of the body and mind (a) physical education (b) health (c) Disease (d) physical fitness.
  15. _________________ is the ability to move easily at the joint. (a) Agility (b) flexibility (c) speed (d) Muscular strength.

               THEORY:                                 Attempt only three questions.

1a. Define the following:        I. physical         ii. Education      iii. Physical Education

  1. Mention four objective of physical education.

2a. Define the following          I.  Fitness        II. physical Fitness

  1. Mention the components physical Fitness,  c. List four branches of physical education

3a. Define the following :  Refuse disposal     II. sewage disposal

  1. Itemize any three method of sewage disposal.
  2. Mention three method of refuse disposal.

4a. List three of source of water supply

  1. Mention four qualities of good water
  2. State three treatments of water before supply

5a. Define the following:       Health       II. Health Education

5b. Mention four branches of health education.

5c. State two important of health education.


Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.   

SUBJECT   P.H.E                CLASS: J. S. S 2                   DURATION 1 ½ HRS

  1. An outdoor recreation activity where parties from part of the event is __________  (a) Bazzar (b) Hunting (c) Picnics (d) Running 
  2. Outdoor games include the following except ____________ (a) badminton (b) golf (c) hockey (d)ludo .
  3. Which of these will not be an activity during recreation (a) playing ludo (b) buying and selling (c) watching the television (d) sewing
  4. Dancing is an aspect of physical education used for  ________________(a) body control (b) exercising (c) relaxing (d) self expression 
  5. Ability to dance well shows _____________ (a) speed (b) strength (c) power (d) beauty.
  6. When muscle is overstretched, __________(a) sprain (b) strain (c) fracture (d) dislocation.
  7. _______________ is symptoms of dislocation (a) fever (b) smelling (c) swelling (d) crepitus
  8. One of the following is not a type of wound __________________ (a) sprain (b) incised (c) puncture (d) mat burn.
  9. Which of these is not  a classification of accidents ____________________ (a) vehicle (b) work place (c) church (d) school.
  10. __________________ is not an example of throws in athletics (a) shot put (b) javelin (c) discus (d) pole vault.
  11. An official that ensures that all athletes are in the correct lane is called ____________ (a) umpire (b) mark man (c) time keeper (d) announcer.
  12. All are prevention  against sport accidents except _____________ (a) the playing ground must be dirty (b) students should follow teachers instructions (c) apparatus and equipment must be well arrange (d ) warm up properly before performing any activity.
  13. Judo became an Olympic sport in what year? (a) 1964 (b) 1973 (c) 1882 (d) 1986
  14. All are prevention against sport accidents except ______________(a) students should follow teachers instructions (b) Apparatus and equipment must be well arrange (c) the playing ground must be dirty (d) warm up properly before performing any activity.
  15. ___________________ is the participation in sporting activities during our leisure time. (a) recreation (b) rhythmic activities (c) gymnastics (d) combative sport
  16. All are values and benefits of computer game except ________________ (a) it promotes the use of ICT through fun (b) it provides recreation opportunities for all ages and sexes (c) it discourages the use of brain rather than physical strength.
  17. Jikan in judo game means _____________ (a) decision (b) I surrender (c) technique (d) time out.
  18. Which of the following is an outdoor activity (a) hunting (b) chess (c) ludo (d) Ayo game



  1. Nigeria traditional sport that has the same as Yoruba kind of food is _____________ (a) Adija (b) Adapo (c) Abula

 (d) agidigbo.

  1. Which of the following statement is not true of recreation? (a) it encourages competition (b) it is carried out during leisure time (c) it is voluntary (d) it is done after the day’s work.
  2. Which one of these is not recreational activity? (a) Fishing (b) sleeping (c) hunting (d) camping.
  3. One of the following is recreational facility. (a) Swimming (b) hunting (c) running and jumping (d) amusement park.
  4. Which of the following is not a field event? _________________ (a) discus (b) triple jump (c) 400m (d) javelin
  5. These are causes of home accidents except ________________ (a) clean environment (b) poor lighting (c) carelessness (d) poor home design.
  6. The primary objective of First aid is to ______________ (a) boost the injury of the victim. (b) Safe life (c) convalesce the victim (d) terminate life.
  7. These are causes of road accidents Except ______________ ( a) disobey  the traffic light (b) drinking while driving (c) making call while driving (d) looking  carefully before crossing.
  8. Physical education is the education that develops an individual____________ (a) Socially (b) Physical (c) Emotional (d) Intellectual (e) All of the above.                            
  9. The following are the areas that can be developed in an individual through physical education except ____________ (a) Physical development (b) Acquisition of skills (c) Provision of career (d) Maintenance of discord
  10. Which of the following is not a branch of physical education?____________ (a) Games (b) Aquatics (c) Gymnastics (d) Recreation ( e) None of the above.
  11. A well adjusted person is able to control______________ in most situations (a) Activity (b) Emotion (c) Excitement (d) Maturity
  12. One of this is not the general aim of physical education__________ (a) Emotional development (b) Mental development (c) Philosophical development (d) Physical education (e) Social development
  13. A person who mixes freely with others is said to be____________developed in physical education ethics (a) Aesthetically (b) Emotionally (c) Mentally (d) Physically (e) Socially.                                                                
  14. Music and dancing are primarily based on___________(a) Distance of sound (b) Level of sound (c) Rhythm (d) Hymn (e) Use of sophisticated equipment         
  15. Dancing is an example of___________movement (a) non-locomotive (b) locomotive (c) gymnastics (d) singing (e) playing
  16. One of the following is not a quality of a first aider________ (a) should be observant (b) should be tactful (c) should be sympathetic (d) should be exploitative
  17. Which of the following is not a sports injury?___________(a) Fracture (b) Burns and scalds (c) strain (d) Sprain
  18. The following are contents of first aid box except________(a) cotton wool (b) Embrocation  (c) injection (d) iodine
  19. As a first aider which of the following injuries would you attend to first? (a) Sprain (b) bleeding (c) strain (d) cramp.
  20. The acquisition of knowledge and skills for dealing with emergencies resulting from accidents and knowing where to obtain help is called _____________ (a) school education (b) first safety (c) school accident (d) safety education.
  21. The accident that occurs in the home is called ________________ (a) accident (b) home accident (c) school accident (d) none of the above.


                   ATTEMPT three questions

1a. Define Recreation

  1. Mention four value of recreation
  2. mention type of recreation and their examples.

2a. what is computer game? 

  1. list ten kinds of computer game .

3a. Define Dance

  1. Mention type of dance
  2. list five folk dance in Nigeria
  3. Define the following 
  4. Safety Education 
  5. Sport Accident
  6. Mention 3 measure for prevention sport accidents


  1. list 3 causes of domestics accidents 

5 . Explain judo game. 

  1. mention basic skill in judo.
  2. state rule and regulation guiding judo 




Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.   

SUBJECT   P.H.E                CLASS: J. S. S 3                   DURATION 2HRS

  1. How many players make up a team in hockey game? (a) 11 player (b) 7players (c) 6players (d) 5 players.
  2. A throw is valid in javelin event if ________________ (a) javelin strikes the ground (b) competitor release the muscle (c) competitor steps aside (d) javelin lands out of the sector.
  3. The following items are regarded as missile except ____________________ (a) gun beating (b)  Put (c) javelin (d) hammer.
  4. During physical exercise the body requires   more supply of _______________ (a) oxygen (b) hydrogen (c) carbon dioxide (d) nitrogen.
  5. Activities that are performed on a raise objects are called __________________ (a) display (b) vault (c) agilities (d) somersault.
  6. All are factors affecting women participation in sports except _________________ (a) access to sport (b) safety and transportation issues (c) Social stigma (d) peer group
  7. A disease that can be transmitted from one person to another is called __________________ (a) communicable (b) sleeping sickness (c) malaria (d) communication.
  8. The physical difference between a man and a woman is called ________________ (a) stamina (b) gender (c) moral (d) skills
  9. All the following are techniques in pole vault except _________________ (a) the run _up (b) the follow through (c) the grip (d) the plant.
  10. One of these is not an equipment of pole vault (a) the upright (b) the cross bar (c) the landing foam (d) the measuring spike
  11. One needs  jumping pole   in order to perform this activity (a) high jump (b) through vault (c) pole vault (d) astride vault.
  12. Sport injuries can be prevented through the following way except _____  (a)disobedience to the rules of sports and games (b) proper conditioning (c) good skill training (d) maintenance of sport facilities and equipment 
  13. The landing sector of javelin is _____________ (a) 30° (b) 120°  (c) 29° (d) 50° 
  14. A throw is valid in javelin event if ___________________ (a) a competitor steps aside (b) javelin lands out of the sector (c) javelin strikes the ground (d) javelin lands on the air.
  15. All are basic skills in hockey game except _________________ (a) scooping (b) footwork (c) dribbling (d) goalkeeping.
  16. Hockey game is started by __________ (a) center pass (b) jump ball (c) kick off (d) corner kick.
  17. The international federation of hockey was formed in _____________ (a) 1952 (b) 1887 (c) 1901 (d) 1900.
  18. A competitor in a heptathlon is referred to as ________________ (a) a vault (b) an athlete (c) a heptathlete (d) tentathlon 
  19. ___________________ was regarded as the father of P.E in Nigeria (a) Mr. H. J Ekperigin (b) prof. Ajisafe (c) J.B. Basedow (d) Prof. Adedeji .


  1. An athletic event consisting of ten track and field event is called _________________ (a) decathlon (b) heptathlon (c) pentathlon (d) tentathlon.
  2. The recovery phase in pole vault involves ___________ (a) talking time off to greet friends (b) talking a break to  have a drink (c) standing up safety from the mattress (d) treating your  injuries.
  3. In pole vault, the competitor is known as a ____________________ (a) high jumper (b) pole clearer (c) pole vaulter (d) pole flier
  4. One of the following fitness qualities is not required from a pole vaulter. (a) arm strength (b) agility (c) patience (d) concentration.
  5. A vaulter has attempted a vault when he ___________________ (a) raises his hands (b) lands in the process (c) clear the bar (d) jump up in the air.
  6. A pole vault can be performed by _________________ athletes (a)men (b) women (c) men and women (d) none of the above.
  7. The following are basic phase in pole vault event except _________________ (a) grip (b) flexibility (c) recovery (d) swing-up.
  8. When a vaulter knocks down the bar during clearing in pole vault, it is known as a _______________ (a) fault (b) goal (c) kick (d) game.
  9. Javelin is a sport competition that involves throwing a ___________________ (a) spear -like (b) how -like (c) fork -like (d) stick-like.
  10. Javelin was First introduced in the ancient______________ in _____________ (a) All Africa game, 1906 BC (b) Olympic games, 708 BC (c) Olympic games, 1780 BC (d) Asian  games, 607 BC.
  11. Which of the following is not javelin equipment? (a) javelin (b) score  sheet (c) sport car (d) measuring tape.
  12. The facility needed for javelin throw is the _______________________ (a) javelin ditch (b) javelin pitch (c) javelin tent (d) javelin arena.
  13. Which of the following statement is correct about javelin? (a) it is one of track event (b) it is one of indoor event (c) it is one of throw event (d) it is one of the group event 
  14. The following are part of javelin except _________________ (a) medal head (b) cord grip (c) metal head (d) shaft.
  15. All the following are type of grip except ______________ (a) index grip (b) tennis grip (c) fork grip (d) side grip.
  16. Each period on hockey game lasts how many minutes? (a) 30 minutes (b) 35 minutes (c) 40 minutes (d) 45 minutes.
  17. Which of these is not a type of hockey game? (a) field hockey (b) sledge hockey (c) ice hockey (d) frost hockey.
  18. In hockey game, a goal keeper does the following except __________________ (a) pick the best player (b) keep the time of play (c) signal the end of play (d) keep the time.
  19. Hockey game is controlled by _________________(a) umpire (b) empire  (c) referee  (d) analysts .
  20. Which of these skills can be used to propel the ball to a long distance? (a) flick pass (b) scoop pass (c) push pass (d) drive pass.
  21. Hockey game starts with a _____________ (a) behind pass (b) under pass (c) center pass (d) outside pass.
  22. Communicable diseases cannot be contracted from ________________ (a) drugs (b) people (c) animals (d) insects
  23. Measles is spread through _______________ (a) respiration (b) breathing (c) bathing (d) injection.
  24. _____________ is transmitted through inhalation of air or dust contaminated with pathogens. (a) Foodborne diseases (b) air borne diseases (c) water borne diseases (d) skin borne diseases 
  25. Capacity to exert muscular force against a residence is called _____________ (a) muscular endurance (b) agility (c) speed (d) flexibility.
  26. Freedom from diseases, ability to endure, strength and agility are visible signs of _______________ (a) Physical sensibility (b) Physical development (c) Physical fitness (d) Physical education
  27. Which of the following is not a component of physical fitness (a) agility (b) endurance (c) flexibility (d) height (d) strength?
  28. Knowledge of human body is required during Physical exercise so as to maintain ________________ (a) Physical fitness (b) fat muscle (c) accurate blood circulation (d) power
  29. Which of these do most activities involving bending, stretching and twisting promote? (a) Isotonic contraction (b) body composition (c) flexibility (d) strength.
  30. Which of the following is performance related component (a) Cardiovascular endurance (b) flexibility (c) agility (d) body composition
  31. ___________ is a hit on the ball by the stick to make the ball go a long distance. (a) Push pass (b) drive pass (c) flick pass (d) scoop pass.
  32. __________ is the act of transferring the ball from one player to another member of the team (a) passing (b) dribbling (c) hitting (d) flicking 
  33. All these are common errors in hockey game except _____ (a) hands around wrong way (b) hands too close together (c) eyes down all the time (d) it can be used after a short practice
  34. Disease can enter the body through ______ except (a) skin (b) intestine (c) mouth or nose (d) eyes
  35. ________ is the illness or disorder of the body or mind (a) disease (b) pathogens (c) measles (d) infection
  36. The full meaning of S. C. D. (a) School Center Development (b) Sport Community Development (c) Sickle Cell Disease (d) Security Crime Department
  37. All these are types of STD except. (a) HIV AIDS (b) gonorrhea (c) syphilis (d) all of the above
  38. These are the problems caused by STI except _________(a) death (b) chronic pain (c) anemia (d) infertility
  39. The primary objectives of first aid is ________ (a) make players strong (b) safe life (c) make game competitive (d) make opponent weak
  40. As a first aider which of the following injuries would you attend to first? (a) bleeding (b) sprain (c) bruises (d)strain
  41. Prolonged standing in hot weather and stuffy environment could result into _________ (a) bleeding (b) sprain (c) fainting (d) arterial bleeding.

                     THEORY:                                ATTEMPT THREE QUESTION 

  1. Define Physical fitness                b. State four benefits that can be derived from Physical fitness.
  2. List four Physical fitness activities.
  3. Explain pole vault  events                    b. List 3 phase in pole vault.
  4. Mention 3 fault in pole vault event.
  5. Explain javelin             b. List  3 basic skills and techniques in javelin.
  6. Mention 3 rules and regulations in javelin.
  7. Explain the nature of hockey game in detail. 
  8. List 10 communicable diseases.

5a. Explain folk dance and example

  1. Explain social dance and example
  2. Explain modern dance and example








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