Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.



Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions in that follow.


The two chief families in Ife were the rich Abiolas and the Diyas. An old quarrel between these families had grown to a great height and they were such enemies that even their followers and servants could not meet without exchanging fierce words which sometimes caused blood flow. 

Old Lord Abiola gave a great supper, to which many fair ladies and noble lords were invited. All the beautiful women of Ife were present and all comers were made welcome if they were not of the house of Diyas. 

At the feast of the Abiolas, Jumai, a lady loved by Rotimi, son of Lord Diya, was present. Although it was dangerous for a Diya to be seen in this company, Bello a friend of Rotimi, persuaded the young Lord to go in a mask, so that he might see Jumai and compare her with some of the other lovely women of Ife who (said he) would make her a seem less beautiful. 

Rotimi did not much believe in Bello’s words, yet because of his love for Jumai, he was persuaded to go. Rotimi was a faithful lover who often could not sleep for thinking of Jumai. But she showed little respect for him and never returned his love. Bello wished to cure his friend of his love by showing him a variety of other ladies. 

To this feast of the Abiolas, therefore, young Rotimi with Bello and their friend Kuti went masked. They were welcomed by old Abiola himself  who told them there were plenty of ladies for them to dance with. They began dancing and Rotimi was suddenly struck by great beauty of a lady who danced there. Her beauty shone by night like a rich jewel. She was like a white bird among black stones (he said). 

While he was speaking these words of praise, Adele, a nephew of Lord Abiola, heard him by chance and knew him by his voice to be Rotimi. Adele stormed in anger and wanted to strike young Rotimi dead. But his uncle would not let him do any harm because of respect for his guests. 

When the dancing was finished, Rotimi went to the lady he has spotted, took her hand gently and called it a holy place. He told her he was a humble pilgrim and would kiss it. 

‘Good pilgrim’, answered the lady, ‘saints have hands, which pilgrims may touch, but not kiss.’ 

‘yes’, said the lady, ‘lips which they must use in prayers’. 

‘O then, my dear saint’ said Rotimi, ‘hear my prayer; grant it lest I should despair’. 

When Rotimi asked her mother was, he discovered that the lady the lady whose perfect beauty had so greatly struck him was young Juli, daughter and heir of the Lord Abiola, the great enemy of Diyas, and to her unknowingly, he had given his heart. (Adapted from more tales from shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb)


  1. Why were the Diyas not welcome at the feast hosted by the Abiolas? 
  2. What did they wear to the Abiolas’ feast as a disguise? 
  3. Mention three people who disguised to the feast hosted by the Abiolas. 
  4. To what did Rotimi compare Juli’s beauty?
  5. According to the passage, did Rotimi know Juli’s family before talking to her. 


Choose the correction to complete each of the following: 

  1. He doesn’t play the guitar, ________? (a) doesn’t he  (b) does it   (c) does he

(d) he does         (e) is he 

  1. You haven’t seen him, ________? (a) have you         (b) haven’t you     (c) has he  

(d) you have         (e) are you 

  1. The boy laughed, ________? (a) it did         (b) didn’t he         (c) doesn’t he     (d) he did             (e) did he 
  2. The man was attacked by a ________ of bees. (a) pack  (b) group       (c) swarm    

(d) gang             (e) school 

  1. The teacher has given us ________ to do at home.  (a) a work    (b) some work (c) work (d) many work         (e) some works 
  2. Do you  still think that you can enjoy ________ without smoking? 

        (a) yourself         (b) yourselves         (c) yourselfs    

(d) ourself             (e) themselves 

  1. By the time we ______________ again tomorrow, we will have finished the assignment 

        (a) meet         (b) meeting     (c) met     (d) will met 

  1. She could dance well ________ she could not sing at all.

        (a) and     (b) but     (c) for     (d) or     (e) nor 

  1. The woman is an authority ________ powers (a) at     (b) with (c) by     (d) on (e) over 
  2. She was shocked ________ the extent of the devastation. (a) for (b) at (c) on     (d) with     (e) about 
  3. The man smiled ________(a) heavily (b) soundly (c) sparingly  (d) broadly (e) furiously 
  4. David was the ________ of the twins  (a) smart     (b) smartest         (c) smarter    

(d) more smart         (e) most smartest    

  1. The prodigal son spent his money ________ 

        (a) patiently         (b) sparingly         (c) thoroughly   

(d) lavishly         (e) wisely 

  1. The weather was wet and ________

        (a) nasty         (b) hot     (c) foggy      (d) mysterious       (e) rowdy 

  1. Mrs. Olisa is not a good wife. She ________ on her husband 

        (a) treats         (b) watches     (c) cheats         (d) slaps 

  1. When they got engaged, Adam gave Maryam a beautiful ________ ring.

        (a) entertainment         (b) engagement     (c) endowment     (d) magic 

  1. A woman who doesn’t want to get pregnant should use a ________ 

        (a) contraception         (b) contraband        

(c) contraceptive         (d) pregnancy belt 

  1. If John is engaged to Rihana, then Rihana is John’s ________ 

        (a) financee      (b) fiancé         (c) fan     (d) best woman 

Choose the phrase that completes the following sentences

  1. James left 

        (a) If he is angry             (b) because he was angry 

        (c) so as he was angry        (d) unless he is angry 

        (e) until he is angry 

  1. You should leave 

        (a) so it gets dark         (b) when it got dark 

        (c) before it gets dark         (d) where it gets dark 

        (e) towards the dark 

From the list of words lettered A –E, choose the Word or group of words that is nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word.

  1. Please ________ in one religion may be considered profane in another 

        (a) precious         (b) sacred         (c) dangerous    

(d) special             (e) important 

  1. A notice that a ________ person can read may mean nothing to an illiterate person

        (a) literate             (b) scholar     (c) student    

(d) teacher         (e) professor 

  1. Something that costs very little in foreign money may be expensive in________ currency

        (a) home     (b) our     (c) national     (d) federal         (e) local 

  1. The soldiers almost starved the prisoners because they ________ then only once every two days. 

        (a) fed        (b) served     (c) cooked       (d) supplied     (e) helped 

  1. The ________ water inside the habour contrasted with the rough waves outside.

        (a) gentle    (b) smooth     (c) polite     (d) level     (e) steady 

From the answers lettered A to E, choose the one that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word.

  1. Ayobami and his brother are engaged in very lucrative business. 

        (a) easy     (b) risky     (c) profitable     (d) difficult     (e) nice 

  1. Well diggers sometimes risk their lives 

        (a) endanger     (b) care for   (c) prolong     (d) lose     (e) save 

  1. The dress she is wearing today is quite expensive

        (a) costly         (b) cheap         (c) fine     (d) exorbitant    

        (e) flamboyant 

  1. Zuma walked warily across the narrow bridge 

        (a) cautiously             (b) cheaply             (c) fine    

(d) unwary                        (e) specialy

  1. No matter how long you conceal the truth, it will be revealed one day. 

        (a) deny     (b) reaffirm     (c) uphold         (d) realise           (e) hide 

  1. He wasfired by his employers 

        (a) sacked             (b) shot         (c) condemned        

(d) questioned         (e) provided with fire 

  1. Our school was founded many years ago. 

        (a) discovered         (b) known         (c) established        

(d) expanded         (e) seen 

  1. His relentless efforts are highly commendable

        (a) determined         (b) writing     (c) praise

(d) slowly             (e) good 

  1. Aisha was commended for her diligence

        (a) behaviour         (b)hardwork     (c) seriousness 

        (d) success         (e) effort 

  1. I cannot just tell if this is fish or meat we are eating. 

        (a) distinguished     (b) understand         (c) know    

(d) narrate         (e) discover

Complete each of the following sections with the most appropriate of option lettered A-E

  1. Despite all the ________ that I did, the floor still remained dirty. 

        (a) dusting         (b) packing         (c) polishing     

(d) scrubbing         (e) washing 

  1. At the wedding ceremony the bridegroom watched the _________ dancing away with excitement (a) bride     (b) fiancé       (c) partner     (d) spouse         (e) wife 
  2. My friends are ________.They buy from wholesalers and sell to individual buyers

    (a) hawkers     (b) petty traders    (c) retail traders  (d) sales-girl     (e) sales managers

  1. My father brother is my __________ 

        (a) elder brother     (b) nephew         (c) neice    

(d) uncle             (e) young father 


  1. A person who hails prospective passengers into a vehicle is called a _____

        (a) conductor     (b) driver     (c) help     (d) tout     (e) unionist 

  1. My mother took ill last year but she is ________ now 

        (a) convulsing     (b) convalescing      (c) rehabilitating     (d) reviving 

  1. A writer has to be _______ to vividly describe scenes that he has never seen before 

        (a) artistic             (b) clever         (c) intelligent    

(d) imaginative         (e) thoughtful 

  1. The doctor said I was running a temperature, so he has to measure my ________

        (a) blood  pressure     (b) body heat     (c) heart beat    

(d) pulse             (e) urine 

  1. Ada developed a strange mental disorder and has since been taken to a ________ hospital. 

        (a) maternity         (b) paediatric     (c) psychiatric        

(d) optical             (e) thopaedic

  1. someone who pay or receives money in an office is called a/an 

        (a) cashier             (b) finance officer    (c) payee    

(d) payer             (e) accountant 

  1. The ________ of the two parties show that they have little to offer

        (a) campaign strategies         (b) constitutions         (c) manifestation             (d) promotion techniques     (e) propaganda

  1. What enables a country to know its population? 

        (a) census         (b) concensus         (c) election                     (d) referendum     (e) survey 

  1. The people who build with stones are called ________

        (a) architects         (b) glaziers     (c) labourers    

(d) masons         (e) surveyors 

  1. The meat is not fit for consumption. It is ________

        (a) contaminated     (b) exposed     (c) sour   

(d) stinking         (e) tough

  1. Being the secretary, Olu was asked to prepare the ________for the meeting

        (a) addendum             (b) agenda         (c) manifesto   

(d) memorandum        (e)propaganda


  1. /i/     (a) breadth         (b) bag    (c) heart     (d) reach         (e) rich 
  2. /æ/     (a) bath         (b) father    (c) laugh     (d) marry         (e) serve 
  3. /ɔ:/     (a) tough         (b) sauce     (c) sorry     (d) sword         (e) watch 
  4. /ʌ/     (a) came         (b) dog     (c) gone     (d) horse         (e) lawn 
  5. /e/     (a) come         (b) ate     (c) girl           (d) vile        (e) word 



  1. Which of the following literary work use a dialogue a lot? 

        (a) poetry         (b) prose         (c) fiction         (d) drama 

  1. A play upon word is called _________ 

        (a) pun         (b) simile         (c) metaphor     (d) paradox 

  1. Which of this is common to poem? 

        (a) rhyme         (b) dialogue     (c) action         (d) diction 

  1. Unreal stories are _________stories

        (a) fictional    (b) non-fictional    (c) didactic        (d) false

  1. A poem of two lines is called _________ 

        (a) couplet     (b) octave         (c) sonnet         (d) quatrain


                                                     PART B

                                             SESSION ONE.

          ESSAY WRITING : Answer only one question from this session.

     Your essay should not be less than 250 words.


  1. Write a composition on the preparation of your favourite food
  2. Write a letter to the principal of your school complaining about the maltreatment of junior students by senior students.

                 SESSION TWO : GRAMMAR

Answer all questions in this session.

State  whether the underlined word in each of the sentences below is a noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction or preposition.

Example : David is a neat boy.(Noun)

  1. I sleep early.
  2. She wore a beautiful dress.
  3. He ran faster than everyone else.
  4. She put the food on the table.
  5.  He passed the ball to him.

Underline the correct verb. Choose from those in brackets.

  1. She (eat/eats) too quickly.
  2. These cars (need/needs) new tyres.
  3. Her parents (want/wants) to buy a new car for her.
  4. The shoes (is/are) under the bed.
  5. River Niger (flow/flows) from North to South.


Answer all  question from this  section

Drama : Okedokun  Ayoade : Mopelola

  1. ‘As to the  commitment , they  would  do their  best knowing  fully  well  that  my husband will pay them well’.
  2. who made the statement ?
  3. who was the speaker talking to ?

iii. what commitment is the speaker talking about ?

  1. where is the speaker ?

v.who is the speaker calling « My husband » ?


the visitor

  1. write  out the  five  ways  a student  can  improve  his/her english



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