Adjectives of Colour and Sound


Speech Work–Long and Short vowel contrasts /I:/and /i/; /a:/ / and Comprehension/Vocabulary

Vocabulary Development: Adjectives of Colour and Sound NOSEC Book 3 Page 4.

Structure: conjunction and preposition

;ReadingComprehension:‘The More You Look’ (NOSEC Book 3, pages 8 – 10);

Structure: Prepositions (NOSEC, page 104);

Composition: Narrative Essay (Writing an outline of an Essay) ‘The Happiest Day of My Life’;

Literature: Elements of Fiction and Non-fiction (Character, mood, style, plot, etc).


  1. /i: / /i/  /a: /   /æ/,/ᴐ:/            / ɒ /

seat            sitcard            catwar                pot,

neat           knit   dart            lackporkwhat

leave        livecalm           packsaw         gone

meat          midheart            hatlord                 nod

bees           bidcart              cat                   law                  loss

deed          did bar              badcord               cod

beat         bit             mark          maphorse                ox

zeal           lip           psalm          Sambroad              pop

EVALUATION: Give five additional five words with each sound above

Assignment’s Workbook 3 page 1

Vocabulary Development: Adjectives of Colour and Sound.


An Adjective is a word that tells us more about a noun or another adjective. It modifies or qualifies a noun.It is also used to express the quality, quantity and to point out the person or things.

Basic adjective of colour include: black,(sable) blue,(azure, indigo) brown, gold (golden) green, grey, mauve, pink, red (crimson) silver, silvery, violet, white and yellow, light blue, dark green, etc..

Adjective of Sound: Many adjectives of sounds are formed from creaking, croaking, explosive, grinding, groaning, moaning, rattling, rumbling, thunderous, However, some are not eg. High, hoarse, loud, low, melodious, shrill and soft.





Topic: Adjectives of Colour and Sound

1. Adjectives Definition:
– Adjectives are words used to describe or modify nouns, giving more information about their characteristics or qualities.
– Adjectives add detail and vividness to our language, making our writing and speech more descriptive.

2. Adjectives of Colour:
– Adjectives of colour describe the color of the noun they modify.
– Examples of adjectives of colour: red, blue, green, yellow, black, white, etc.
– For instance, in the phrase “a blue sky,” “blue” is the adjective of colour, describing the color of the sky.

3. Adjectives of Sound:
– Adjectives of sound describe the sounds associated with the noun they modify.
– Examples of adjectives of sound: loud, soft, noisy, quiet, shrill, melodious, etc.
– For example, in the phrase “a loud thunder,” “loud” is the adjective of sound, describing the sound of the thunder.

4. Placement of Adjectives:
– Adjectives of colour and sound usually come before the noun they describe.
– Example: “The green grass” or “The soft music.”

5. Combinations:
– Sometimes, adjectives of colour and sound can be used together to create more vivid descriptions.
– Example: “The bright red flower” or “The soothing melodious tune.”

6. Exercise:
– Practice using adjectives of colour and sound in sentences of your own.
– Describe objects, nature, or scenes using appropriate adjectives to enhance your writing.

Remember, using adjectives of colour and sound will make your language more expressive and captivating. So, try incorporating them into your writing and conversations to make your expressions more engaging and interesting!

Adjectives of Colour and Sound.

Some colours are very easy to describe, like “red” or “green”, but others are more difficult. Here are some adjectives that can be used to describe different colours:

-Bright: A bright colour is one that is very noticeable and easy to see. Examples of bright colours include yellow, orange, and pink.

-Dark: A dark colour is one that is not very light. It is usually a deep, rich colour. Examples of dark colours include black, blue, and purple.

-Light: A light colour is one that is not very dark. It is usually a pale or pastel colour. Examples of light colours include white, cream, and light blue.

-Muted: A muted colour is one that is not very bright or intense. It is usually a soft or subdued colour. Examples of muted colours include gray, brown, and beige.

Some sounds are very easy to describe, like “loud” or “quiet”, but others are more difficult. Here are some adjectives that can be used to describe different sounds:

-Loud: A loud sound is one that is very noticeable and easy to hear. Examples of loud sounds include shouting, screaming, and laughing.

-Soft: A soft sound is one that is not very loud. It is usually a gentle or subtle sound. Examples of soft sounds include whispering, humming, and raindrops.

-High-pitched: A high-pitched sound is one that has a lot of high frequency components. It usually sounds shrill or piercing. Examples of high-pitched sounds include alarms, sirens, and screams.

-Low-pitched: A low-pitched sound is one that has a lot of low frequency components. It usually sounds deep or rumbling. Examples of low-pitched sounds include thunder, drums, and explosions.




1. The _______ flowers bloomed beautifully in the garden.
a) red
b) happily
c) quick

2. The baby’s _______ laughter filled the room with joy.
a) yellow
b) loud
c) gentle

3. The _______ sky at sunset was breathtaking.
a) quiet
b) blue
c) tall

4. She sang a _______ song that brought tears to everyone’s eyes.
a) soft
b) orange
c) slow

5. The _______ parrot flew gracefully through the trees.
a) noisy
b) green
c) fast

6. The _______ wind blew leaves off the trees.
a) cold
b) happy
c) loud

7. We could hear the _______ music playing from the neighbor’s house.
a) blue
b) quiet
c) melodious

8. The _______ cat sat lazily in the sunshine.
a) red
b) soft
c) quick

9. The _______ ocean waves crashed against the shore.
a) yellow
b) loud
c) slow

10. The _______ bird sang a beautiful song in the morning.
a) noisy
b) blue
c) sweet

11. The _______ car sped down the highway.
a) quiet
b) green
c) fast

12. The _______ baby giggled as her mother played with her.
a) loud
b) orange
c) happy

13. The _______ horse galloped across the field.
a) soft
b) white
c) quick

14. The _______ violin music brought a sense of calmness to the room.
a) melodious
b) cold
c) tall

15. The _______ butterfly fluttered gently in the breeze.
a) red
b) quiet
c) gentle


Assignment: NOSEC Workbook 3 page 2.

Structure: Preposition;

Reading Comprehension: ‘The More You Look’ (NOSEC, pages 8 – 10)


I remember quite vividly, as if it was yesterday, the time I wronged my father. It was my final year in primary school…the scars of which still remain on my body and which I will show my children.

EVALUATION. NOSEC book 3 page 9-10.

Composition: Narrative Essay (Writing an outline of an Essay) ‘The Happiest Day of My Life’;


Prepositions show the relation of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence. The word preposition comes from a Latin language which means ‘something placed before’ a noun. E.g. on, by, across, in, inside, beneath, against, over, behind down, upon, off, between etc.

  1. The flowers on the sitting room table are very beautiful.
  2. The boys in the class are brilliant.
  3. The seat behind me is vacant.
  4. He has gone to work with his uncle.
  5. They arrived before
  6. Chike stood beside
  7. Chidi behind Olu
  8. The cup is under the table.
  9. The post office is near our house.
  10. The car sped round the corner.

What is the meaning of “preposition”?

A preposition is a word that expresses relationships between other words in a sentence. Common prepositions include: about, above, below, besides, between, during, for, from, in, inside, of, off, on top of, since toward and under.

Prepositions are usually short words and they are not usually the main verb or subject of the sentence. The word or phrase that a preposition introduces is called the prepositional object.

Here are some examples of how prepositions can be used:

The cat slept on top of the roof.

I filled the vase with water.

He’s been living in New York for two years.

They were waiting for the bus.

Do you want to sit beside me?

The meaning of preposition is a word that expresses relationships between other words in a sentence. A preposition typically appears before a noun or pronoun and shows how that noun or pronoun is related to another word in that sentence


NOSEC Book 3 on page 104 Questions 1-10.

Composition: Narrative Essay (Writing an outline of an Essay) ‘The Happiest Day of My Life’

(a)Title: The Happiest Day of My Life’

(b) Introduction

(c) Body of the essay/contents

(i) What day was it?

(ii) Where were you?

(iii) What happened on that day?

(iv) Who were with you?

(v)What made it the happiest day in your life?

(vi) How did you feel at the end of that day?

(d) Conclusion.

Evaluation NOSEC Workbook 3 page 3.  (Continuous Writing)



A novel may be fiction or non-fiction.

FICTION is a story describing imagery event and people. The place and characters in the novel are entirely unreal. Novels such as Sugar Girl, Animal Farm, The Concubine, and The Boy Slave are all fictions.

NON-FICTION is a true story of life. It is categorized into two types: biography and autobiography.

BIOGRAPHY refers to a story written by somebody on the life history of somebody else. E.g. Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist

AUTOBIOGRAPHY refers to a story on the life history of a person written by him or herself E.g.  Camera Laye’s The African Child, Kenneth Kaunda’s Zambia Shall Be Free.



Mood: This is the state of mind of the author. This is revealed in the kind of tension which is conveyed in the work. The mood can be that of sadness, happiness, sorrow, e.t.c.

Plot: This is the organization of the events in a literary work. The organization of events follows the principle of cause and effect. An event takes place because of another effect which had taken place before it.

Style: It is the way a writer writes his work.

Setting: This is  a place and time of action or event.

Characterization: This is the way the author wants to portray the image of the characters in a work of art.

Characters: These are the personalities/people that featured in any literary work.

Diction: This is the choice of language by the author.

Suspense: This is a technique used by author to sustain the interest of the reader from the beginning to the end.

Flashback: This is a literary device when the reader is linked with the previous event.


Fill the gap in each sentence with the correct word chosen from the options given.

  1. She is familiar ——– the topic. (to ,with, on)
  2. Do not interfere—- in my business. (on, in, with)
  3. She complained —– headache. (of, for, from)
  4. The principal was lenient —– the students. (with, on, towards)
  5. Let us complain ——– the new teacher. (with, to, for)
  6. Do you have any complaints ——– the new teacher? (with, to, for)
  7. I’d like to make a complaint ——– the service in this restaurant. (with, to, for)
  8. We need to lodge a complaint ——– the noise from our neighbours. (with, to, for)
  9. I have a complaint ——— the way you treated me yesterday. (with, to, for)
  10. Is there anyone I can lodge a complaint about ——– this situation? (with, to, for)
  11. I’m making a formal complaint ——– your company’s poor service. (with, to, for)
  12. Can I speak to someone in charge? I have a complaint ——– the way I was treated. (with, to, for)
  13. I want to make a complaint ——– the standard of this product. (with, to, for)
  14. Can I speak to the manager? I have a complaint ——– the service in this store. (with, to, for)
  15. She is familiar ——– the topic. (to ,with, on)
  16. She is familiar with the topic. He ——– English very well. (to speak, speaks, speaking)
  17. He speaks English very well. I’m not used ——— in a group. (to work, working, works)
  18. I’m not used to working in a group. Do you mind ——— my bag for a moment? (to hold, holding, holds)
  19. Do you mind holding my bag for a moment? I’d like ——— some help. (to ask, asking, asks)
  20. I’d like to ask some help. He suggested ——— a walk. (to go , going , goes)


  1. Study the recommended prose and explain various elements of literature used in the work.
  2. NOSEC Workbook 3 page 4-5


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