Subject : 


Term :

First Term


Week 2

Class :



Previous lesson: 




Topic :


Behavioural objectives :

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to

  • Explain a homemaker
  • Explain the characteristics of homemaker
  •  Write out the duties of a homemaker


Instructional Materials:

  • Wall charts
  • Pictures
  • Related Online Video
  • Flash Cards

Methods of Teaching :

  • Class Discussion
  • Group Discussion
  • Asking Questions
  • Explanation
  • Role Modelling
  • Role Delegation


Reference Materials:

  • Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks
  • Workbooks
  • 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
  • Workbooks



Myself as a homemaker


A homemaker is a person who manages the family household. A homemaker does all the housework, cooking and shopping for the family. She or he also arranges various social functions and manages finances. A homemaker may be a professional who hires help. This is different from a housewife who is not paid for her services and sometimes called a stay-at-home wife. He or she may work at home, supervising children in the process of doing chores or homework, preparing meals and snacks, caring for pets and plants, running errands, making appointments

A homemaker is a person who manages the family household.

A homemaker is a person who manages the family household. Homemakers do all of the housework, cooking and shopping for their families. They also arrange various social functions such as weddings or funerals. When you are a homemaker, you need to be organized and efficient so that you can handle everything from your kids’ school activities to grocery shopping on a tight schedule.

A good homemaker should have both practical skills (such as cooking) as well as social awareness (so that they know how other people feel).

A homemaker does all the housework, cooking and shopping for the family.

A homemaker does all the housework, cooking and shopping for the family.

A homemaker doesn’t do all the housework, cooking and shopping for the family.

She or he also arranges various social functions and manages finances.

  • She or he also arranges various social functions and manages finances.
  • This is a very important job for the homemaker because it helps her or him to solve many problems related to daily life, such as finding good quality foods at affordable prices, organizing parties with friends and relatives, preparing meals for guests in your home or even arranging transportation services when necessary!
  • H or she is responsible for taking care of the home, cooking, cleaning the house, cooking and teaching the children good morals

A homemaker may be a professional who hires help.

A homemaker is not a housewife. A homemaker may be a professional who hires help, but it’s important to differentiate between them and the traditional image of “a housewife.” The latter is an outdated term that has been replaced with various other terms like “housewife” (when used interchangeably with homemaker) or “domestic engineer.”

The main difference between those two is that they have different responsibilities: while both must maintain their homes, only the former provides food for herself and her family members; moreover, she does so by herself because she chose not to bring any outside help into her home.

This is different from a housewife who is not paid for her services and sometimes called a stay-at-home wife.

A housewife is a stay-at-home wife, and this is different from a housewife who is not paid for her services and sometimes called a stay-at-home wife.

A homemaker is someone who has been hired by someone else to take care of household chores, such as cooking meals or doing laundry. Homemakers usually live in the same place they work (sometimes referred to as “domestic servitude”). They may also be called domestic workers or domestic service workers; these terms are interchangeable but imply different things about their employment status (e.g., being paid).

He or she may work at home, supervising children in the process of doing chores or homework, preparing meals and snacks, caring for pets and plants, running errands, and making appointments.

You may work at home, supervising children in the process of doing chores or homework, preparing meals and snacks, caring for pets and plants, running errands or making appointments.

If you are considering becoming a homemaker full-time or part-time as an alternative to employment outside the home then there are many things that need to be considered before deciding on this option.

He or she directs household help as needed in cleaning and maintaining the home’s interior and exterior.

You can take on the role of household help if you want. If you’re interested in being a homemaker, this is one way to do it!

Homemaking involves directing household help as needed in cleaning and maintaining the home’s interior and exterior. You may supervise children or other family members during these activities:

  • Supervise the cleaning of your home’s interior (carpets/mats)
  • Supervise the yard work (weeding, mowing)

In addition, a homemaker takes primary responsibility for managing family finances and arranging social functions that are part of his or her relationships with relatives, friends, neighbors, co-workers, volunteers in community organizations, strangers in public places with whom he or she comes into contact on a professional basis.

A homemaker is a person who manages the family household and arranges various social functions. In addition, she or he takes primary responsibility for managing family finances and arranging social functions that are part of his or her relationships with relatives, friends, neighbors, co-workers, volunteers in community organizations, strangers in public places with whom he or she comes into contact on a professional basis.

Professional homemakers do exist regardless of what Merriam-Webster says about it;

You may be surprised to learn that there is a professional homemaker who does not fit the traditional definition of a housewife. These women are not paid for their services, but rather volunteer their time and skills in order to support their loved ones through illness and/or aging.

They could be stay-at-home wives who have chosen to remain at home with young children, or they may have chosen another path like working full-time outside their home environment. Either way, this type of homemaker still deserves respect because she does an important job supporting others in need—even if she doesn’t earn any money for her efforts!









The topic is presented step by step


Step 1:

The class teacher revises the previous topics


Step 2.

He introduces the new topic


Step 3:

The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own examples and he corrects them when the needs arise




The class teacher wraps up or concludes the lesson by giving out a short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she makes the necessary corrections when and where the needs arise.


In conclusion, I would say that the world of homemakers is not dead and can be revived if we focus on its positive values. I hope that my blog post will help you to understand what a real homemaker does and share your own experience as well.





  1. Who is the professional homemaker
  2. Write out three types of homemakers
  3. list four duties of a homemaker
  4. What is family Crises?
  5. List FOUR types of family crises?
  6. All mothers are homemakers. Discuss.
  7. Babysitting is one of the duties of the homemaker. Yes or no. Why?
  8. List FOUR ways of managing family crises?




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