
  1. ________ is a method of cooking with water in the pot (a) frying (b) boiling  (c) roasting 
  2. Mattress should be spread in the sun and shaken to prevent _____ (a) its shape (b) bed bugs  (c) light 
  3. ________ is the room where all cooking activities are done (a) store (b) kitchen (c) parlour 
  4. We can maintain personal cleanliness by _______ twice a day (a) brushing our teeth (b)dancing to music (c) sleeping 
  5. _____ is the money paid to skilled workers at the end of the month (a) wages (b) salary (c) bonus 
  6. Every eligible citizen is expected to pay _____ (a) income (b) wages (c) tax
  7. We can spen our money wisely by buying _______ (a) phones (b) shares (c) recharge cards
  8. An adult with a complete set of teeth will have ______ set of teeth on his upper jaw (a) twelve (b) twenty (c) thirty-two
  9. Which of the following is not a type of floor covering _______ (a) carpet (b) mud (c) tiles
  10. All these are energy-giving food except _____ (a)  yam  (b) cassava  (c)  carrot 
  11. ______ is the organ of sight in the body (a) mouth (b) eyes  (c) skin
  12. Tuwo Shinkafa is a popular delicacy among the ______ (a) Ijebus (b) Hausa (c) Yorubas
  13. Suya is a special delicacy among the ______ (a) Ijebu  (b) Hausa (c) Yoruba 
  14. Ikokore is a special delicacy among the _____ (a) Ijebus  (b) Hausa (c) Yoruba
  15. The Vitamins found in orange is known as vitamin ______ (a) A  (b) B  (c) C
  16. The orange of the body that is responsible for balancing is _______ (a) skin (b) nose (c) leg 
  17. The common parasites that lives on the hair is ____ (a) dandruff (b) ice (c) germs
  18. The first set of teeth which human grow and called _____ teeth (a) wisdom (b) milk (c) child 
  19. The process of caring for hand and finger nails is called ______ (a) pedicure (b) manicure (c) nail care
  20. Your brothers and sisters are your ______ (a) siblings (b) relations (c) nephews 
  21. Sewing machine is the machine used for joining ______ together (a) fabric (b) water (c)  food 
  22. Sewing machine is faster, easier and convenient? (a) true  (b) false 
  23. The sewing machine used nowadays save time and energy? (a) true  (b) false 
  24. We have ______ types of sewing machines (a) 2  (b) 3  (c) 4
  25. ________ refers to the process of a buyer learning about the products and services he or she is considering to attain (a) consumer education (b) consumer learning (c) consumer production 
  26. Various sources of income include the following except _______ (a) salary (b) stealing (c) allowance 
  27. Which of these is not a perishable food? (a) yam (b) fish  (c) tomato 
  28. We can keep the first aid box in ______ (a) our vehicles (b) the school (c) both A and B
  29. A person who is sick _______ (a) will eat well   (b) will be strong (c) will not feel healthy and well
  30. The following are common methods of food preservation except _____ (a)   freezing (b) washing (c) smoking 

Section B:


  1. (a) Mention two types of sewing machine? (i) _________________________
    • (ii) _____________________________
    • (b) Mention four content of a first aid box? (i) _________________________
    • (ii) ________________ (iii) ____________________ (iv) _____________________
  2. (a) What is food preservation? ___________________________________________
    • _____________________________________________________________________
    • (b)State four methods of preserving food? (i) ____________________________
    • (ii) ___________________________ (iii) ________________________________
    • (iv) __________________________ 
  3. (a) Mention two parts of a sewing machine? (i) ______________________________
    • (ii) ____________________________________
    • (b) Mention two ways to maintain sewing machine? (i) ________________________
    • (ii) __________________________________ 
  4. (a) Name five basic stitches? (i) _________________ (ii) ____________________
    • (iii) ___________________ (iv) ___________________ (v) ____________________
    • (b) The basic stitches are used ____________________
  5. (a) Sewing machine make sewing ______________ and _____________ then that of hand.
    • (b) Mention the three major meals of the day? (i) __________________________
    • (ii) _________________________ (iii) ________________________________
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